Saturday, March 29, 2014

PERSONARIA JURIDICA - Where to get a Current Copy - Stamps & ALL

One of the MANY frustrating things in Costa Rica is OFTEN when dealing with bank accounts, phone companies or any public service agencies, government agencies and even some store where your account is under a corporation - is when they ask you for a CURRENT "PERSONARIA JURIDICA".

The Personeria Juridical is a legal document used in most Latin American countries to prove legal capacity or legal representation, mostly for companies, but there are Certificaciones de Poder • Certifications of Power — that are basically the same thing.

ESPECIALLY these days, to do MANY things - like get a Phone Line or Bank Account - you need either a Cedula or to do it through your Costa Rican Corporation.

If going the Corporation route you need to have a CURRENT "PERSONARIA JURIDICA".

Each company has different requirement as to how current the  "stamped"/dated document needs to be but most I've encountered require it to be less than 30 days.

Now the Registro Nacional•National Registry - has started something called the Registro Nacional Digital (RNP) – the digital national registry which makes your life WAYYYY easier!!!  If you speak enough EspaƱol and a BUNCH of other documents, you can go online and get a PDF version of it: 
Online:  For how to do it check out this GREAT article by lawyer Garland Baker (make sure to read some of the Comments as well for some other helpful hints):
COST:  2,800-c/$5.60-ish (paid by credit card)
***NOTE that this way the document is ONLY VALID for 15 DAYS and you CAN use it for multiple purposes so do NOT let them take your original - ya never know!!

•  I heard before you can also get them at the Post Office/Correo for 2,800-colones. 


•  BCR = 2,800-colones

•  Get it at a Registro office (2-221-0845)
LOCATIONS:  -  San Jose, Alajuela, Quesada-Alajuela, Puntarenas, Liberia, Limon, Perez Zeledon•San Isidro de General

A note from someone in San Isidro - “First, you must buy your stamps at the store in the little alley about a block north of the bank (cost = 400c). Then bring the stamps upstairs to the Registro's office, get one of the green forms on the table, stick your stamps on it (the other people in line will show you where) and wait in line. When you get to the window, show them the copy of your Cedula Juridica for the corporation (for me its a piece of paper with my corporation numbers on it, you might have a card) and they will print out the Personeria Juridica for you. No cost (other than the stamps), no lawyer necessary.” - BUT - the line can be LONG!!  I once stood in one that was nearly 2 hours (maybe go mid-week and around 3pm (most are open from 8 or 9am till 3:30pm)

•  Lawyer•Abigado  -  You can get this from any lawyer and the average price I've heard is about $20-$25 (from non-gringo lawyers) - IF it's not a rush (many lawyers go once a week or so to do a bunch at one time).  More if it’s a rush.


Know anyone that has a Costa Rica Corporation?

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