Thursday, August 30, 2012

Kids Saving The Rainforest Fundraiser to Save Local Animal Rescue Center

will be holding a community fundraiser to collect funds and supplies to enable the continued care and operation of the only locally government sanctioned wild animal rescue center located near Costa Rica's world famous Manuel Antonio National Park.

Kids Saving The Rainforest, a not for profit Costa Rican organization and US non profit 501 C 3, was founded 13 years ago with the Monkey Bridge Program, and later expanded by an overwhelming community need to include an Animal Rescue Center for the Quepos and Manuel Antonio area. 

Founded by 2 young pre-teen girls who recognized the need to help the local wildlife as tourism developments began to effect their natural habitat, this will be Kids Saving the Rainforest first fundraiser since it was founded. 

Accustomed to bringing in enough proceeds for the Rescue Center through their own souvenir shop, with the downturn in the economy, this badly needed facility will be forced to close it's doors if they can’t raise enough money to cover their monthly expenses.

"A full time resident vet, animal caretaker, volunteers and a guard all live on the property helping to rehab the many injured or confiscated animals.  Unfortunately, this comes with a certain fixed cost, not to mention the food, maintenance, vet supplies and numerous other items required to care for a variety of exotic animals.", laments rescue center coordinator Jennifer Rice.   "The rescue center is the only legal facility in the Central Pacific area, and is a very necessary part of our community." adds Ms. Rice. 

All injured wild animals are brought by the community or by MINAET, the government entity in charge of overseeing the National Park system. At present there are some 55 different animals being treated to include exotic birds, 4 species of monkeys, 2 species of sloths, armadillos, agoutis, coati mundis, marmesets, timirins, and other exotic wildlife.  Most are eventually re-released in the wild, though some are beyond rehabilitation and must stay permanently at the rescue facility. 

There will be live music, kids activities, ice cream, drinks, food, a raffle, and lots of fun for the WHOLE FAMILY!!!

WHEN:  Sunday  -  September 9th  -  1-5pm (coinciding with Costa Rica's National Children’s Day)

WHERE:  Manuel Antonio - Byblos Hotel -

PRICE:  $25 for adults and $10 for children. Tickets will be on sale at numerous local businesses.

MORE INFORMATION:  Anita Myketuk - 2-777-1002.   

“Saving injured wildlife is an integral part of living in this area.” says Kimberly Barron, Director of Marketing at Hotel Byblos. “This is not just a feel good fundraiser; these beautiful animals are one of the main attractions for tourism in our area.  Local Manuel Antonio hotels and tourism operations that depend on National and International visitors cannot afford to ignore the need for a full service animal rescue center. With plans to offer awareness tours of the facility to area visitors, the rescue center's continued operation is a win win for all concerned.” adds Ms. Barron.

This is just one step in the overall animal rescue plan for the Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica area, and with corporate and social responsibility programs of tourism operations like - not only will the local wildlife benefit, but the local tourist economy as well.  If you would like to help, it’s easy by shopping at the Kids Saving the Rainforest souvenir store located at .  All proceeds go directly to saving the rainforest and the endangered animals of our area. 

CONTACT:   Kimberly Barron, Director of Marketing
Hotel Byblos Resort

We need your help and would like to invite you to a KSTR fundraiser!
    When: September 9, 2012
    Time: 1 – 5 PM
    Where: Byblos Hotel and Resort
    Why: To save the wildlife rescue center

    This is our first fundraiser since being founded in 1999 by 2 girls. In the past the rescue center brought in enough proceeds through our souvenir store. With the downturn in the economy, that is no longer the case.  We will have to close the center if we can’t raise enough money to pay the rescue center’s monthly expenses.
     So we are asking for your support in order to keep this vital service open in the Manuel Antonio area!

    There are 3 options for you to support this great cause and great benefits to your business:
    1. Donate money.
    2. Donate something for us to raffle at the fundraiser.
    3. Provide food for the people attending the fundraiser.

    Benefits of supporting our cause:

Recognition in an AP Press Release
Business thanked in the Tico Times and Quepolandia
Business thanked on 8 Facebook pages!!
You will feel great of knowing that you are giving back to the community and nature.

Please get back to Anita Myketuk by August 24th with your contribution information. You can reach her at 2777-1002 or at
Please read the information below to see why saving the rescue center is so important.

Kids Saving the Rainforest is committed to saving the wildlife that tourists come to see. (The same tourists who stay at your hotel, eat at your restaurant, or take your tours). Wildlife and the beautiful scenery are what make the Manuel Antonio area so special, and as the community, it is up to all of us to help protect these precious resources!

Here are some facts about the rescue center:
The rescue center is the only legal center in our zone, and is not only a specialized clinic for wild animals, but is also an educational experience for vet students who intern with us. It also collaborates with multiple national research projects.
The center is open 24/7, 365 days a year.
We have a fulltime wildlife vet, a rehabber, a biologist and a grounds keeper on staff.
More than 100 animals from 30 different species are rescued each year including titi monkeys, white face monkeys, sloths, anteaters, and porcupines. Other species we have rescued include wild cats, marine turtles, owls, and even a dolphin! You can see pictures of them all on our Facebook page:
In 2012 we diagnosed a new disease that had never been seen before, and this has led to research which will help the Mexican porcupine.
Medical supplies and equipment, medical care, maintenance of enclosures, and specialized diets are just a few of the expenses incurred each month at the rescue center.
The average monthly budget is $4,000.

What are donations used for?
Each case is different and expenses vary, but here is an example of services the rescue center would provide in the event that a white face monkey has been electrocuted near a local business:
· The rescue center will be called and we will get to the scene as soon as possible.
· The wildlife vet will evaluate the patient and stabilize it using IV fluids, an oxygen mask, analgesics and other medicines.
· The animal is placed in a secure location away from people, dogs, and any other stress factors.
· The burns are treated daily to avoid an infection and we also treat any cardiac, pulmonary, or kidney damage.
· The rescue center provides a high-quality balanced diet for the animal. An electrocuted animal usually needs at least 15 days to heal. Our rehabber is on site 24 hours.
· When the animal is ready, our staff finds the correct troop to ensure that upon release, the animal will be accepted and integrated back into the family.
 Kids Saving the Rainforest does not charge to care for these injured animals. We have tried to fund the expenses ourselves, (we do not have any outside nor governmental funding), and now we have to ask for your help in the form of donations.  Please help us save the wildlife of our rainforest!

Many thanks for helping us to save the wildlife, which in turn increases tourism to our area. We look forward to hearing from you soon, and hope to see you at the fundraiser on Sunday, September 9th!

Anita Myketuk - Volunteer
Jennifer Rice PhD - President
Pia Martin DVM - KSTR Wildlife Vet

Kids Saving The Rainforest    

Want to Volunteer at Kids Saving The Rainforest?
Click here to sign-up for KSTR occasional updates and hear the latest news. Note: when you sign up make sure to click SUBMIT at the bottom of the form then click the CONFIRM button in the confirmation e-mail we sent to


Saludos de Kids Saving the Rainforest (KSTR)! - Niños Savando el Bosque Lluvioso.
Nos gustaría invitarlos a un evento para recaudar fondos para el Centro de Rescate.
Fecha: 9 de septiembre, 2012
Hora: 1-5pm
Lugar: Hotel Byblos y Resort
Motivo: Para salvar nuestro centro de rescate.

Este es nuestro primer evento para recaudar fondos desde que fue fundado en 1999 por dos niñas. En el pasado el centro recaudaba fondos a través de nuestra tienda de souvenirs pero con el decrecimiento en la economía, ese ya no es el caso. Tendremos que cerrar el centro si no podemos recaudar suficiente dinero para pagar sus gastos mensuales.

Necesitamos su apoyo para mantener este servicio vital abierto en el área de Manuel Antonio.
Hay tres opciones para que usted pueda apoyar esta gran causa.

1- Donar dinero y asistir al evento.
2- Donar algo para rifar en el evento.
3- Donar comida y bebidas para las personas que van al evento.

Los beneficios de apoyar nuestra causa:
1- Reconocimiento de prensa vía AP.
2- Agradecimiento hacia su negocio en Tico Times y Quepolandia.
3- Agradecimiento hacia su negocio en 8 páginas distintas de Facebook.
4- Tendrás la gran satisfacción de saber que estas dando de tu parte hacia la comunidad y a la naturaleza.

Por favor responder a Anita Myketuk
antes del 24 de agosto con su informacion de donacion. Se puede contactar a ella al numero 2777-1002 o al email, .

Por favor lea la siguiente información para conocer por que el centro de rescate es tan importante.

Kids Saving the Rainforest esta comprometido a conservar la biodiversidad de este lugar tan especial, la cual es razón principal de que tantos turistas nos visiten y aporten a la economía de la cual todo Quepos subsiste. Así que toda la comunidad depende de estos animales que son parte fundamental del bosque lluvioso. Es necesario que todos nosotros ayudemos a protegerlos.

Aquí hay algunos datos  sobre el centro de rescate:
 • El centro es el único centro de rescate legal en nuestra zona siendo la única clínica especializada para animales silvestres. También colabora en múltiples investigaciones de salud animal a nivel nacional.
• El centro esta abierto 365 días al año.
• Tenemos un veterinario tiempo completo que se especializa en vida silvestre, un rehabilitador, un biólogo y una persona encargada de mantenimiento en el centro.
• Mas de 100 animales de 30 diferentes tipos de especies son rescatados cada año, incluyendo monos titi, monos cariblancos, perezosos, osos hormigueros y puercospines. Otros especies que hemos rescatado incluyen felinos silvestres, tortugas marinas, búhos hasta un delfín! Usted puede verlos todos en nuestro pagina web:
• En 2012, nosotros diagnosticamos una enfermedad que nunca se había visto antes, en un puercospin y actualmente estamos probando una vacuna.
• Equipo y materiales médicos, cuidado especial, mantenimiento de los recintos y dietas especializadas son algunos de los gastos que occuren cada mes en el centro de rescate. El promedio de gastos es de $4000 al mes.
Para que se usan las donaciones?
Cada caso es diferente y varían los gastos, pero aquí hay un ejemplo de los servicios que el centro de rescate ofrece en el caso que se electrocutara un mono cerca de un negocio:
El centro de rescate sería llamado y llegaríamos al lugar tan pronto como sea posible.
 • El veterinario especialista en animales silvestres evalúa el paciente y lo estabiliza usando suero intravenoso, máscara de oxigeno y medicinas.
 • El animal se ubica en un lugar seguro lejos de gente, perros, y cualquier otro factor de estrés.
 • Las quemaduras son tratadas a diario para evitar infección y también tratamos cualquier daño cardiaco, pulmonar y renal.

 • El centro de rescate asegura una dieta de alta calidad y balanceada para el animal. Un animal electrocutado usualmente necesita por lo menos 15 días para sanarse. Nuestro rehabilitador esta en el lugar las 24 horas.

• Cuando el animal se recupera, nuestro equipo busca la tropa correcta para liberarlo a su hábitat, el animal será aceptado y reintegrado a la familia.

Kids Saving the Rainforest no cobra por la atención médica ni el cuido de los animales heridos, enfermos u huérfanos. Siempre hemos tratado de financiar los gastos nosotros mismos, ya que el gobierno no ayuda, pero en estos tiempos difíciles tenemos que pedirle ayuda a usted en forma de donaciones.

Por favor ayúdenos salvar la vida silvestre de nuestro bosque.

Muchas gracias por ayudarnos salvar la vida silvestre la cual es parte importante de la economía de nuestra área.
Esperamos oír de usted pronto y verlo en el evento del sábado 9 de septiembre.
Jennifer Rice PhD
Pia Martin DVM
Vet de Vida Silvestre
Kids Saving The Rainforest 

Want to Volunteer at Kids Saving The Rainforest?
Click here to sign-up for KSTR occasional updates and hear the latest news. Note: when you sign up make sure to click SUBMIT at the bottom of the form then click the CONFIRM button in the confirmation e-mail we sent to

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