Monday, March 31, 2014

CRIMINAL!!! Costa Rican man gets a MEASLY $200 fine for organizing DogFights!!! Animal Abuse in Costa Rica


Costa Rican man gets $200 fine for organizing dogfights

A criminal court in the canton of Desamparados, south of San José, last week ordered a man whose identity was not disclosed to pay ₡105,000 ($200) for organizing dogfights on his property.

Yes, a whopping $200. But he also signed a paper promising not to do it again.

The defendant pled guilty in an abbreviated legal process that ended in the fine and a written promise “to refrain from engaging in any conduct that might result in the harming of any animal.”

If the defendant violates the written contract, his case will be reopened and he will be charged with animal cruelty, “a legal offense that under current legislation could result in 30 days in prison,” Animal Health Service (SENASA) Director Antonio Vanderlucht Leal said.

The defendant was charged with animal abuse in December 2012 after SENASA inspectors found evidence of dogfighting on his property. SENASA inspectors found a dogfight ring and several dogs, along with other evidence. He was charged with animal cruelty.
“This sentence sends a message to those who commit acts of animal cruelty and it encourages citizens to file similar complaints,” SENASA’s Director of the Metropolitan Region Allan Sánchez Mora, who represented the agency in the case, said.

Costa Rica currently is debating a bill in the Legislative Assembly to ban dogfights outright and to set tougher sanctions for any kind of animal abuse. Article 16 of the bill states that violators could be fined up to 50 professional base salaries, the equivalent of ₡28 million ($56,200).

The bill in December received unanimous approval by members of the Assembly’s Agricultural Affairs Commission and awaits approval by the full Assembly in coming weeks.



(a $200 fine sends a "message"???  Of what???  Do this HORRIFIC CRIMINAL act and get your hand slapped??  I'm SURE they make LOTS more than $200 in one night so what's to stop him from moving his crime elsewhere???????  In the U.S. Animal Cruelty is now considered a FELONY in ALL states -
I REALLY HOPE Costa Rica wakes up to this consciousness FAST!


2-260-8300  •



CRIME ON BUSES in Costa Rica

I saw on on March 31, 2014 this note on the buses in Costa Rica with the most crime•assaults that happen ON them.  They are . . .

Saturday, March 29, 2014

PERSONARIA JURIDICA - Where to get a Current Copy - Stamps & ALL

One of the MANY frustrating things in Costa Rica is OFTEN when dealing with bank accounts, phone companies or any public service agencies, government agencies and even some store where your account is under a corporation - is when they ask you for a CURRENT "PERSONARIA JURIDICA".

The Personeria Juridical is a legal document used in most Latin American countries to prove legal capacity or legal representation, mostly for companies, but there are Certificaciones de Poder • Certifications of Power — that are basically the same thing.

ESPECIALLY these days, to do MANY things - like get a Phone Line or Bank Account - you need either a Cedula or to do it through your Costa Rican Corporation.

If going the Corporation route you need to have a CURRENT "PERSONARIA JURIDICA".

Each company has different requirement as to how current the  "stamped"/dated document needs to be but most I've encountered require it to be less than 30 days.

Now the Registro Nacional•National Registry - has started something called the Registro Nacional Digital (RNP) – the digital national registry which makes your life WAYYYY easier!!!  If you speak enough Español and a BUNCH of other documents, you can go online and get a PDF version of it: 
Online:  For how to do it check out this GREAT article by lawyer Garland Baker (make sure to read some of the Comments as well for some other helpful hints):
COST:  2,800-c/$5.60-ish (paid by credit card)
***NOTE that this way the document is ONLY VALID for 15 DAYS and you CAN use it for multiple purposes so do NOT let them take your original - ya never know!!

•  I heard before you can also get them at the Post Office/Correo for 2,800-colones. 


•  BCR = 2,800-colones

•  Get it at a Registro office (2-221-0845)
LOCATIONS:  -  San Jose, Alajuela, Quesada-Alajuela, Puntarenas, Liberia, Limon, Perez Zeledon•San Isidro de General

A note from someone in San Isidro - “First, you must buy your stamps at the store in the little alley about a block north of the bank (cost = 400c). Then bring the stamps upstairs to the Registro's office, get one of the green forms on the table, stick your stamps on it (the other people in line will show you where) and wait in line. When you get to the window, show them the copy of your Cedula Juridica for the corporation (for me its a piece of paper with my corporation numbers on it, you might have a card) and they will print out the Personeria Juridica for you. No cost (other than the stamps), no lawyer necessary.” - BUT - the line can be LONG!!  I once stood in one that was nearly 2 hours (maybe go mid-week and around 3pm (most are open from 8 or 9am till 3:30pm)

•  Lawyer•Abigado  -  You can get this from any lawyer and the average price I've heard is about $20-$25 (from non-gringo lawyers) - IF it's not a rush (many lawyers go once a week or so to do a bunch at one time).  More if it’s a rush.


Know anyone that has a Costa Rica Corporation?

C-105 - BRAND NEW 2-Bedroom, 2 story TOWNHOUSE in Pozos de Santa Ana

Pozos Santa Ana (near Lindora and the Forums)

Kitchen with Granite Countertops including an island with the sink so you can socialize while preparing a meal  •  Master Bedroom with WALK-IN-CLOSET and Balcony •  2nd Bedroom with ample closet  •  Wood Staircase  •  Porcelain Floors  •  Laundry Room  •  TV Room  • 
Back walled•enclosed area for a little GARDEN•your pet  •  Wired for High Speed Internet  •  Secure Garage  •  Electric Wired SECURITY system.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

VISA RUNS - TAKING YOUR CAR ACROSS THE BORDER - What all is Needed • How to get an Exit Visa for your car in Costa Rica

    by Ivo Henfling for the Easy Times 

Why would you need an exit visa for your car in Costa Rica? When you retire in Costa Rica (and even when you just move here) it would be a sin not getting to know the country and even part of Central America. There is so much to see and to learn and Central American is an interesting area with a very different culture than what you are used to. Some of you might live here as a perpetual tourist and need to leave Costa Rica to renew your tourist visa every three months for 72 hours.

Flying to Managua or Panama City is quite expensive and why not drive if you have your own car? Well, in the United States you can cross State lines with your own car without problems and in Europe you can go across borders everywhere and nobody will ask if the car is yours or not. But not in Costa Rica!!

If the car is registered in your name or owned by a corporation that is yours, you will need permission for the vehicle to cross the border. What are the requirements to allow the vehicle to leave the country?

These requirements can be found in Spanish on the website of the National Register or you can download the English version here - BorderExitRequestforVehicles.pdf - together with the Spanish version from our website as a courtesy of the American European Real Estate Group.

Below you will find the translation as the requirements are shown in April 2013. Make sure pricing below is up to date as well as the required documents, as these can change at any time.

The departure or border exit request must be in writing by typewriter or computer, or by filling out the form for this purpose legibly, without smudging, deletions or interlinear insertions, as well as fulfilling all the requirements, as applicable. Present all the documentation at the correct counter at the National Register in Zapote or any of the regional offices - - , with the identification documents of the person performing the procedure.

The attendant at the counter will check all the application information with the information in the registers as well as the documentation brought by the applicant, verifying compliance with the requirements. If the information is in accordance with the documentation, the attendant shall issue the certification signed and stamped for immediate approval to leave the country. If your tag is CL (Light Cargo) check for different application.

If the stamps were canceled by bank payment, (Entero Bancario) the counter attendant must register this payment in the system. The application as well as the documents presented will stay in the custody of the attendant for the respective scanning.
Delivery time

The delivery time of the document to allow the vehicle to leave the country is immediate, if you provide all the necessary requirements.

¢6682,50 Registro Nacional, Acuerdo J190, sesión 17-2012, 3 de Mayo de 2012
¢300,00 Registro Nacional
¢12,50 Fiscal
¢5,00 Archivo Nacional
Art. 2 Ley de Aranceles.

Affix the notary authentication stamps: ¢ 250.00 of the Bar if the request comes authenticated

The validity of the certification for the border crossing is 15 days for private vehicles in accordance with the provisions of Article

97 of Decree 26 883-J of the Rules of Organization of Public Registry of Personal Property.

In addition to the above requirements under Article 95 of the rules of organization of the Public Register of Personal Property, (Executive Decree No. 26883-J of 13/05/1998) the following is necessary to be eligible for the certification process of a vehicle leaving the country:

a) If the request to leave the country is made by the registered owner, he/she must present their original and valid identity card or identification document, matching the information in the registers. In case the number information of the identification is different than the one registered (like your old passport has a different number than your actual passport or you bought the car with your passport and now have a cedula de residencia), you must provide an affidavit deed with their respective security ticket (by your attorney/notary public), showing this is the same person who appears in the registers.

b) When the registered owner cannot come personally to request the departure of the vehicle, you can accomplish by an authorization, sending the application duly filled with the name and identification number of the registered owner, license plate number, destination and date of departure, and the request should contain full name and identification number of the authorized person, the signature of both, which should come authenticated by a notary public, with their official white seal and ink. In this case, you must pay the stamps for authentication.

c) If the vehicle belongs to a legal entity (a Corporation), the request has to be made by the legal representative of this legal entity, a certification no older than 2 months must show showing the registration of this representation. In case this power of attorney is readily available in the computerized database of the National Register, the officer shall perform such consultation and it is not necessary to supply such certification (note that a General Power of Attorney will be registered but a Special Power of Attorney might not be registered). In case the interested party presents several border crossings of the same legal entity, just one original power of attorney or a certified copy can be provided but all requests need to be presented at the same time.  When the power of attorney cannot present him/herself to request the document, this should be performed by a Special Power of Attorney, who together with the request should also present the certification of this special power of attorney that meet the established requirements of this document.

d) When the vehicle has a lien recorded in favor of a debt owed by a vehicle owner to a lender, the lien holder's authorization has to be provided and must be authenticated by a notary public stamp and white ink stamp of authentication. If the creditor is a legal entity (corporation), this authorization must be on letterhead paper and provide certification of the power of attorney with no more than two months in case this information is not available in the digitalized databases of the National Register.

e) In the event that several vehicles are on the same lien, you may indicate the details of the license plate numbers, as long as all requests are all on a single presentation.

f) If the vehicle has a judicial lien (embargo disposition, final embargo, collision, tickets, theft annotation or injury complaint) filed, this lien needs first to be canceled or in its defect the authorization of the authority needs to be provided.

g) If the vehicle is used for tourism, you need additionally a not from the ICT and proof of extraterritorial insurance from the insurance company.

h) If the vehicle is in the name of a "pensionado" or rentista", you need additionally the certification by the ICT (National Institute for Tourism) that stated that the Pensionado or Rentista is up to date with the obligations that this migratory status indicates.

 i) When the request to leave the country is done by a person with a special power of attorney, this person must provide the original special power with the respective "boleto de seguridad" where the person is expressly authorized for that act.

j) In case the vehicle is in co-ownership, the procedure must be performed by all owners, or in defect the same must provide an original special power of attorney for this act.

k) When the vehicle register shows a transfer annotation (faulty document), it is the buyer who has to perform the procedure, the declaration under oath or supplying the special power of attorney. If one of the defects are the stamps, the presentation expires after 3 months by the law or after expiring the annotation after one year the responsible person to proceed with the request is the registered owner. 

j) Vehicles with a CL (light cargo) license plate that are dedicated to international cargo business, must provide evidence of the Board of Transport indicating the license plate number, the owners' name and Customs Code of the vehicle as well as screen print of the "Tica" system required for cargo vehicles.

k) If the request for crossing the border is made by the borrower of a loan that is not shown in the National Register, a certified copy of the loan contract has to be signed and certified by both parties.

l) When the vehicle is registered in the name of a deceased person, the authorized person to perform the procedure is the executor who has to be correctly registered in the National Register.

m) In case the vehicle is registered in the name of a minor, the authorized person to perform the procedure is the person who holds the custody of the child, which has to be proved by a protocolized declaration under oath.

If the car is in your name, free and clear - no lien's or denuncios against it - you could be in and out in 20-30 minutes!!


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

VEGETARIANA Clases de Cocina - Mantras Veggie Cafe & Tea House - 13 de Abril

Mousse de chia y coco con frutas

Plato fuertes:
Pad Thai en salsa de tamarindo
Ensalada de algas con zucchini y zanahoria rallada, manzana en aderezo de Tahini - miso jengibre.
Pasta pesto con aguacate (versión cruda y cocida)
Masala de garbanzo con kale
Arroz con "pollo" de soya vegano.

Brownie vegano con ganache de cacao

Monday, March 24, 2014

Night of Romance Wednesday•Miercoles de Candelas•Candles at Tin Jo Restaurant - San Jose, Costa Rica

Wednesday Candelas of
A night of Romance • Love • Connection • Re-Connection • a special menu of Aphrodisiacs (or order from the regular menu) • Wine • Poetry • Candles • Soft Music at a Table for 2!
Surrounded by a big bamboo waterfall in the middle of San Jose, Costa Rica.

Miércoles de Candelas, 
de Amor, de Conección. Vino, poesía, Burbujas, candelas, música suave, especial menu afrodisiaco, Mesas para 2.

BEER FESTIVAL - 1st annual Monteverde Beer Festival - April 25-26, 2014 - Monteverde, Costa Rica

1st annual

Costa Rican brewers, Live Music•musicians, artists and food makers to create a memorable experience in the Cloud Forest.  More than 15 types of handmade crafted beer!

Sunset Drum & Dance Circle

It's your chance to taste the finest beer being made in Costa Rica, relax to live acoustic guitar at sunset and share delicious culinary treats! Pura Vida :)

Primer festival de cerverza artesanal en Monteverde. Tendremos cerveza artesanal de todo Costa Rica, arte, deliciosa comida artesanal y musica en vivo! Los esperamos en nuestro bosque nuboso para compartir 2 dias llenos de buena comida, bello arte, buena musica y porsupuesto las mejores birras nacionales! 

Saturday and Sunday - April 25th and 26th, 2014  -  10:30am-11:30pm
(I've also seen 12pm/noon-11pm??)

1 Day Pass: 15,000 colones 
(1 craft beer included)

2 Day Pass: 

17,000 colones
 (1 beer per day included)

Monteverde residents: 

7,000-c/1-day.  8,000-c/2-days - no beer included


Sunday, March 23, 2014

HAPPY in Costa Rica - Costa Rica's rendition of Pharrell Williams song "HAPPY" (& a bunch of other versions)


I've been listening to this song at LEAST ONCE A DAY since discovering it (luckily I'm pretty HAPPY most days anyways)!!


And for whenever you're in need of a HAPPINESS FIX, there's even a channel now that I think people just send in themselves being HAPPY and it plays 24/7!!!!



You think YOUR life sucks??


- including countries going through hell right now -
are doing their own rendition of this song!!



 PHILIPPINES after Typhoon Haiyan

Malawi - SouthEast Africa

One of MY FAVS
Spandy Andy doing "HAPPY"!!


Here are some more articles on how this HAPPINESS MOVEMENT is spreading
Including on how Pharrell Williams has become the face of
"International Day of Happiness" with the United Nations!!:


How YOU think and feel EFFECTS EVERY ONE OF US!!

EACH OF US CAN make a difference - and it's ALL in OUR ATTITUDE!!!
(what are YOU going to choose today??
HAPPINESS and JOY - or ????)


SPIRULINA from Liberia • Fresh GOAT PRODUCTS (Yogurt • Milk • Cream Cheese) • OUTRAGEOUS HOT CHILE SAUCES from La Tigra  • ORGANIC WINES from Argentina • ORGANIC FRUIT WINES from Perez • ACHIOTE in Girasol from Escazu • KETTLE CORN from Quebrada Grande. LOCATED in Escazu this week

from Capriso

from La Tigra

from Argentina

from Perez Zeledon•San Isidro de General

ACHIOTE in Girasol 
from Escazu 


from Quebrada Grande

from Liberia

Support small businesses!!

This week in Escazu


(if she does not answer - do NOT leave a voicemail - just keep trying back)
tell her Vicki Connected you!!


Saturday, March 22, 2014

ASO YOGA FESTIVAL NACIONAL - Marzo•March 21-23 - San Jose, Costa Rica •

Friday-Sunday•Viernes-Domingo  -  March•Marzo 21-23, 2014  -  9am-5pm

San Jose, Costa Rica
CENAC - Centro Nacional de Cultura



Friday, March 21, 2014

MAJOR CELL PHONE OUTAGES (Mobile Data & Voice) Planned in Costa Rica

Posted by on March 21, 2014 in Costa Rica News, Guanacaste News, Technology News
The communities of Nuevo Arenal as well as Quebrada Grande, San Ramon, and Solania of Tilaran are among the Guanacaste communities that will be affected by suspension of Kolbi wireless services provided by ICE, the former communications monopoly of Costa Rica, during the nights of March 25th and 26th. Nationwide outages are planned during the 26th and 27th of March from about 10:00 pm to 10:00 am.
As part of its transition to 4G wireless networks in some areas of the country, ICE foresees suspension of its services for periods that may last between 10 minutes and several hours starting on Friday, March 21st through Thursday, March 28th. Some communities where fixed landline telephone service at the residential and business levels (such as for merchant processing systems) is augmented by WIMAX will also experience interruptions in service. The following outages were reported by Jason Torres of online news daily
  • March 21st and 22nd – nationwide interruptions to landline service between 10 pm and 6 am.
  • March 25th – Bella Luz and Corredores of Puntarenas will have no DSL service from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.
  • March 25th and 26th – La Sabana, and Hatillo 7 and 8 will have no mobile 3G service from 10:30 pm to 3:30 am. From 11:00 pm to 4:00 am will present wireless 3G interruptions in Barreal in Heredia and several communities in Alajuela, including Guacima, El Coyol, Zarcero, San Juanillo, and Palmares. In San Jose it will be Santa Ana; in Perez Zeledon will be Barrio Valverde, Palmital and Tinamastes. In Puntarenas will be Chacarita.
  • March 26th and 27th from 11:00 pm to 3:00 am there will be interruptions in La Sabana, downtown San Jose, Desamparados and Moravia. Interruptions in Cartago will be at Carmen and Cervantes,; in Guanacaste at Guayabal of Santa Cruz and in Heredia near the downtown cemetery. The last community affected will be Bijagua in Alajuela on March 27th throughout the morning hours.




Focus is on authors who expand your understanding of geographical, historical events and places. Bring a couple of any type of books to swap and ideas about when and where it would be best to meet in the future (it's a newly forming group)




"The Orphan Masters Son"
by Adam Johnson
About a North Korean spy. Fascinating so far!

Contact them for the date & time

North section of Costa Rica's Central Valley
Heredia/Barva - AutoMercado
Carretera a Barva, 500 norte de la Comandancia de Heredia 2-262-2833 
(this is AutoMercado's phone # just in case you get lost)
(next to the coffee shop, beyond the fruits and veggies)

Niki Sims
(tell her Vicki Connected you!!)


Thursday, March 20, 2014

BACKGAMMON - Where to Play Backgammon in Costa Rica • Dónde jugar Backgammon en Costa Rica


Group aims to meet to enjoy backgammon, in San José, Costa Rica. Open to any player who wants to join be you a pro or a beginner wanting to learn.  They say their goal is just to play and meet other backgammon players in San José, Costa Rica, and enjoy the game.

Grupo que tiene por objetivo reunirnos para disfrutar del backgammon, en San José, Costa Rica. Abierto a cualquier jugador que desee unirse.

Sabado•Saturday - 5pm+

San Jose - Barrio Escalante
 Costello's Video Bar 

8-892-8161  •


Costa Rican Backgammon Association

The CRBA meets for tournaments or chouettes


Wednesdays at 6pm

ESCAZU - Le Monastere Restaurant (comment from Vicki


Max Esquivel  - 2-224-7938 • 2-283-8118
Antonio Ortega  -  2-253-0880


Marcus Collier
 (2-262-6754  •
posts on various message boards looking to find people to play Backgammon with on 
some Saturdays at
Jalapenos Central Restaurant

He'll even teach you (free of course. Also, he says he's a pretty good checker player but have not played either one for years - in case you're interested)
(tell him Vicki Connected you)


Do you know of any other places, bars, groups, tournaments around Costa Rica where Backgammon Players can connect to play?
Email me DETAILS (where, city, DETAILED North American style directions, day and hours, cost, whatever!!) to:


Are YOU interested in meeting up with other Backgammon Players?
Post your Contact info (including where you live and/or how far you're willing to go) in "Comments" below



Permaculture • Sustainable Living • Natural Building • Organic Farming • Food Forests - Life Sustainable Regenerative Design Courses in Costa Rica

Learn more about Permaculture • Sustainable LivingNatural BuildingOrganic FarmingFood Forests, and more at 
 Life Sustainable Regenerative Design Courses 
at the Awakening Soul Earth Training Sanctuary
in Costa Rica

Discounts for early registration.

Short video (very artistic and beautiful!)

(tell them Vicki Connected you)



The Women’s Club of Costa Rica (WCCR) which has been active for 70 years serving local communities and especially raising LOTS of $$ for scholarships!!  They are an English speaking group and beginner level English is welcome. 

WCCR is a Philanthropic Organization supporting education, primarily through scholarships and development of school libraries for children of Costa Rica.

They promote Friendship through Service and social events such as neighborhood teas, lunches, mini-fundraisers, dinners and other themed events, plus major fundraisers.

Their friendship mission is accomplished by welcoming new women into the community and introducing them to their fascinating variety of members.

The Women's Club of Costa Rica is a philanthropic organization supporting education , primarily through university scholarships and development of school libraries for children in Costa Rica.

Building friendships, granting scholarships for Costa Rican young people, and donating books and equipment to public school libraries to encourage children’s interest in reading for fun

In the past 5 years, they have donated over $250,000 to community service projects.

They raise a LOT of money for scholarships to help some of the best students in Costa Rica that don't have the means!!!  Past WCCR projects have included the first mammogram machine in Costa Rica, and the development of an award winning program to raise awareness of domestic abuse.

They have over 350 members from many corners of the globe, ranging in age from 18 – 95 (it does tend to be an older, more higher economic crowd compared to some of the other groups).


UPCOMING 2015 EVENTS Neighborhood Socials bring together newcomer new members with some of their neighbors!
North Neighborhood Social:
Saturday - February 14 - 2pm

East Neighborhood Social
Wednesday - February 18 - 10am 

West Neighborhood Social 
Saturday - February 21 - 3pm


Interest Groups are additional activities members do together
English In Fun
English is Fun has now completed its first month of conversational English classes! 18 children at Escuela España in San Antonio de Belén have attended the weekly English is Fun after school class for one month now and their enthusiasm for English is growing! Each week the children are boldly greeting their WCCR teachers with phrases like, “Welcome teachers, so glad to see you today!” and “My favorite food is sushi! (Yup, that’s right, sushi!) The children are singing and dancing “the Hokey Pokey” and making all the animal sounds for “Old McDonald had a farm.” They are playing memory games, telling the story of their families using English and speaking with
confidence. Every WCCR member who has said “yes” to the call to volunteer has left each session knowing they have added value to a child’s life. Now we are getting hugs along with the greetings from the children. We have just 4 more weeks in this pilot and then we will assess if we have enough volunteer support to continue. The children, the school and the teachers have made the commitment it's up to us. If you would like to make a difference in a child’s life.


Cinema Fans Are you one of those people that keeps a list of your favorite movies? Do you find yourself quoting lines from your favorite films or being able to list the last 5 films of your favorite actor? Are you a documentary fan or a connoisseur of foreign films or a Masterpiece Theater enthusiast? Do you hear about a film and immediately add it to your favs (favorites) list on Amazon or Netflix? Well, Cinema Fans is for you! Each month we explore a different genre of film: Classics, drama, musicals, foreign films. We nominate our favorites, select one and screen it together while enjoying wine, bocas and popcorn!

3rd Tuesday from 1-4:30pm in Escazú. 


Writers GroupDo you have a book inside of you? A memoir? A blog? Journal entries stuck on a shelf? Poems just waiting to be put on paper? Have you been so busy just doing your life that your writer self has been left behind? Well, all that is about to change with the introduction of The Writers' Workshop. Here is a place where your writer self can take wings through the act of writing, sharing your writing and giving and getting feedback. Just imagine spending one morning a month in the company of other writers, would-be writers, and appreciators of the written word. And then imagine communicating with one another during the month through a blog.


Walkers and Hikers
Have you been just itching to put on your hiking shoes and explore the hills and valleys around San José? Places like Poás, San Isidro de Heredia, Termales de Bosque, Barva Volcano, Santa Ana and beyond? Well, you are not alone. There are lots of like- minded woman who are eager to meet you at the trail head and explore this gorgeous country on foot.

Book Clubs
Out-of-the-ordinary group that reads and reports on books from its own library.

 Cariari -  This group of raucous, fun-loving and dedicated book enthusiasts meets in Cariari on the first Friday of the month. 

Le Cercle Francophone

La Cercle Francophone is a group currently consisting of French speakers from France, the United States, Canada, Costa Rica, England, Argentina, Norway and Morocco. They meet at a restaurant the 3rd Thursday of each month. 
 September 30th at 12 noon the group will meet for lunch at the Vegetarian Restaurant Buho in San Pedro 

Amantes del Libro Espanol

Theater Lunching Out

Amantes del Libro Español - María Eugenia Chacón,

Creative Cooking
This talented group of innovative food lovers learn to make interesting dishes from local products that will delight your family and dazzle your guests! You will leave every class with new recipes to add to your repertoire. Creative Cooking meets the first Wednesday of each month; however, due to travel schedules, the next one will be December 3rd.
This is a woman's organization but they have a group that's mainly for the husbands - Amigos Asociados that lends a hand when needed. (I don't think it's very active though)

Meetings are generally held the 2nd Wednesday of each month around the Central Valley starting at 9:30am.

Membership is 10,000/year - payable in December (pro-rated if after December).



2-285-1276  •

Know any women living in Costa Rica - or thinking to move here?  Expats, Nationals that speak English??
Please share this link with them!

Women's ROLLER DERBY in Costa Rica


Panties Dinamita  vs  Liga

Saturday - April•Abril 5  -  6pm

el Polideportivo Aranjuez


(do you have any others to add??)