Tuesday, August 6, 2013

HEATED POOLS & JACUZZI's in Costa Rica (hahahahahahaha!!!)

Peeps, Costa Rica is NOT the U.S./Canada - as much as many of you might like or try for it to be!!  One of the MOST noticeable ways is in POOLS and JACUZZI's!!  SOOOOO MANY tourists say they "NEED A POOL" in their property prerequisites but what they do NOT know is VERY FEW POOLS are actually HEATED!!!!

(this is the HUGE pool that we had in the first home I lived in in Pozos de Santa Ana, Costa Rica.  I sort of though, since it was a lower/hotter area, the pool would get warm enough.  NOT!!!  As inviting as it was, in the 11 months I lived there, NOT ONCE did I see "adults" in the pool and I could see it from my livingroom•kitchen window!!)

Now, at the beach areas, that's not such a biggie - but when you're talking the Central Valley and hilly areas - where you're at 3,000 feet elevation - they can be downright FREEZING (at least to wimpy me!!).


The "hottest" months in Costa Rica tend to be AROUND January to early April.  Great for you Snowbirds - but that's not a big window - and if we have a late Windy Season (as we had the past year), it can start later!!

Even ALL the gyms I know in Costa Rica that have pool - are NOT heated by MY standards (a nice pool to get me in is around 85º!!  Other than that it WILL take me about 10 minutes to get into the water. I do NOT do cold showers or pools!!)!!  Even the expensive/VERY modern/U.S. based World Gym's pool is not heated. 

ESCAZU  -  There is a pool for Water Aerobics/Free Swim in Escazu that has a semi-heated pool (not really by MY standards but for Costa Rica it is -


There IS a GOOD chance if you find a place near the beach that the jacuzzi is NOT HEATED so if a HOT Jacuzzi is important to you (I don't get the concept of cold water beating on my back - NOT very relaxing to ME!!!!!!!!!), I'd EMAIL the property and ask if the Jacuzzi is heated AND FUNCTIONING as I've found MANY Jacuzzi's in Costa Rica - ESPECIALLY Jacuzzi BATHTUBS - do NOT function (it's HARD to find someone to repair them and they're MEGA EXPENSIVE!!).

OH, and the OTHER thing I've found, RARELY will Hot Water Tanks in Costa Rica fill even a REGULAR bathtub so JUST because the jacuzzi DOES work - the water may not get hot enough (unless you want to boil/microwave a bunch of water and transport it into the tub.  So much for a long soak!!!).


From what I've seen my 8 years living in Costa Rica is IF you found a pool that was heated, you'll be paying at LEAST $1,000+++ in rent and electricity will most likely NOT be included in the rent!!

"Solar" will NOT get ANYTHING warm enough the 6+ months a year we have rain because it NEEDS SUN to heat it and what we have during that time are MONTHS and MONTHS of clouds!!!!

Added to your electricity bill WILL most likely be $300 or so a month MORE - JUST to heat a "heated pool" or jacuzzi (NOTE:  my electricity bills have been more for me in Costa Rica in in Florida [withOUT using an air-conditioner]).

ADDED to the chemicals needed to clean that pool are EXPENSIVE!!!!!!!!!!

An option you MAY want to look for is a place with a GEO-THERMAL POOL.  I'd imagine IF you found such a place, it would be more in areas with Hot Springs - Volcanoes - like Arenal•La Fortuna or Cartago MAYBE - though I sure have not seen many.


AHHHH - but does it actually WORK????
As mentioned above in the Jacuzzi area, just because a website or brochure SAYS it has a "Heated Pool" or Jacuzzi - does NOT mean it is FUNCTIONING (as mentioned above, #1 because finding people to actually REPAIR it is few and far between - AND - PARTS are VERY VERY HARD to come by so they can take MONTHS if they're ordering them from the States (if it's being shipped) and have EXPENSIVE "Aduana"•Customs Taxes - AND - parts are in general tend to be LOTS LOTS LOTS more $$$$•expensive in Costa Rica!!!!

There's a GOOD CHANCE that if you rent a home with a Jacuzzi anything - or a pool, they MAY make YOU responsible for repairs so be forewarned!!!


(so you're not playing "victim" or "ruining your vacation"
[ahhhh - how MANY people do that - because THEY did NOT take the time to ASK the RIGHT Questions?!?!?!])

What I'd do before making a reservation or signing a lease if it was important to me that the pool and/or jacuzzi be functioning - I'd
WRITE to the property and ask them DIRECTLY:

Is your Pool Heated?
What TEMPERATURE is it heated to?
It the Pool Heater FUNCTIONING as of this date?

Is your Jacuzzi Heated?
What TEMPERATURE is your Jacuzzi Heated to?
What HOURS is your Jacuzzi available to use?
It your Jacuzzi FUNCTIONING as of this date?
It your Jacuzzi Heater FUNCTIONING as of this date?


Have YOU found a Hotel, Condo, House, or Apartment that has a HEATED POOL OR JACUZZI?
PLEASE e- me their DETAILS so I can add them here!!!!


Has this DETAILED information been helpful to you - brought more ease into your life, saved you from a potential costly disaster or frustration in your vacation?
Please consider showing your appreciation by making a DONATION to keep this detailed blog going (top left corner of the blog)!!  ANY amount is helpful since this is my ONLY source of "income" and FEW have ever donated!!!


PLEASE "SHARE" this with EVERYONE you know coming to visit or live in Costa Rica that is insisting on a pool!!!


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