Sunday, June 30, 2013

SEEKING FARM MANAGER - Samadhi Conscious Living Center is Looking for Farm Manager or Couple in Alajuela, Costa Rica

Samadhi Conscious Living Center is looking for a farm manager or couple to be part of a new concept in education of Holistic and sustainable living practices. By September we will be fully operational: at the moment we’re in renovations of the houses and preparing the areas for the green house and organic gardens.

Samadhi Center is a unique project situated on 8 acres of pristine woodland just outside Alajuela five minutes from the airport and town. It is an oasis of quiet nature in the midst of the urban hustle and bustle. The owner recently inherited the property and is in the process of converting the property into an organic farm and Conscious Living Center which will play host to an array of workshops, presentations and seminars.

The main house is a 6 bedroom, old Spanish style home where all rooms face a beautiful interior garden. This home has already hosted various guests entering or leaving the country via the international airport who were interested in the center.

Those from outlying areas of the country have found Samadhi to be a welcome respite when having business in the city. The projected weekend seminars will offer overnights. Samadhi is smoke free, no drugs or alcohol permitted on the premises. The activities will focus on varied aspects of developing conscious living practices; alternative healing modalities, meditation, energy work, drumming, mask making, nutrition, sustainable living,  organic farming and more. Also within the projection is facilitating space for holistic practitioners such as massage therapists, acupuncturists, reike healers etc.

Samadhi is the perfect venue for said practitioners living outside the Central Valley wishing to augment their clientele list.

The smaller three bedroom Bodhi house on the property is presently in the process of total reconstruction and will be home to the farm manager and farm volunteers. 

The property has a three acre fruit orchard with a large variety of trees, some exotic species, two springs, walking trails, and an area designated for a 4 x 15 meter greenhouse next to several farming plots. The organic produce is designated to be marketed at two markets.  On Friday the Alajuela farmer’s market presently offers no organic produce. This booth will include educational materials in Spanish on sustainable living practices, organics and health related information helping in raising consciousness within the Costa Rican community.

On Saturdays a booth at the Aranjuez Organic Market in San Jose will feature organic produce and information about the Samadhi’s activities as well creating a network of information available about other centers and what they offer.

Requirements for the farm manager position are:
1. References
2. Experience in organic farming/sustainable living practices
3. Bilingual (a must)
4. Ability to manage Costa Rican workers as well as foreign volunteers
5. Non-smoker, doesn’t drink or do drugs
6. Calm and flexible personality
7. Willing to work with the owner to further develop the organic farming and sustainable living educational programs to be taught at the center
8. Willing to become an integral part in the formation of this project.

Job Description:
1. Manage Costa Rican farm workers and coordinate volunteers
2. Daily maintenance and operation of the farm
3. Coordination of produce to market Fridays & Saturdays. (This aspect of the job will probably begin towards end of year)
4. Help with the design and construction of the farm infrastructure.(vivero, farming the land, water catchment systems, etc)

1. Housing
2. Living in a rural setting yet close to Alajuela center and 25 minutes from San Jose. .
3. Salary (negotiable)
4. Becoming an integral part of a unique conscious/sustainable living project from its initial stages.
5. Freedom to exercise your creativity to its maximum

Carol Stanley
(tell Carol that Vicki Connected you!!)

Saturday, June 29, 2013

SAFETY HINT - Multiple Locks!

WOW - This is actually a VERY smart SECURITY • SAFETY HINT
for Life in Costa Rica!!!

What SAFETY HINTS do YOU have??

Please "Share" them in "Comments" below!


ANIMAL ABUSE MARCH - March Against Animal Abuse • Marcha Contra el Maltrato Animal - 21 de Julio•July

March Against Animal Abuse •
Marcha Contra el Maltrato Animal

Domingo•Sunday  -  21 de Julio•July, 2013  -  10am

San Jose, Costa Rica
Meet at Parque Central - llegando a la Plaza de la Democracia • and end at Plaza de la Democracia

Do YOU know of any upcoming pet related events? Please share them on our page!!

¿Conoce los próximos eventos relacionados con mascotas? Por favor, compartirlas en nuestra página de


Please "SHARE" this with your pet loving friends!!!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Vicki Skinner's latest INFORMATION & PHOTO SITES - July 2013

Below are links to my (Vicki Skinner - aka "THE Sarong Goddess")
various Costa Rica and Nicaragua Information Blog
and LOTS of other Costa Rica related Info and Photo Sites - places where I’m
Gathering/Sharing Info and Photos and helping to Connect people!!!

My Costa Rica Information Blog

30,000+ Page Views a Month and OFTEN towards the top of MANY Google Searches! 
A VERY HELPFUL Information Site on where to find things (often with English-speaking contacts), what’s happening, SPECIALS, news, thoughts, experiences+++!!
The focus is on actual DETAILS and to bring more EASE into YOUR Life!!

Have anything to SUBMIT?  
Events, finds, YOUR experiences/stories, news, etc. to add?
Email me at

 Now accepting Information Ads

Has the site helped bring you ease or joy? 
Brought you business?
DONATIONS are Welcome!


I tend to lean towards sharing LOTS of information and pictures on

where I’ve lived for 7 years and LOVE IT!!!
Trust me - Escazu is NOT NOT NOT just gringos!!  You CAN have a GREAT balance of gringo and Tico life with a huge variety of prices for accommodations and restaurants - IF you know where to look!!  There's something for EVERYONE in the various parts of Escazu!!



Also up now:

Helping your pet feel secure while you're away!
Sharing Magic Hands and giving LOTS of LOVE and attention to your pets! 

Loving Your Pet House Sitting is especially for owners that see their pet as family members and want them to receive a LOT of love and attention while they’re away!  I give everything from 2-10 Doggie/Kitty Massages a DAY, a warm Bath the day you arrive, Daily Skype calls (so you can see/talk to your baby), they even get to Sleep with me if they need to!
Do you have a pet that freaks out from thunder or fireworks??
I SPECIALIZE in helping them calm down!!

(Do you provide a pet related service?  I welcome you to share your information DETAILS on my new Facebook Page for
Loving Your Pet House Sitting

July 16-August 21,  
AROUND mid-October+
Christmas and New Years we prefer to help pets that freak out with fireworks – to give them the extra attention they need!



I and some friends have things for sale here.



Tourism IS DOWN and Costa Rica IS seeing LOTS LESS tourists!  ‘Will that bring you to your knees or will you be in Denial or will you just “visualize” them coming to you? 
Or will you be PRO-Active?  Step-UP to the plate?!?!
Jump on board before it’s too late???
Facebook IS THE place for FREE Marketing and promotion and I’m quite the Facebook Networker and have a VERY UNIQUE – MUCH more Detailed way of looking at Facebook•Marketing - so let me assist you in getting your point across and helping people find out about you and your area!
I can also get you out there on the various Message Boards’

See some samples of sitespages I'm working on at:
(a friend of this owner has been contributing some new things.  MY contribution is on the B&B, Escazu and nearby related things - to turn this B&B into a DESTINATION - where people use it as a base and do day trips from - NOT what it's been - a first night/last night property which is lots more work)



Do you have a vacation rental Condo or Villa - or a Hotel?
Could you use some suggestions on how to stand out even more to the gringo clientele or help with marketing/promotions?
Are you new to this - or - could you use some help making sure it's up to the rental markets standards?  Are you sending good/clear responses?  Do you have a contract that protects you?  Are you listed in the key places and know other places to promote yourself?  How's your Facebook Page (CRUCIAL)?  
I can also assist with end or beginning of the season Inventory, help create a Guest Book that has menus, lists of restaurants, tours, info they should know before they go and as many English-speaking contacts as we can find and lots more information!
I've been in marketing/promotions/p.r. for over 30 years and tourism for over 20 years and I think outside the box!!!


I’m SLOWLY working on my new site

I've closed my guest house and am now focusing on doing what I've been doing for ages - gathering and sharing information and connecting people) - in a nutshell -
Consulting with and Connecting People to help fill their various needs around Costa Rica from Where to Find Things, How to Do Things, Relocation, Finding the Best Dentists, Travel Consulting, Shopping+++ and my LISTS!! and LOTS more information!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can even Connect you with Eastern/Holistic and Medical doctors and dentists and ALL sorts of other resources!!!!
Pretty much – whatever you desire – I can at least try to Connect you!

Bookmark it and keep checking back as this is an UNLIMITED page and I’ll push it to it’s limits!!!!



For people in Costa Rica into more Self Empowerment/Sustainable Living, Spiritual (NON-religious) - Consciousness


Other boards – heck – the world these days – are FILLED with negative stories/experiences.  Why not help add to some different energy!  Post your POSITIVE stories, experiences, finds about life in Costa Rica!



WOW!!  Nicaragua is SOOOO MUCH CHEAPER than Panama and Costa Rica!!!
I recently returned from what was SUPPOSED to be a 1-2 night Visa Run (you do NOT NOT NOT NEED to be OUT of Costa Rica for 72 hours – PERIOD!!!) that turned into 6 weeks in San Juan del Sur!!!
I am SERIOUSLY considering dividing my time living in SJDS (basically in Rainy Season) and PART TIME in Costa Rica Pet and House Sitting  - OR  -  POSSIBLY even getting a little 2-3 bedroom home in SJDS and hosting ExPats doing Visa Runs (and offering HOT  showers, WiFi and clean for a reasonable price) and I made LOTS of contacts and I’ve started creating a Facebook page
and I’ve created the following Facebook site (PLEASE “LIKE”)

Soon will be updating my SJDS Info Site

Plus have a HUGE Photo Site (getting organized soon)

For information and photos on Isla Ometepe

Costa Rica-Nicaragua Border Crossings


Vicki Skinner
(aka THE Sarong Goddess)
CR #:    8-378-6679    U.S.#:  1-941-312-7569
LivingLifeInCostaRica@ (all run together)

Feel free to join my personal

For the MOST UPDATED version of this info, go to:


Rock & Roll Tribute at Museo Nacional Jardin•Gardens - Junio•June 30, 2013

Banda de Conciertos de San José  •  •  2-256-8643
presents a

 “Música en el Museo”  -  III Concierto 2013
Rock and Roll Tribute
featuring the Beatles, Chicago, Queen, Elvis, Phil Collins, Adele's "Skyfall", Pink Floyd and more!!

Sunday  -  June 30, 2013  -  11am-?

San Jose, Costa Rica  -  Museo Nacional  -  Gardens•Jardins

Anyone with a Cedula (I think ALL are included in it) - FREE!! 

Banda de Conciertos de San José • General de Bandas
es un programa del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud de Costa Rica


Thursday, June 27, 2013

YOGA CLASSES around Costa Rica

10 Best Yoga Places around Costa Rica
(based on some feedback I've received on some of the places, I wouldn't necessarily agree with all of these - but heck, what do I know, I don't do yoga!!  Just sharin' the information!)

Here's a good article on YOGA FOR BEGINNERS!
10 Things Every Beginning Yoga Student Should Know

Practice Español, English, German, French, Italian and other languages

Practice your Spanish, English, German, French, Italian and other languages
- FREE -
by Skype, MS or personally.

They will also have events as well.

Join the group sending a request here:

AIR COMPRESSOR - Do you have one to borrow???

This is a request from some friends of mine.  They are GOOD TRUSTWORTHY people so if you can help them I'm quite sure they'll take care of your Air Compressor.  If you can help them, tell them Vicki Connected you!


Hello there from Catherine and Roland in Puriscal...

I have a Request.. We are awaiting parts for our Air Compressor from the US to make repairs....

So, we are in the market to Borrow, Rent, or Otherwise temporarily use an Air Compressor.

As the saying goes... Size doesn't matter... at least in this case.. but of
course the bigger the better...

We will take good care of it, return it promptly, and there may even be some home-cooked meals and wine thrown-in to sweeten the deal.

If any of this sounds vaguely do-able... give us a call.

We can pick it up Anywhere... Anytime...

Thanks and Have a Great Day!

Pura Vida

Roland y Catherine  •  2-416-0893  •  1-607-241-5425-U.S.#

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

GAY Manuel Antonio Newsletter - PLAYITA - June 2013

Check out the June 2013 - LATEST HAPPENINGS in 
Gay Tours  •  Gay Bars•Clubs  •  Gay Hotels  •  Gay Events
with the latest issue of PLAYITA:

(and if you contact GayToursCR - make sure to tell Jose that Vicki Connected you and give him a BIG HUG from me!!!)


Share this with EVERYONE you know that wants info on Gay Costa Rica - especially Manuel Antonio • Quepos!

Retire for Less in Costa Rica's Newsletter - June 25, 2013

Paul and Gloria Yeatman's have published their June 2013 issue of their WONDERFUL VERY INFORMATIVE newsletter!!  It's a MUST READ of anyone even remotely considering moving to Costa Rica - ESPECIALLY if they're wanting to learn how to live here on a budget!!!

This months issue covers:
Retire for Less Went to MEXICO!!

Paul’s Monthly Tip to Live for Less in Costa Rica: 
Vacation the Retire for Less Way!

Our May 2013 Cost of Living

Downsizing: It’s All “Stuff” by Tom Bunker

Paul’s and Lance’s Monthly Weather Report for 
San Ramon and Atenas – May 2013

A Different Form of “Due Diligence” by Diana Miskell Turlock

Canada Day Festivities – June 30, 2013

Schedule for Mandatory New Costa Rican License Plates
(reprinted from The Tico Times, June 20, 2013)

June 30, 2013 Deadline for Some US Citizens Investing Overseas
(reprinted from A.M. Costa Rica, May 30, 2013)

Make sure you Subscribe to their blog and keep checking it!!!

They're also a GREAT resource to consider hiring to show/introduce you around San Ramon if you're considering moving to this area - or to share more insight!!   (they can even do phone Consulting via Skype [paid via PayPal) - rates range from $20-$25/hour (a great deal consider a taxi that just drives you around - no intros, often not understanding "our ways", heck - sometimes not even much if any English!!).

If you Connect with them, make sure to send them my love and/or give them a BIG HUG from Vicki!!


PLEASE "SHARE" this with EVERYONE you know considering moving to Costa Rica - or that could you use some more budget-oriented hints!!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

2 GIANT Dog Travel Crates (used) FOR SALE

(person found it within 15 minutes of me posting it!!!)

Do YOU have something you want help selling?
Contact me for details at
For Sale
Airline Approved DIMENSIONS:
48" Long x 32" Wide x 35" High
Cage Weight
43 lbs
Holds Pets up to:

43" long by 31" wide by 34" tall
Used just once
$200 each
(if it needs to be shipped somewhere within you will have to pay for a taxi to take it into San Jose and process it plus the shipping price and for the item up front.  Price will vary by where the bus station is)

GAY PRIDE PARADE • Gran Marcha de la Diversidad  • Fiesta del Orgullo • After Parties - Costa Rica - Junio•June 30, 2013 & Transportation from Manuel Antonio!



Saturday • Sabado - June•Junio de 30, 2013  - 12pm/noon

San Jose
Start at La Sabana Parque Metropolitano - at the statue•estatua of Leon Cortes

Javier Umaña Rivera - 8-513-3261  •  Juan Pablo Villalta - 8-431-3430



CARROZA VIP SECTION to watch the parade and
Sunday - June 30 - Parade - 12pm/noon.  After Party - 6pm


Entrance:  1,000-colones


Who wants a RAINBOW FLAG for the
You can find it in the
Outlet Mall of San Pedro - 1st floor 
PRICE:  7,000-colones  SIZE: 1 5th x 75 cm.

¿Quién quiere una bandera del arco iris para la marcha del orgullo gay este domingo?

Lo puedes encontrar en el centro comercial Outlet de San Pedro - 1 ª planta - PRECIO: 7.000 colones TAMAÑO: 1 quinto x 75 cm.


COMING FROM MANUEL ANTONIO • QUEPOS • JACO • OROTINA AREAS? will offer bus service starting at Manuel Antonio at 7am and working it's way up through Quepos • Jaco • Orotina. For the bus tickets contact us inbox.
Participants may get the opportunity to be part of the Manuel Antonio float and walk next to their fantasy car. ofrecerá servicio de autobuses a partir de Manuel Antonio a las 7 am y trabajar su camino a través de Quepos Jaco Orotina. Por billetes de autobús contacto Bandeja de entrada.
Los participantes pueden obtener la oportunidad de ser parte de la Manuel Antonio flotador y caminar al lado de su coche


Please "SHARE" this with EVERYONE you know that would enjoy this very diverse and important event!!

Professional Women's Group of Costa Rica's Monthly Meeting - "The Art of Delegation" - July 6, 2013

The Professional Women's Group of Costa Rica - PWG

Women in Leadership:
 "The Art of Delegation"
Unburden yourself, Empower your Team!

The responsibilities that come with being an entrepreneur can easily monopolize your time and energy. So how can you free yourself up to work ON your business, rather than IN it? How can managers and team leaders meet the short-term goals of a project, while also working towards long-term goals?

The key is delegation: Sharing your authority and responsibilities with your team members.

Delegating effectively will not only lighten your workload, but also increase the intellectual capital of your business or organization, and enrich team members’ jobs by giving them greater scope and depth of involvement.

Join us for a workshop on how to use delegation as a leadership tool (and learn from other participants’ experiences too)!

Saturday  -  July 6, 2013  -  9:30am-12pm/noon
12 noon: Optional lunch and networking (additional cost)

Workshop Agenda:
9:30 – 10:15: Registration and Networking
10:15 – 10:30: PWG Announcements
10:30 – 12 noon: Questions and answers from participants
12 noon: Optional buffet lunch and Networking (lunch at participant’s expense)

Payable in cash at entrance.

Beginner English speakers welcome!

Event Cost:
 PWG•WCCR Member:   2,000-¢
NON-PWGWCCR Member:   3,000-¢
Coffee and tea service during the event: 1,000-¢

We recommend staying for lunch after the workshop to network with members.
Optional Lunch

Price includes coffee and tea service during the event, and one of the following lunch options:

Meat option:
Asian Cole Slaw Salad with sprouts and Sesame Seeds
Thai Chicken Curry in Coconut Milk
Jasmine or Brown Rice
Deep fried wontons with sweet and sour sauce
Passion Fruit or Mora Sorbet
Ginger lemongrass lemonade or Minty Lemonade

Vegetarian and Gluten-free option:
Asian Cole Slaw Salad with sprouts and Sesame Seeds
Deep fried Pakoras (chick peas with vegetables) with tamarind chutney
Kung Pao Tofu with vegetables and cashew nuts
Passion Fruit or Mora Sorbet
Ginger lemongrass lemonade or Minty Lemonade

Participants are also welcome to order from the normal menu, at their own expense.
RSVP • Registration Required - Space Limited

Tin Jo Asian/Fusion Restaurant  •
San Jose  -  Calle 11 - between Avenida 6 and 8. 
100 meters West and 125 meters North from Casa del Tornillo

Additional Directions to Tin Jo
Coming from the West:  Drive east on Avenida 10 until you pass Feraguilar (ceramic tile place on your left). Turn left at the next corner (Calle 11), and Tin Jo is a block and a half up on the Left.

Street parking is not permitted during the day, but there are several parking lots nearby. 
Tin Jo will validate your parking ticket for Parqueo Musical on Avenida 6. 
There is also a parking lot (NOT FREE) on Calle 11, 50 meters past the restaurant.

Professional Women’s Group - PWG • WCCR  •  2-268-6130

women's club of costa rica
Professional Women's Group of the Women's Club of Costa Rica
PWG encourages personal and professional development through networking with other English-speaking professional women, and developing programs to contribute to all women in Costa Rica.


PLEASE "SHARE" this with all the professional women you feel might enjoy this Networking Opportunity:


HOLIDAY BAZAAR • Art Show • Swap Meet • Street Sale • Feria • Yard Sale - Ladies of the Lake Fundraiser in Tilaran (Arenal area) - Dec. 8, 2013

Ladies of the Lake

4th Annual


Artists/Artisans  •  Gourmet-Specialty take away foods
  •  Services  •  Local Activities or to hold your own Garage Sale!

This year has expanded and they will have a wide assortment of artisans, many family and kid activities, live music, and a pretty impressive “Everyone Wins” Raffle with prizes such as a full day fishing trip for 2, 2 nights in a 3 bedroom condo at Flamingo Beach, and much much more! Everyone wins a prize and every prize is worth more than the cost of the raffle ticket. You just can't go wrong!

DECEMBER 2 UPDATE:  They have a record number of vendors with food and crafts and amazing holiday items. Live entertainment and activities for the kids. A raffle with prizes including a weekend stay at the beach, AND an "Everyone Wins Gift Box Grab" with each prize being worth more than the price to play!  And I hear they may even have a visit from Santa himself...

Sunday - December 8, 2013  -  9am-4pm (rain or shine)

Due to substantial growth with this year's Feria Navidena, they have moved to a new location! The feria will be located in the heart of Tilaran at the Municipal Gymnasium. 1 block off the main square and across the street from the main bus terminal.
WHERE IS TILARAN YOU ASK? (ok - I ask as I'm clueless)
Heading North on the PanAmerican Highway 1 (towards Liberia and Nicaragua) - in Cañas, turn off and head East on Highway 142 to Tilaran - about 30 minutes.
It's about 1-1/4-1-1/2 hours East of Arenal•La Fortuna (might make for a nice weekend getaway!!)


VENDORS:There's still a few spaces left so don't wait!!

(for an 8' x8' spot with 1 table)

They're really working on promoting it this year - on Facebook,
online, newspapers, radio and in their area doing the drive around loudspeaker guy - plus the new location is really central - for locals as well as those driving from Arenal heading towards Cañas and Liberia.


Ladies of the Lake

The money The Ladies of the Lake raise from this event goes to support Community Outreach for families/women in need and street dogs so they NEED YOUR HELP!!

LOTL NEEDS donations (and what a GREAT opportunity for YOU to clean out some more space and help this good cause!):
New or used clothing, shoes, books and magazines, CD’s and DVD’s, household items, knick knacks, kitchen utensils, furniture, bedding, Appliances/Electronics (if not in working order please let us know [anyone available to DONATE their time to fix any non-working items?])

Details pending

Ruth -  •  8-371-3015 
(tell her Vicki with the Living Life in Costa Rica blog Connected you!!)


PLEASE SHARE this with EVERYONE you know in the Lake Arenal area and that have something interesting to sell!!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Paella mas Grande del Pais Ingredientes - 450 Aniversario de Fundacion de Cartago - Junio 23

Paella mas Grande del Pais Ingredientes

450 Aniversario de Fundacion de Cartago

Domingo•Sunday - Junio 23, 2013  -  12pm/noon/MedioDia

Cartago - Plaza Mayor

SELF RELIANCE - Tools to help you get more SELF RELIANT in Costa Rica ("Self Sustainable" is NOT an easy thing to do!)

My brother from another mother Tom shared this!!!  Now more than ever, we NEED to get back to the basics and be more Self RELIANT people!!!!

I SOOOO believe in this & IF/WHEN I do settle back down from this Pet/House Sitting - I'll do some of these things (well - ok, so I'll start with growing veges at least!!!).

I LOVE what they say about being "SELF RELIANT" as TRULY "Self Sustainable" is NOT an easy thing to do!  "SELF RELIANT" is LOTS more practical for the average person to attain.

Do YOU have some HINTS or videos to help people be more Self RELIANT???

Friday, June 21, 2013

FREE CONCERT - Mary McBride in Costa Rica - July 1, 2013

The U.S. Embassy 
SINEM of San Ramón


 featuring country-western rock 'n' roll singer
Mary McBride

Lunes - 1 de Julio•July  -  7pm


SINEM - Sede San Ramon, Costa Rica

Mary McBride is known for playing the song
"No One's Gonna Love You Like Me"
the theme of the soundtrack of the film Brokeback Mountain, and to have been chosen by Elton John to sing at the 35th anniversary concert of "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road."


McBride is in Costa Rica as part of the 
Cultural Envoys State Department of the United States.



La Embajada de Estados Unidos y el SINEM de San Ramón invitan al concierto de la cantante estadounidense Mary McBride.

Mary McBride es conocida por interpretar la canción No One’s Gonna Love You Like Me, tema de la banda sonora de la película Brokeback Mountain; y por haber sido elegida por Elton John para cantar en el concierto del 35 aniversario de Goodbye Yellow Brick Road.

McBride visita el país como parte del programa Enviados Culturales del Departamento de Estado de Estados Unidos.


Possible Revisions to the Arms & Explosives (Gun) Law Discussion • Futuro de la Ley de Armas y Explosivos in Costa Rica

Martes•Tuesday -  JUNIO•June 25th  -   6-8pm

RoundTable discussion including Alvaro Ramos, Juan Sepulveda and Frederico
Malavassi. The moderator will be Oscar Alvarez, president of ANFE.

In a Legislative Assembly committee today discussed an important project that would vary the Arms and Explosives Act, which governs us to date. ANFE considers the proposed variance could materially affect the rights of citizens to bear arms. Also that could threaten the law-abiding citizens to criminals 'illegally' well armed.

It also would leave citizens defenseless against criminal acts, people unable to defend themselves adequately and to be clear that there will be a cop on par with each citizen, when it violates a crime against him.

For reasons how are you, among others, is that ANFE has decided to conduct a roundtable discussion on these aspects that may contain the proposed amendment to the current law of arms and explosives.

The exponents in such activity will be Álvaro Ramos, former Minister of Security, Juan Sepulveda, Weapons Management Instructor (retired) and Federico Malavassi, lawyer and former deputy. The moderator will serve Mr. Oscar Alvarez, president of ANFE. There will be ample room for audience participation.

The audience will be able to also participate.

Judging from the participants, I would estimate that the trend would be in opposition to the proposed changes. Obviously, the discussion will be in Spanish, but even if your Spanish is not fluent enough (yet?) your presence would encourage and enhance the activity.

En una comisión de la Asamblea Legislativa actualmente se analiza un importante proyecto que variaría la Ley de Armas y Explosivos, la cual nos rige a la fecha. ANFE considera que la variación propuesta podría afectar sensiblemente los derechos de la ciudadanía para portar armas. También que podría poner en peligro a los ciudadanos obedientes de las leyes ante delincuentes “ilegalmente” bien armados.

Asimismo, que dejaría en indefensión a la ciudadanía ante actos criminales, al no poder las personas defenderse adecuadamente y al ser evidente el hecho de que no habrá un policía a la par de cada ciudadano, cuando se atente un delito en su contra.

Por razones como estas, entre otras, es que ANFE ha decidido llevar a cabo una mesa redonda para analizar estos aspectos que podría contener la propuesta de reforma a la actual ley de armas y explosivos.

Los exponentes en dicha actividad serán los señores Álvaro Ramos, exministro de Seguridad, Juan Sepúlveda, Instructor de Manejo de Armas (retirado) y Federico Malavassi, Abogado y exdiputado. Como moderador fungirá el señor Óscar Álvarez, presidente de ANFE. Habrá amplio espacio para la participación de los asistentes.

Barrio Francisco Peralta  -  Offices of ANFE - 200 meters West of the Casa Italia, north side of the Sacred Heart Church

Las instalaciones de ANFE se encuentran ubicadas 200 metros al oeste de la Casa Italia, Barrio Francisco Peralta, costado norte de la Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús.


2-253-4460  •  2-224-7350  •  8-996-6569  •  3-577-1000  •

THINGS TO DO with KIDS in Costa Rica - "SUMMER" - June, July & August, 2013


Junio 29-Julio 14, 2013

San Jose - Museo de los Niños  •

2 sesiones de una semana de duración. Se hará hincapié en la protección de los animales y el medio ambiente.
Jóvenes mayores podrán acampar durante la noche en el museo.
2 week-long sessions. The emphasis will be on the protection of animals and the environment.
Older youngsters will be able to camp out at night at the museum.

7:30am-12pm/noon - 3-6 años•year olds  =  35,000-c/$70
7:30am-5pm - 3-11 años•year olds  =  50,000-c/$100

Noche de Safari/Overnight on Thursday and Friday  =  +4,000-c/$8 [per night??])

2-258-4929 xt. 126 or 167 •


¿Conoce otros campamentos • Clases • Programas • Oportunidades de voluntariado?
Otras ideas para ayudar a mantener a los niños ocupados
Junio, Julio
y Agosto de 2013 en Costa Rica?

Do YOU know of other Camps  •  Classes  •  Programs  •  Volunteer Opportunities?

Other ideas to help keep kids busy
June, July and August 2013 in Costa Rica?

PLEASE email me at with the DETAILS and I'll share it here!!


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