Friday, April 5, 2013

BUS PASSES - FREE Bus RIDES & Bus Passes for Seniors!!!

In Costa Rica, those 65+ years old with a Cedula AND a Ciudadano de Oro card (the Golden Citizens discount card) need only show these two cards to the bus driver to get a FREE ride on a bus within 25 km (15.5 miles) and if you're traveling between 26km-49km you'll receive 50% off or 25% off trips over 50 km.  With that said, I don't have clarity on how they know where you live.
With the above said, I know at least at one point in Escazu they were giving out a
Of which I helped a friend get one (fyi - it was someone that did NOT have a cedula) - BUT - I called in March 2015 and they said they currently did not have that program.  BUT, I'm going to give you the process here - for if/when they Each bus company probably has their own requirements and system for obtaining FREE BUS PASSES for SENIOR and I'm pretty positive the age requirement is 65+.

When I went with a friend to get hers that was good for the Escazu and Santa Ana buses, she needed her:
•     Cedula OR PASSPORT (she does NOT have residency but this company DID give it to her.  I know some people that have gone to other companies and they ONLY gave it to people that were residents [this would be a GREAT REALLY HELPFUL project for someone - NOT ME - to take on to make a list of them!!  Let me know if you do it and I'll gladly Share it here for you!!!])
and some sort of 

•     Utility Bill (it did NOT have to have her name on it.  
•     And I want to say she took her lease as well but don't quote me on it.

The pass is ONLY GOOD for buses within that companies route - NOT good for connection rides that are not within the same company.  So if you're going from Ciudad Colon - stopping off to go shopping in Escazu, then on to San Jose and back - you would have to have one for the Escazu bus company and one for the bus company in Ciudad Colon.

I've been told they are NOT good for the longer-trip buses and they are NOT good on the International buses. (does anyone know the FACTS on that???)

Just a call to Consciousness/something to think about - if money is not tight with you and you REALLY do not "NEED" this service, I welcome you to re-consider getting this (or don't bitch when someone else screws you over).

(more on the outskirts than Central Valley.  This has many of the bus company info for the buses further out so check to see if they can work for you)



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