Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Bird Feeders, BoBo's and Squirrels in Escazu, Costa Rica

Of Bird Feeders, BoBo's/MotMot's and Squirrels 
at the
House of Connections in Escazu, Costa Rica!

I have my own issues with feeling "confined" so I don't see myself as one to possess animals, as karmically, I don't want someone to "confine" me!!  I remember living in San Francisco and watching the animals from windows - staring out at the world below.  I could feel their longing! (ok - so maybe it's MY OWN issue around being "confined"!!).  Yet I seem to have this "Saint Francis" connection with all sorts of animals!  Even the meanest dog around will come up and lick me.  

So I moved to Escazu - where my office opens onto this patio that is surrounded by a little creek and a bunch of trees which of course brings in all sorts of birds, butterflies, squirrels and more.

The first animal to TRULY move me was this BRILLIANT 
(Momotus Momota) bird - 
with his turquoise crown, big yellow belly with black dot in the middle and irredescenty back with a funky tail!!!!  He came around and I started giving him bread (hey - I'm a City Girl - I didn't know what birds eat other than feeding them bread crumbs in Piazza San Marco in Venezia, Italia!!). 


So I post on http://groups.yahoo.com/group/CostaRicaLiving Message Board (the largest Costa Rican Message Board) asking what to feed them as I wanted to see more of this brilliant bird!  Henry Kantrowitz (aka CRBirdMan) shared that Plantains are more digestible for them.  Bananas are good but Henry said surprisingly bananas are actually hard on the digestive tracts of most fruit eating birds.  He also said they also like to eat large spiders, earthworms, insects, small lizards and snakes as well as fruits as well as bread from feeders.  (ok, so I own that when I don't have the healthy stuff, mine get crackers, bread and whatEVER leftover food that my guests bring back [and what they don't eat, whatever it is that comes out in the middle of the night will eat it].  I've gotten reamed by some people for feeding them the processed "stuff" because that's not their natural habitat but, trust me, these animals are NOT lacking for eating off the land!!!  They're just EXTRA SPOILED at my place!!)

Mine LOVE Papayas the most (which Henry said attracts less insects than bananas) AND MY squirrels do NOT seem to like that so out of all the fruit - to give the birds a chance to eat and keep the squirrels away - MY preference is Papaya!!



I figured I needed some sort of FEEDER so I asked one of the workers 
("BB" [short for "Buff Boy" - you can see why below on the right - but his real name is Daniel]) 

to create something which was WAY COOLER than I'd ever dreamed.  He did it simply out of bamboo and some rope:

(photo by Dayna Love - Arizona)

(photo by Dayna Love - Arizona)

Now, each morning and afternoon around 3pm, 20++ birds (at least 10 different species) and 6 squirrels come to feed on this Feeder.

If they're not already waiting for me when I get up (which varies SOOOO MUCH), all I do is go out and call "Mr. BoBo, pajaros, benga comida" (ok, so I'll never win American Idol) and I swear to you, within 2-5 minutes - they ALL come flying in/ swinging/jumping from tree to tree!!  

It's the COOLEST thing!!!

And if I'm not out there - right around 3pm - trust me, they're out there reminding me!!


(photo by Jerry Koenke - Sarasota, Florida)

My "BoBo Buddy" will TALK TO ME if I'm ignoring his food needs!!  He's got this DEEP sexy sound!!  And I sit there and tell him how beautiful he is (in English AND Spanish - I guess the tone is international!!!) and he "gives me tail!!" - he literally makes his tail go around in a circle (see video).


I've named one of my squirrels "Spaz" because she's fricken SPASTIC if she doesn't get her food NOW!!  But she's the FUNNIEST/CUTEST thing around!!!

If the doors from my office onto the patio are not open, she (and all her buddies) climb up the grates on the windows and Spaz LITERALLY "knocks" on the window or throws her body against it!  

Once I open the door, she literally comes to the door and I swear - stands on her hind legs and goes into a praying position looking right at me!!  Then she proceeds up to the bookshelves where I USED to keep her food (now I hide it more since she was leaving such a mess with the shells).

IF I ignore her are am not in my office, first she knows to go around the front to see if anyone has left the front gate open and she just walks on in and helps herself to the bag of girasol/sunflower seeds!!   OR - recently, she's gnawed through the screen in the windows in my "Well-Being Sanctuary" to get in. Like I said - SPAZ!!!

So recently I put a trail of seeds leading a trail from the office/patio door to my desk and put some on my desk!!  She GOT IT!!  

RECENTLY I got her EATING OUT OF MY HAND by feeding her a Banana!!!  It's SOOOOO COOL!!!


So the lesson here possibly?  Do you ever feel CONFINED, not able to be free to roam/do as YOU desire??  Might there be some area YOU are Confining someone??  If you would like more freedom, then can you truly take away the freedom from anyone/anything else? KARMA!!  I welcome you to consider it.  Perhaps this is why YOU are not feeling free????

Thursday, December 16, 2010

WATER AEROBICS • Ejercicios en el Agua at RelajAguas in Escazu, Costa Rica


RelajAguas es un muy buen 20 meters/65 Clases 'de largo por 8 mts/26' de ancho x 1,40 mts/4.60 "profundo y cálido (temperatura promedio de 28 ª -C/82 ª-F), que ofrece cubierta Piscina de agua aeróbic, natación libre y natación (para niños y adultos). También tienen una piscina de terapia!

No encontré el cloro demasiado fuerte como muchas piscinas son.

El Ministerio de Salud / Departamento de Salud exige que cada uno debe llevar un gorro de baño (tienen las prendas para vender por 2.000-c).

Gimnasia acuática
(45 minutos Día del Maestro Katia.):

Lun, mié, vie. - 7, 8, 9, 10 a.m.
Mar y jue. - 6, 10h, 18:00

Me voy a las clases de las 10am con Katia y ella le da un entrenamiento realmente bueno / TOUCH (por supuesto no he recibido de mi tush hacer ejercicio durante EDADES!). ¿Quieres venir conmigo?!?!?!

(el momento más fácil para entrar en una clase si eres nuevo que oigo es lun 9am, jue 10am, mié 9am).

Nado libre
(con instructor de 45 minutos. Sin instructor 55 minutos)

Niños • Niños
(3-4pm y 5pm-4)

Manuela  (Por favor, dígale que lo refirió Vicki!)

Lunes a viernes. 06 a.m.-8 p.m.. Sábado 9 am a mediodía.

1 vez a la semana - 16 000-c. 2x/wk-19,000-c. 3x/wk-22,000-c, 4x/wk-27, 500. (más barato para los niños) + Cuota Anual / Matricula: 6000-c.

UBICACIÓN: Escazú (San Rafael) - En la Calle Vieja (la vieja ruta que va hacia Santa Ana) - 500 metros al oeste de Paco Plaza - 1 cuadra al oeste de World Gym - en el lado sur de la calle.

RelajAguas is a REALLY NICE 20 meters/65’ long by 8 mts/26’ wide x 1.40 mts/4.60’ deep, warm (temp averages 28ª-C/82ª-F), INDOOR pool offering WATER AEROBICS, Free Swimming and Swimming Classes (for kids and adults).  They also have a THERAPY POOL

I did not find the chlorine too strong like MANY pools are. 

The Ministerio de Salud/Health Department demands that EVERYONE MUST wear a bathing cap (they have the clothes ones to sell for 2,000-c).  

Water Aerobics 
(45 minutes.  Day Teacher Katia):  
Mon., Wed., Fri.  -  7, 8, 9, 10am  
Tues. and Thurs.  - 6, 10am, 6pm 
When I went before, I went to the 10am classes with Katia and she gave a REALLY GOOD/TOUCH workout (of course I haven’t gotten off my tush to exercise for AGES!!). 
(the easiest time to get into a class if you're new I hear is Mon. 9am, Thurs. 10am, Wed. 9am).  

Free Swim 
(with instructor 45 minutes. Without instructor 55 minutes)

Kids  • Niños
(3-4pm and 4-5pm)

Manuela speaks REALLY GOOD English (PLEASE TELL HER that Vicki Referred you!)

Mon.-Fri. 6am-8pm.  Sat. 9am-noon. 

1 time a week - 16,000-c. 2x/wk-19,000-c. 3x/wk-22,000-c, 4x/wk-27,500. (cheaper for kids) + Annual Fee/Matricula:  6,000-c.  

LOCATION:  Escazu (San Rafael) - ON Calle Vieja (the Old Road going towards Santa Ana) - 500 meters West of Paco Plaza - 1 block West of World Gym - on the South side of the street.


PLEASE "SHARE" this link with EVERYONE you know that would like this!

Friday, December 10, 2010

VOLUNTEER HELP NEEDED - Santa on the Street/Santa en las Calles - San Jose, Costa Rica

SANTA ON THE STREETS/SANTA EN LAS CALLES Is a program that takes to the streets on SUNDAY - DECEMBER 12 - delivering blankets, a wrapped outfit & a warm meal to many less fortunate/people, most with NO FAMILY and no where to go - living on the streets in Costa Rica.  Santa won’t be knocking on their door without YOUR HELP!!

SANTA ON THE STREETS/SANTA EN LAS CALLES is a movement that began in December 2006 in Caracas, Venezuela when a group of people decided to bring Christmas to those who roam the streets. In 2008 the movement spread to other cities within and outside of Venezuela, including San Jose de Costa Rica.



SATURDAY - Dec. 11:  
Volunteers are needed Saturday in MORAVIA to help sort & wrap clothes, blankets and other goodies to gift to those less fortunate!  ANY time you have would be GREATLY appreciated as they will be going throughout much of the day & night!! 

SUNDAY - Dec. 12:  
Volunteers will take to the streets in a caravan around San Jose, Heredia & Alajuela, plus 3 shelters & 2 Group Homes and 2 Orphanages, delivering these GIFTS!  


Blankets, people with Trucks, Juice boxes (the individual ones), people with Video Cameras to follow along filming.
You can drop things off still at my place - ON Calle Vieja just EAST of Calle Country Club
in San Rafael de ESCAZU.  Call me for directions - 8-378-6679 (Vicki)


With YOUR help, this year they hope to share with about 1,000 less fortunate people in the Central Valley that otherwise WOULD be forgotten!!
Times are challenging for many of us - but at least we have a roof over our head & a hot meal.  
Help remind someone going through even bigger challenges than us that in the midst of feeling helpless/hopeless, 
there IS STILL some GOOD in the world!!   
Be the Hope!  
(trust me - YOU'LL FEEL GOOD also!!!!)


Ignacio - 8-335-8161 
(he speaks GOOD English - tell him Vicki shared the info with you)


(they will still accept donations afterwards that they'll get to various shelters)



Friday, December 3, 2010

Where to find CHRISTMAS GOODIES in Costa Rica

(2-288-4476 / 2-288-4473 / Torino@racsa.co.cr
During the Holidays - this tasty restaurant has HUGE selection of HOLIDAY TREATS!
Their restaurant (with dining upstairs, in the back or out front ALFRESCO) features REALLY GOOD  ITALIAN pastas, Soups, Salads & SANDWICHES.  They have a GOOD DELI right there which even has homemade pastas to go & LOTS MORE including tasty BREADS  (make sure to have Richard take care of you! He's the tall cutie/sweetie that speaks Good English)!!   Downstairs & in the back (to your Left) they have tasty Italian Gellato/ ICE CREAM - especially their MINT CHIP & the Berry one (no dairy in the berry!) plus some other the other tasty/gourmet flavors along with tasty PASTRIES (including CARROT CAKE, a more real tasting KEY LIME PIE, GERMAN CHOCOLATE CAKE, BOSTON CREAM PIE, CHOCOLATE CROISSANTS & now DONUTS (Christian speaks good English)!!  Here they even have a FULL BAR (they also have alcohol for sale).  They have a WONDERFUL BIG GOURMET MARKET/selection of imported goodies like REAL Maple Syrup, mustards, candies, things like pesto or sun-dried tomatoe paste in a tube, pastas, jams, crackers & cookies, wines & LOTS MORE!!  Things I've not found elsewhere in CR!  They're THE PLACE for old style foreign/imported CHRISTMAS favorites.  Richard(who also speaks good English) is there to help you in this area!  They have FREE WiFi. HOLIDAYS:  Closed from 2pm Dec. 24 to Jan. 8, '10.  HOURS:   Mon.-Fri. 8am-7pm (lunch noon-3pm).  Sat. 8:30am-6pm.  (they're across the street from my place so if you're in the area - stop by & say “Hola!” to Vicki  8-378-6679
LOCATION:  Escazu (San Rafael)  -  Calle Vieja - in Plaza del Rio - 700 mtrs oeste/west of Mas x Menos  OR  100 meters East of Calle Country Club  


CHRISTSTOLLEN / STOLLEN (German Christmas bread)??

THIS Saturday - December 4 from 8am-2pm, you get get FRESH Stollen at the *Feria Verde de Aranjuez (organic Farmers Market)  - properly aged and everything!  

Can't make this but still desire some FRESH CHRISTSTOLLEN / STOLLEN?  Contact him directly at:

Martin Acuña Solís (he speaks Spanish, English AND French)
(8-310-6797 / ProsanaFoods@gmail.com)

*FERIA DIRECTIONS:  Polideportivo de Aranjuez, de la Iglesia Santa Teresita 300 Norte y 300 Oeste.
(THANX Julie!!!)


Do you know of other places to find special Holiday Treats???   Please e- me at Holidays@CostaRicaResourceGuide.com


Where to find CHRISTSTOLLEN / STOLLEN in Costa Rica

Where in Costa Rica can you find CHRISTSTOLLEN / STOLLEN (German Christmas bread)??

THIS Saturday - December 4 from 8am-2pm, you get get FRESH Stollen at the Feria Verde de Aranjuez (organic Farmers Market)  - properly aged and everything!  

Can't make this but still desire some FRESH CHRISTSTOLLEN / STOLLEN?  Contact him directly at:

Martin Acuña Solís (he speaks Spanish, English AND French)
(8-310-6797 / ProsanaFoods@gmail.com)

FERIA DIRECTIONS:  Polideportivo de Aranjuez, de la Iglesia Santa Teresita 300 Norte y 300 Oeste.
(THANX Julie!!!)


(2-288-4476 / 2-288-4473 / Torino@racsa.co.cr
During the Holidays - this tasty restaurant has HUGE selection of HOLIDAY TREATS!
Their restaurant (with dining upstairs, in the back or out front ALFRESCO) features REALLY GOOD  ITALIAN pastas, Soups, Salads & SANDWICHES.  They have a GOOD DELI right there which even has homemade pastas to go & LOTS MORE including tasty BREADS  (make sure to have Richard take care of you! He's the tall cutie/sweetie that speaks Good English)!!   Downstairs & in the back (to your Left) they have tasty Italian Gellato/ ICE CREAM - especially their MINT CHIP & the Berry one (no dairy in the berry!) plus some other the other tasty/gourmet flavors along with tasty PASTRIES (including CARROT CAKE, a more real tasting KEY LIME PIE, GERMAN CHOCOLATE CAKE, BOSTON CREAM PIE, CHOCOLATE CROISSANTS & now DONUTS (Christian speaks good English)!!  Here they even have a FULL BAR (they also have alcohol for sale).  They have a WONDERFUL BIG GOURMET MARKET/selection of imported goodies like REAL Maple Syrup, mustards, candies, things like pesto or sun-dried tomatoe paste in a tube, pastas, jams, crackers & cookies, wines & LOTS MORE!!  Things I've not found elsewhere in CR!  They're THE PLACE for old style foreign/imported CHRISTMAS favorites.  Richard(who also speaks good English) is there to help you in this area!  They have FREE WiFi. HOLIDAYS:  Closed from 2pm Dec. 24 to Jan. 8, '10.  HOURS:   Mon.-Fri. 8am-7pm (lunch noon-3pm).  Sat. 8:30am-6pm.  (they're across the street from my place so if you're in the area - stop by & say “Hola!” to Vicki  8-378-6679
LOCATION:  Escazu (San Rafael)  -  Calle Vieja - in Plaza del Rio - 700 mtrs oeste/west of Mas x Menos  OR  100 meters East of Calle Country Club  


Do you know of other places to find special Holiday Treats???   Please e- me at Holidays@CostaRicaResourceGuide.com


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Friday, November 26, 2010

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

THANKSGIVING in Costa Rica - 2010

The 2013 site for listings of LOTS of U.S. Thanksgiving Dinners around Costa Rica:

Sunday, November 21, 2010



Is proud to present:


A matinee concert with 
Pianist - Manuel Matarrita (http://ManuelMatarrita.com), 
MezzoSoprano - Stacy Chamblin  AND  special guests.

Join them afterwards for bocas/hors and a cash bar.

DATE:  Sunday Dec. 5th - 3pm

PRICE:  FREE - BUT donations are being accepted to benefit the Escazu mudslide victims!

LOCATION:  Teatro Laurence Olivier - Avenida 2, Calle 28 (beside the Sala Garbo)

If you’re attending, please contact Paula at rocky1.steve@gmail.com - so they can get a count since seating is limited.

Vicki in Escazu

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010


WHAT:                "Portrait of a Mutt" -  a WINE TASTING FUNDRAISER
BENEFITING:    AHPPA (Asociacion Humanitaria Para la Proteccion Animal de Costa Rica - the Humane Society) 
WHEN:                Sat. Dec. 4th @ 1pm!
WHERE:             Wellington's Pub - Heredia (San Rafael) - 3km north of the church - on the left.
COST:                 $40 pp (20,000 colones) which includes an assortment of 'bocas'/hors and 5 different wine tastings selections. 

All proceeds go to housing and treating the abandoned animals who are waiting for loving homes at the Shelter. 

CONTACT:   Diana Fernandez - taffyjack@gmail.com   OR   Lilian Schnog at 2-267-7158 / 2-267-6374 to make a reservation!  (tell them Vicki shared the info with you!!)

Please help the animals.  All tickets purchased and any donations will help them lots!! 


Venga a AHPPA "Photo de un Zaguate"Fiesta Prueba de vinos en Wellington Pub el Sabado 4 de Diciembre a la 1 pm! Boleto por persona es de $40.00 (¢20,000) y esto incluye variedades de bocas y 5 diferentes clases de vinos. Todo lo recaudado sera para el beneficio de animales abandonados que esperan por adopción. Haga su reservación con Diana Fernandez a taffyjack@gmail.com o llame a Lilian Schnog al 2267-7158 o al 2267-6374. Por favor ayude los animales... Todos los boletos comprados y donaciones seran de gran ayuda!!! Wellington Pub es 3 kilometros al norte de San Rafael de Heredia, a la mano izquierda.

Friday, November 5, 2010

SASY AUCTION, WINE, BOCAS PARTY - Nov. 1, 2010 (Auction List included)



WHEN:   Sunday, November 1, 2010 - 2-6pm

WHERE:  InterContinental Hotel - Escazu (across from MultiPlaza)


15,000-colones/$30 which INCLUDES free-flowing WINE and delish BOCAS (till the crowd devours it!!)

(NOTE:  Some people come to support the GREAT WORK SASY does, some for the auction items and others because it's one of THE PLACES to see and BE seen (get your finest ropas out [they won't even recognize you!!  Or come casual!!]) while others come because where else can you get bocas/hors' and free flowing WINE for just $30/15,000-colones?!?!?!?!?)


SASY's ("Stop Animal Suffering Yes!" / http://SASYCostaRica.com) is an all-VOLUNTEER organization dedicated to the eradication of animal abuse and suffering in Costa Rica.  Your support funds educational programs to promote animal welfare, funds SPAY-NEUTER CLINICS in low-income barrios and areas with overpopulation of strays and sponsors several shelters that house and rehabilitate abused and abandoned animals NATIONWIDE.  At any time you can donate to this wonderful cause on PayPal!

You know times they are a LOT TOUGHER these days, hence they REALLY NEED your help NOW more than EVER if they're going to help Spay and Neuter as many Pets around Costa Rica as they do!!!


Since it's last minute, to be safe, contact Rita DeVore  at Casa Bella Rita B and B - devore.rita@gmail.com / 2-249-3722 / 8-980-1162
(please make sure to tell her Vicki shared it with you [I make NOTHING from this - just passing on info and not able to even go])


Make sure to bring your credit card or cash!!!!  

REALLY interested in some of the items up for bid below but just can't make it?  Do you have someone you can trust with your credit card info/cash and to make the bid for you??  
They must register you with the full name on your credit card, the card # number, expiration date and 3 digit code (OR cash), the Item #, your starting bid and the max you're willing to bid on the item (they'll have to keep watching for you unless you truly feel ok paying a set price).  


(There will most likely be some additional items up for auction but YOU'LL HAVE TO GO to find out about them!!!  
PLEASE PASS THIS ON TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW!!! [if you're on Facebook, please hit "SHARE" so your friends can see it!!].  
Interested in volunteering, getting involved in next years event or donating items?  
It may not be too late to donate something - Please contact Rita!)


Don't want to drive home that night/make a weekend of it?  Stay at one of the nearby properties!!

or one of the prize donors!!



DG01  -  Peruvian delights await you at Inka Grill in Escazu.  Enjoy lunch or dinner with these gift certificates.  To be used for one visit so make it a party!  Valid until April 4, 2011.   Value: $100.

DG02  -  Enjoy some one of the best lunches you will ever have in Los Yoses at Central Cultural Costarricense Norteamericano's restaurant.  Closed the month of December. Valid after Jan 2 2011 1 year til  Nov. 8, 2011.  Valued at $30.

DG03  -  Come and see for yourself why everyone is talking about El Gran Escape in Manuel Antonio, Tropical Sushi and Rumbas. Our friendly staff will make sure your dining experience is most enjoyable. Valid for 1 year. Value at $50.

DG04  -  Grab your friends and head to Tony Roma’s in Escazú.  Order some world-famous Ribs and find out what all the fuss is about.  Lunch for (4) Value at $53. Valid for 1 year.

DG05  -  Grab your friends and head to Tony Roma’s in Escazú.  Order some world-famous Ribs and find out what all the fuss is about.  Lunch for (4) Value at $53. Valid for 1 year.

DG06  -  Grab your friends and head to Tony Roma’s in Escazú.  Order some world-famous Ribs and find out what all the fuss is about.  Lunch for (4) Value at $53. Valid for 1 year.

DG07  -  Casa 76 has pizza, calzones, salads, pasta and so much more.  This is a great little spot that will soon be your favorite. Locate 125 meters est of the church in Ciudad Colon.  The next block over from the post office.   Valid for 1 year. $20 value.

DG08  -  At Cafe de Artistas in Escazu we believe that food has much in common with art. That's why we always use fresh ingredients, and our food is served with artful presentation and savory style!  Valid for 1 year.  Valued at $40.

DG09  -  At Cafe de Artistas in Escazu we believe that food has much in common with art. That's why we always use fresh ingredients, and our food is served with artful presentation and savory style!  Valid for 1 year. Valued at $40.

DG10  -  Saga in Avenida Escazu is a modern, international food restaurant where clients can not only delight themselves with exquisite dishes, but also enjoy the tropical garden like atmosphere combined with its modern architecture.  Valid for 1 year. $50 value.

DG11  -  One yummy Alimentos Gourmet S.A. Gift basket valued at $100 full of sweets and treats.

DG12  -  Time Out Tavern!  One of our favorite Escazu places to go for specials of the day, cold beverages and good friends.  This popular restaurant and pub has something for everyone.  Try the Cobb Salad!  It's the best.  Valid for 1 year.  Value $50

DG13  -  Time Out Tavern!  One of our favorite Escazu places to go for specials of the day, cold beverages and good friends.  This popular restaurant and pub has something for everyone.  Try the Cobb Salad!  It's the best.  Valid for 1 year. Value $50

DG14  -  Fresh thinking, fresh cooking. Food Inc. Cafe delivers a gourmet restaurant experience with the distinctive taste of homemade. Breakfast , pastas, paninis, gourmet coffees and gourmet hot dogs makes food Inc. Cafe a great place to dine.  Located in Pavas acorss from the American Embassy.  Valued at $40

DG15  -  Robin’s Kitchen is the home of the best breakfast in Escazú!  Enjoy her fresh coffee and don't forget to buy some pastries to take home. Thanks Robin! Valid until April 30, 2011.  Value: $25.

DG16  -  The Muse, the Beacon Hotel Escazú’s own fine-dining restaurant. World-renowned French Chef Jean Pierre Peiny’s exquisite taste, creating a fusion of international and local cuisine. Good for food only. Valid for 1 year.  Valued at $200

DG17  -  Ceviche del Rey is one of Santa Ana's most established restaurants with a fresh ceviche, seafood, cocktail area and outdoor dining. 800 mts. East of the Red Cross  Monday thru Friday only – no week-ends.  Expires 12/30/2010. Valued at $50

DG18  -  Hacienda El Estribo is a great place to meet and enjoy one of their wonderful steaks. Cold beverages and friendly staff make this the place to dine. On the old road to Escazu in Santa Ana.  Good til April 15, 2011.  Valued up to $30.

DG19  -  Hacienda El Estribo is a great place to meet and enjoy one of their wonderful steaks. Cold beverages and friendly staff make this the place to dine. On the old road to Escazu in Santa Ana. Good til April 15, 2011.  Valued up to $40

DG20  -  Brad's American Bar and Grille has everything you want or need for a great afternoon of sports, great food and beverages. Located in Lindora.  Valid for 1 year.  $50 Value

DG21  -  Brad's American Bar and Grille has everything you want or need for a great afternoon of sports, great food and beverages. Located in Lindora. Valid for 1 year.  $50 Value

DG22  -  Located in the cultural heart of downtown San José, Costa Rica, Restaurante Tin Jo offers a sampling of Asian cuisines in a setting which reflects the varied cultures of the region.  Valid for 1 year.  Valued at $50.

DG23  -  Located in the cultural heart of downtown San José, Costa Rica, Restaurante Tin Jo offers a sampling of Asian cuisines in a setting which reflects the varied cultures of the region.  Valid for 1 year.  Valued at $50.

DG24  -  Located in the cultural heart of downtown San José, Costa Rica, Restaurante Tin Jo offers a sampling of Asian cuisines in a setting which reflects the varied cultures of the region.  Valid for 1 year.  Valued at $50.

DG25  -  Located in the cultural heart of downtown San José, Costa Rica, Restaurante Tin Jo offers a sampling of Asian cuisines in a setting which reflects the varied cultures of the region. Valid for 1 year.   Valued at $50.

DG26  -  Bistrot de Paris Le Crepe Suzette centrally located in Momentum Plaza in Lindora/Santa Ana.  A great spot to have a dinner for two and walk the plaza. Hurry!  Exp. Jan. 1, 2011.  Value $40.

DG27  -  Gecko Gourmet Deli located in La Fortuna Centro and open (7) days a week 7:00-5:00.  Choose from deli sandwiches, muffins, chocolate chunk cookies, all fresh everyday.  Valid for 1 year.  Value $25

DG28  -  Yum!  For your next party: a home-made, decorated cake that serves 25 people.  White chocolate pound cake with a delicate red raspberry filling and white chocolate frosting.  You specify the occasion - birthday, anniversary, etc.  Thanks Grace!  Valid for 1 year. Value: $70.

DG30  -  Lava Lounge: A great place with great people, this is one of those must do things while your in Costa Rica. An Arenal Volcano view and ambiance to spare. Everything from the fresh fruits and vegetables to the high quality local beef is gotten from local farms right around La Fortuna. Valid for 1 year.  Value $40

DG31  -  Take home a case of delicious Argentinian wine from Sabores Argentinas.   Value: $100

DG32  -  A delicious treat for brunch or afternoon tea:  certificate for a fruit tart for 8 from Pasteleria Chez Christophe in Escazú.  Use by May '11. Value: $25.

DG33  -  Once you try Jaimie's smoked ham from MJ Smoked Meats you will think that you have died and gone to hog heaven. Smokey and tender and a treat in Costa Rica. Certificate.  Call for pick up. Valid for 1 year.  Value $70.

DG34  -  Fine cuisine is like a symphony to the palette are the words that Joanna lives by.  Enjoy a private catered dinner for (6) in your SJO area home from Joanna's Eats.  Get on Joanna's mailing list for the offerings of the day. Valid for 1 year. Not available Nov 9-29 and Dec. 18 to Jan. 3. Value $180.00

DG35  -  An incredible selection of whole bean and fresh ground coffees all from select beans generously donated from our friends at Dota Estates. Valued at $96

DG36  -  A wonderful assortment of six bags of estate grade coffee. (3) bags each of ground and whole bean in full 1# bags. Valued at $96

DG37  -  All organic coffee in whole and ground. (6) full 1# bags of light, medium, dark and espresso coffee. Grown in the Dota Mountains.  Value $96.

DG38  -  2006 Solena Pinot Noir from Willakia Vineyard, 2007 Lemelson Cuvee x Pinot Noir from Willamette Valley and a 2007 Comaine Drouhin Pinot Noir from Willamette Valley.  A great trio of wines that will compliment any wine cellar.  Valued at $135.

DG39  -  Cafe Milagro roasts only small batches of select coffee beans to ensure that your coffee is always fresh. Six bags of fresh roasted coffee. Try their top rated restaurants in two locations.   $50 Value.

DG40  -  It doesn't get any better than this.  Doris Mertropolitan has aged meats, great wines and service that compares to none.  Try the smoked, grilled eggplant – to die for!!!!  Located north of the church in Santa Ana Centro.  This will fast become your favorite restaurant. Valid for 1 year.  Value $150.00

DG41  -  Who can resist the delicious treats from Giacomin?  Perfect for your next get-together .  Five locations to serve you.  Valued at $50


NC02  -  Package #1—A weekend getaway in Granada, Nicaragua, with two hotel certificates, lunch, and snacks. Zoom Bar Sports Pub in Granada has the best burgers in town and a extensive menu of great bar food with daily specials: enjoy lunch for two with cocktails. One night at Bohemian Paradise Hotel. Healthy breakfast included in this great spot that gives back to the community.  Next, stay one night at Casa San Francisco, a blend of Spanish Colonial elegance with modern amenities. Finally enjoy snacks from nearby Euro Cafe.  Choose from refreshing gelatos to homemade hummus.  Valid until Oct 2011. Package Value at $231.

NC03  -  Package #2 Granada Escape: a two-night stay for two with dining certificates.  Relax at Casa Silas B and B with rooms that look out on the courtyard garden and swimming pool.  Includes food and beverage from El Garaje Restaurante featuring international, vegetarian and daily specials.  Enjoy a light lunch of panini and beverage from nearby Euro Cafe.  Valid for 1 year, with some date restrictions. Package valued at $115.

NC12  -  Little Corn Beach Bungalow stay:   No cars, motorcycles, golf carts or airport have kept this little island one of the best kept little island secrets in the world. Three nights in the Crusoe Casita for two.  No meals included. June 2011-Dec. 2011.  $200 value.

NC13  -  Casa del Soul Exclusive Resort Hideaway: Enjoy two nights in the Encore suite overlooking San Juan del Sur. Wake up to the gentle serenade of the waves on the beach just below your private balcony. A short walk thru the jungle canopy puts you right your own secluded beach. Valid for 1 year. $200 Value

NC14  -  Bring Friends!  Your villa at Villas at Norome Resort on Laguna de Apoyo is for up to SIX guests. The Villas, tucked unobtrusively in the hillside overlooking the Laguna, are some of the most unique hotel accommodations in Nicaragua.  Two nights in a three-bedroom villa for up to six guests. Valid for 1 year. $350 value.

LG01  -  Two night stay for two and the glorious Vista del Valle Plantation Inn in El Rosario de Naranjo.  Beautiful bungalows, winding paths, lush gardens, and lots of serenity.  Delicious breakfast included.  Thanks Mike and Johanna!  Valid for 1 year. Value $340.

LG02  -  Enjoy a two night stay for two people at Star Mountain Jungle Lodge,  a 225-acre sanctuary nestled in the hills above Mal Pais.  Value $130.  Valid May 1 – Nov 30, 2011.

LG03  -  Hotel La Fortuna has the best location in town with volcano views and within walking distance of restaurants and shops.  Two-night stay.  Highly rated hotel with wonderful breakfast and wonderful location to call home base for tours.  Value:$130. Valid for 1 year.

LG04  -  One week stay at Villas de Cariari: six minutes from the airport in front of the Cariari Country Club. Spacious, private and beautifully furnished and centrally located within walking distance of shopping, casinos, stores and fine restaurants. Value $700.  Valid for 1 year.

LG05  -  Situated on a mountainside overlooking the Pacific Ocean, rainforest canopy and National Park, enjoy a two-night stay with breakfast at La Mansion. This exotic setting with the finest foods, services and amenities available make for a remarkable luxury experience. No children under 12 years. Subject to availability.  Call for reservation.  Valid April 16 to Dec. 15 2011. Value $300. 

LG06  -  Zamora Estate is your unexpected and intriguing island of natural beauty hidden in the mist of Costa Rica's capital city, San Jose. Your one night stay for (2) includes breakfast. Valid for 1 year. Value $105.

LG07  -  Experience all the Caribbean “pura vida” you can handle at El Caracol Azul in Punta Uva.  Three-night stay, Hurry! Valid through Dec 2011.  Value $210.

LG08  -  Surfs Up!  Hotel Club del Mar on the Central Pacific is close to the action of Jacó, but far enough away to be "tranquillo."  Two night stay in a two-bedroom condo, with ocean view and kitchen.  Subject to availability.  Valid from May 1 – Dec 15, 2011. Value $600.

LG09  -  Located in Playa Hermosa, Tortuga del Mar Beachfront Lodge melds the original beauty of a tropical lodge with its exquisite setting right on a pristine black sand beach. Set in a tropical garden with beachfront pool, shaded rancho and lounging areas, you'll stay right at the beach and steps from Hermosa's world class surf. Call for reservations.  Valid for 1 year.  Valued at $178.

LG10  -  Casa Bella Rita Boutique Bed and Breakfast in Brasil de Santa Ana welcomes you with a one-night stay for two, including welcome cocktail and breakfast and a great dinner. Top-rated B and B in SJ on TripAdvisor.com! # 10 in the World. A perfect romantic one night getaway.  Good until November 1st, 2011.  Value: $225

LG11  -  Enjoy a (2) night stay in a deluxe room for two at Eco Hotel Playa Bejuco surrounded by lush tropical gardens and pure unspoiled nature.  Breakfast served in their first class beach front restaurant.  Perfect place to relax and enjoy the sun, pool and beach.  Valid for 1 year. Value: $240.

LG12  -  Enjoy a night for two in downtown San Jose at Casa Alfi.  A great place to lay your head while in town for the theater.  Breakfast included value of $50 value donated by Alf Richardson. Valid for 1 year.

LG13  -  Two nights for two people in one of Costa Ricas most talked about hotels, Monte Azul.  Located southeast of Parque National Chirripo.  Conde Nast Travelers Hot List 2010 says if Costa Rica was a pioneer in ecotourism, Monte Azul might just redefine it.  No meals included. Expires May 31, 2011.  Valued at $430.

LG14  -  Take it easy at Aviarios del Caribe, a privately owned and operated wildlife sanctuary and sloth rescue and rehabilitation center just north of Cahuita. Two nights in the B and B, plus the ever-popular sloth tour. Valid for 1 year.  Value $227.

LG15  -  White sand beaches and lush tropical gardens await you at Ylang Ylang's secluded getaway in Montezuma.  Two night stay for two guests; meals not included.  Valid May 1 to Nov. 1, 2011. Value $320.

LG16  -  With 330 hectares, 3 km of beach 7km of trails, and lush gardens, Hacienda Barú in Dominical has it all.  Speacializing in birdwatching and ecological tours.  2-night stay for two, plus one $35 activity.  Breakfast included.  Value $180 to $240 depending on season. Valid for 1 year.

LG17  -  See why Leaves and Lizards is the #1 Rated accommodation in the Arenal area.  Private cabins, peaceful, adventure, horses, great food.  Two nights in a private cabin, includes a horseback ride.  Deb and Steve have it all.   Valid for 1 year. Value $300.

LG18  -  Convenient to both Central San Jose and the International Airport.  Adventure Inn Hotel is a modern, spotlessly clean hotel with deluxe rooms and a complimentary build-your-own American breakfast. Highly rated on Tripadvisor. Subject to availability. Valid for 1 year.  Value: $200.

LG19  -  Toucan Rescue Ranch is a great place that does great things for rescues. Bird, sloths and hospitality. Great little getaway for two.  One night with breakfast and a tour of the facility.  Subject to availability .Valid for 1 year.  Value: $75.

LG20  -  The Hot Springs Casita is a charming new cottage on the grounds of the 35-acre Bio Thermales rainforest reserve with natural hot springs in the north-central Costa Rican heartland of rural farms. Queen and twin bed, complete kitchen, wi-fi and much more. Two nights with complimentary fruit and cheese basket.  Valid for 1 year. Value: $100. Thanks Kathy and Berni!

LG21  -  Wendy and David Holt have generously donated a two night stay at Villa Hermosa located outside of La Fortuna. Beautiful accommodations, peaceful, pool.  Consider it your own little B and B.  Two nights for two guests, including breakfast and a welcome cocktail.  Subject to availability. Valid for 1 year.  Valued at $250.

LG22  -  Located near Playa Carrillo – La Tropical Cabina situated near the one of the most beautiful beaches in all of Costa Rica.  Two night stay for two guests.  Valid for 1 year. Value $300.

LG23  -  Tulemar Gardens Condo Stay:  One bedroom suite with ocean view, king size bed, kitchen, balcony, with access to private beach in beautiful Manuel Antonio. Private beach has kayaks, snorkeling, lounge chairs, towels available. Valid April 1-Nov 1, 2011. Thanks Diego Value: $500.

LG24  -  The Hideaway Hotel is a 12-room boutique hotel on Samara Beach is uniquely situated on a one-acre private lot, approximately 1-minute’s stroll to the ocean. Two-night stay with breakfast for two.  Property backs to lush trees, home to howler monkeys and beautiful birds.  Black-out dates on holidays and high season. Call for availability. Valid May 1 – Dec 15, 2011.  Value $230

LG25  -  Banana Azul is a whimsically designed open-air hotel, where the Puero Viejo beach breezes along with the friendly bar and $10 dinners keep the the hotel full.  Two nights for two.  No Christmas or Easter availability, and sorry—no kids allowed.  Valid for 1 year. Value $180.

LG26  -  Two nights accommodations with a full ranch style breakfast each morning at the Painted Pony Guest Ranch, a unique guest house/ranch located in northwestern Guanacaste. Included is 25% off any of the lessons or tours available at the Painted Pony. Valid for 1 year.  Value: $250.


AF12  -  Painted doggie mat: a beautiful way to keep your pet's food off the floor.  Hand painted, durable and colorful.    $50 value.

AF13  -  Painted doggie mat: a beautiful way to keep your pet's food off the floor.  Hand painted, durable and colorful.    $50 value.

NC07  -  Bow wow!  Doggy Treat and Toy Basket of fortune cookies for dogs, stuffed animals, chew toys and plush toys to pamper your pet.  Generously donated by Allie Lopez.  $60 Value.

NC08  -  Homemade Doggie Treats made with love especially for your pooch.  http://PawshBoston.com  $40 value.

NC11  -  Blue Surf Sanctuary in Costa Rica is a Billabong sponsored surf school.  Certificate for surf lessons for two and surfboard rental for two days.  A fun experience for everybody who is traveling in the Santa Teresa area. Valid for 1 year. $100 Value.

GS01  -  Leather dog collar handmade in Argentina so your “best friend” is stylish and looking good! Valued at $30

GS02  -  Private photo shoot for your family and pets, including five 8x10 photos, a DVD of all retouched photos, and  black and white and sepia toned photos.  Central valley only.  Courtesy of Diana Holder.  Value $350.

GS04  -  Vet and Breakfast Boutique Doggie Hotel, located in the quiet hills above Ciudad Colon, safe, secure and fun for your pup.  One week of overnight hotel services for your dog. Bring your own food and blanket and relax while you go on vacation.  24 hour care for your best friend. Value $100.

GS07  -  Confección casera! Your dog will devour these delicious home-made doggie treat made with love and extra sassiness by Stephanie Kruger paired with a signed copy of the Pupcakes from the Pet Kingdom at Harrods, London, England. Value $75

GS08  -  Keep you dog well fed with 3-large bags of Ascan Adult Dog food.  A complete meal with all the vitamins and nutrients necessary.  Valued at $108

GS09  -  Four different items are included in this horse lovers package: Pura sangre-horse concentrate, Kal mare milk production and good bone information, H salt-Minerals and salt and Hard hoof-hoof supplement for heathy hoofs.  Value $60.

GS10  -  Natural Pet Pharmaceuticals help provide a more natural path towards greater health for your pet companions. Utilizing the latest in homeopathic medicine research, King Bio’s Natural Pet Pharmaceuticals empower your pet’s own natural healing resources. Valued at $100.

GS11  -  Pamper your pet with a professional grooming session by Laurie Sklar of Doggie Divino in Escazú. Two certificates available--bid on one, bid on both!.  Value $25.

GS12  -  Pamper your pet with a professional grooming session by Laurie Sklar of Doggie Divino in Escazú. Two certificates available--bid on one, bid on both!.  Value $25.

GS13  -  Located in Puriscal, these valuable spay/neuter certificates will help ease animal suffering by lowering the population and make your pet a happier one!  Two certificates, each valued at $50 for a $100 total.

GS14  -  Located in Rohrmoser, Dr. Villalobos has generously donated (5) consultations with vaccinations to keep you pet healthy and happy.  Total of the item is $150

GS15  -  Consultation and Ehrlichiosis test--Stop this dreaded disease before it's too late.  When you need to give you dog the test call Dr. Cedeno for your appointment. Located in the San Jose area.  Valued at $60.

GS16  -  Located in Puriscal, this is a donation for an appointment with an ultrasound for your pet.  Valued at $40.

GS18  -  Consultation, bath and drying for your dog from Clinica Vet Santa Ana. Nothing but the best for your best friend.  Call for an appointment.  $40 value.


AF01  -  Just dreamy: a luxury duvet set courtesy of Toni Peura.  Value: $178 

AF02  -  Beautiful way to display your wines on an Indu Arte wrought iron wine rack that will hold 23 bottles of your favorite wines  - valued at $120

AF03  -  La Vida de Frida Kahlo is a fine art print (Giclee) of mixed media artwork. Frida Kahlo is best known of her self-portraits often filled with pain and passion with intense colors and vibrant colors.   Reproduction by Charlene Broudy.  Value $750

AF04  -  Assorted handmade pottery pieces ranging from mugs with whimsical animals to beautiful serving bowls to display or use.  Valued at $100

AF05  -  The colors in this assortment of handmade bowls and coasters are beautiful.  These will enhance any home.  Valued at $85

AF06  -  Handmade pottery enhanced with coral make these pieces of pottery one of a kind.  A great value at $125.

AF07  -  Oink! An original ceramic pig by famed Costa Rican artist Francisco Munguia nestled in a small doggie bed.  Value $50

AF08  -  Baobob Photograph color, by Diana Holder.  Framed, 22x24.  Thanks Diana! Value $180.

AF09  -  Tournée du Chat Noir, framed reproduction c.1896 by Théophile Alexandre Steinlen generously donated by animal lover and groomer Laurie Sklar.  24 x 19 framed art valued at $65

AF10  -  “Sobre Ruedas” by acclaimed Costa Rican expressive, abstract painter Ileana Piszk Kalina. Acrylic 70 x 80 cm.  Expositions in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Mexico.  Value $500

AF11  -  Marble above counter sink, color beige.  Donated by Francesa R. Solomon and retailed at $280.

AF14  -  Birders Field Guide from 7th Street Books, Central and 1st Avenues  This is the ONLY place to buy your books.  The best selection in all of Costa Rica.  Retail for $30.

AF15  -  Rainforest coffee table book done by Adrian Forsyth with photographs from Michael and Patricia Fogden. Donated by 7th Street Book Store in downtown San Jose.  $30 value

AF16  -  A beautiful Argentinian Zebra-Print Cowhide Rug generously donated by Stephanie Kruger.  Thanks Stephanie!!!!  Value $350.

AF17  -  Guatemalan gift basket with a wooden St. Francis of Assisi statue, handwoven table covering, wooden candle holders, fabric covered notebook and change purse. Valued at $70

AF18  -  Handpainted lamp from Ceramica Las Palomas in Alto Las Palomas.  A lovely, elegant piece by local artists.   Value: $250

AF19  -  Gorgeous Hand-painted Gameboard in tropical motif by artist Nancy Trinidad of Puriscal.  Value $125.

AF20  -  Art Deport Gift Certificate.  Your art supplies store in Escazu Paco Plaza #26. A great selection for the artist in you.  Valid for 1 year. $40 value.

AF21  -  Art Deport Gift Certificate.  Your art supplies store in Escazu Paco Plaza #26. A great selection for the artist in you.  Valid for 1 year. $40 value.

AF22  -  Art Deport Gift Certificate.  Your art supplies store in Escazu Paco Plaza #26. A great selection for the artist in you. Valid for 1 year.  $40 value

JC01  -  An assortment of silk ties by Kenneth Cole, Dior, Hugo Boss.  Retail value $400.

JC02  -  Tru Ekology exclusive handbag handcrafted from reused tire tubes, one of a kind, stylish and “green”.  Valued at $100

JC03  -  Tru Ekology exclusive handbag handcrafted from reused tire tubes, one of a kind, stylish and “green”.  Valued at $100

JC04  -  Turkish Pashmina shawl from Istanbul, Turkey.  Beautiful colors in blues/gold.  Donated by Francesca Radics de Solomon.  Retail for $120.

JC05  -  Gift Certificate towards clothing or shoes from Pacific Trading Running Apparel in Pavas near the US Embassy.  Your store for Brooks shoes.  Valid for 1 year.   Value $100.  Thanks Michelle!

JC06  -  You’ll be hooked by charming handcrafted jewelry by Puriscal artist Julie Koebbe.  Handmade in sterling silver and bronze. Value $75.

JC07  -  Another cool piece of handmade jewelry by Puriscal artist Julie Koebbe.  Handmade in sterling silver and bronze. Value $75.

JC08  -  Make sure you are always on time with this handsome men's watch.  Valued at $50

NC01  -  Purse of recycled chip bags from handmade by Angela, 23 years of age and mother of two from the group Las Chicas Creativas  founded by the Peace Corps Volunteers to combat pollution and earn income.  Donated by Ole Boutique Granada.  Value: $23

NC04  -  Beautiful studded genuine snake skin clutch purse.  Blue-green in color with metal studs.  Valued at $280.

NC05  -  Macrame Flower Bead Bracelet and an Alpaca spiral necklace with Fire Agate.  Made by the Nicaraguan youth from the community of the Managua City Dump.  The youth of this program receive a portion of the profits while learning basic business and entrepreneurial skills.  $30 value.

NC06  -  Nicology Envelope Necklace and Angel Key Chain with Aventurine.  Made by the Nicaraguan youth from the community of the Managua City Dump.  The youth of this program receive a portion of the profits while learning basic business and entrepreneurial skills. $30 value.

NC09  -  Relaaaaaax, Nica-style!  Custom made cutting board from the Wooden Bridge Trading Company located in Granada, fifth of Flor de Cana rum from our friend Bosco and handmade Nicaraguan hammock.  Value $100.

NC10  -  Predominately blues and greens, this 24 x 48 painting is an original from Nicaragua.  Artist – Amy Bushnell.  Valued at $350.

DG29  -  Que macho puro! Kick-back with a box of Puriscal's finest Vegas Santiago cigars in presidential “doble corona” size.  Valued at $150

GS03  -  Receive $200 towards your new web site with SASY!'s own multi-media wizard, Rob from Third Echo Design. Spotlight your business with a professionally done website.  Minimum contract $500 not including hosting.

GS05  -  Who cannot use dry cleaning services?  A great gift certificate from animal lover and SASY! Supporter Brian Kerr. Dry cleaning International is located next to Banco Nacional in Escazu Centro.  Valued at $100.

GS06  -  Ready when you need it: a Costa Rican Corporation S.A. (Sociedad Anonima).  Donated by Bufete Catalina Pujol . Call 8380-6191 to arrange.  Value: $300.

GS17  -  Five gallons of paint from Empresa FranColor- Located in Santa Ana– time to add color to the room you have always wanted to paint.  Many colors to choose from – a great selection is awaiting you.  Valued at $170.