Tuesday, November 11, 2014

TOURISTS - Coming for a Visit to Costa Rica? What will YOU do to GIVE BACK•DONATE to the People/Land of Costa Rica???

Are you coming for a Visit to Costa Rica? 

You'll be enjoying the sites and scenery of this beautiful country.  MAYBE interacting a tiny bit with the maid at your hotel that's lucky to make $350/month to support her WHOLE family - who won't have extra money for Christmas gifts - heck - who may not even have $$ to make a special Christmas dinner.
Added to right around the corner is the start of their school year - How's she going to come up with a couple hundred $$s for a uniform, backpack, shoes and school supplies - money they do not have

You have "stuff" sitting around not being used - right? 

Why not help gather things to bring with you & SHARE!!!

Shoes you've worn just a few times?  LOTS of Office and School Supplies (DESPERATELY NEEDED as the families have to pay for all that)?  Old Soccer Equipment?  Games?  Little Kids Books?  Baby clothes/things?  Old Clothes (especially beachy clothes)
Heck, even ladies Undergarments (especially bras) and Socks are a luxury for most!

What will YOU do to GIVE BACK to the People/Land of Costa Rica???
The holidays are coming up - as well as "Tico's" "Summer Break" (because when North Americans have their Summer Break from school, it's Costa Rican's Rainy Season - and their driest [hence hottest] time of year is our "Winter" - most kids on the Tico school schedule are off around the middle of December till February-ish) and there are LOTS of people•families•kids that have little or nothing.

If nothing else, why not consider leaving behind things you know you're not going to use for awhile - if at all.  Things that weigh your suitcase down. 
Leave behind your toiletries like
Shampoo • Conditioner • Soap • Hair Gel
Sunscreen • Bug Spray • Sandals • Bathing Suits • Summer Clothes you KNOW you're not going to use for months!!  How about that 1/2 full bottle of ketchup, rum, bread.
(NOTE:  If you're doing this, please write a note to their boss saying that you have gifted this to them - or they may get in trouble for stealing.  Also, please do NOT necessarily NOT leave them a tip they have coming towards them as $$$ is the MOST IMPORTANT thing many can use!!).


I think it would be a GREAT idea for business owners dealing with tourists - be you a hotel, restaurant, tour operator, driver, car rental agency - to post on their websites and Facebook pages and correspondences to clients - to encourage tourists to bring things to GIFT BACK to the people of Costa Rica - ESPECIALLY for the holidays (and provide a list or a link to a site to get more info).

I did that with my former guesthouse which became a Donation Drop-Off Point for charities.   It was AWESOME what many guests and other tourists brought - because we asked!!  They ESPECIALLY brought school equipment, sports equipment and shoes!!

Gail Nystrom  
with the 
Costa Rica Humanitarian Foundation
(read about old posts at - facebook.com/groups/156808054815 )  
(8-390-4192 •  GNystrom@racsa.co.cr
I consider this woman Ms Volunteer Costa Rica!! 
Gail's been living in Costa Rica for over 30 years - having come initially with the PEACE CORP.
She works SOOOO HARD to help some of the poorest of the poor in Costa Rica - in areas all over - though especially in La Carpio

So what will YOU BRING to Share•GIFT to local less fortunate you encounter in Costa Rica??

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