Luckily I do NOT•WILL NOT own a car in Costa Rica and I am more of a Taxi kinda gal (these days I'm ALL about the EASE and Peace of Mind and this sure gives me LOTS more peace than most people I know, to say nothing of how MUCH $$$ I save [see my article at]) but even if I'm a passenger I still do some things BEFORE I go out!• I do research to be clear on where I'm going.
• If I'm not clear, I CALL the person/place for more DETAILED directions including what landmarks, restaurants, etc. are nearby.
• I bring the phone number where I'm going.
• If I can't find something, I stop a LOCAL TAXI driver and ask them - NOT someone on the street because MY experience living in Costa Rica for 8 years (on July 19) has been if I ask 4 people for directions, chances are REALLY GOOD that I'll get 5+ different directions and RARELY will ANY of them be correct!!!
Do YOU have any HINTS to share - of things that make YOUR life easier when it comes to directions in Costa Rica??If so, please share them in "Comments" below - or email me at
PLEASE "Share" this link to anyone you know considering moving to Costa Rica, or that gets frustrated when trying to find places in/around Costa Rica
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