I (Vicki Skinner - aka "THE Sarong Goddess") created this blog in 2007 to share DETAILED Finds•Lists•Info•Events•Experiences to help bring more EASE to people living in, visiting or thinking of moving to Costa Rica since DETAILS are NOT easy to find!
I’m NOT an expert (an "expert" 2 ME knows 101%-NOT me). I believe in sharin info•helping where I can! And with over 2,200 entries, so some things might be out of date, so if you find old info PLEASE help each other by getting the updated info & sharing it with me to revise. At least you have some basic info to get you started.
Better yet - do you have extra time on your hands & looking for a volunteer project? Since this blog is a labor of love & RARELY does anyone share a donation (even though MANY have said how much it's helped them), I could REALLY use help updating info. Spanish speakers ESPECIALLY welcome since my VicLish can be somewhat limited at times!!

Has my blog helped in any way? Helped find something•brought more EASE? More exposure or business?
I welcome you to show YOUR appreciation for my efforts!
(see below other ways to show your appreciation)
The easiest way is with PAYPAL - Attn: LivingLifeInCostaRica@gmail.com
(you do NOT need to have a PayPal account to do this - just a credit or debit card)
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• APPLE LAPTOP - Do you have a Laptop you're not using? Mine recently broke so I'm using a lender. Must be new enough to run current Skypes & have an SDCard slot.
• Amazon.com or GoDaddy.com Credit•Gift Certificate (attn: SarongGoddess@gmail.com)
• Something else to share?? A gift certificate or invite for your business? I'm open!! (at times I'll add other things here that I'm seeking)

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Calculator to help you Count out your 90 Days ACCURATELY & with EASE (for your Exit Visa Run)

I've seen MANY times where someone MIS-calculated 90 days from the date they entered Costa Rica.

What was often the problem was they were assuming an August 20th re-entry back into Costa Rica meant they had to leave Costa Rica BY November 20th - but in fact - because of the months with 31 days in them - November 20 was 92 days and for some in the past that lead to them getting less than a 90 day stamp (a Migracion officer once said to me he felt like they were making a mockery - trying to buck the system which they do NOT look lightly on) or at least a slap on the wrist and if they got the 90 day stamp once, that MIGHT have contributed to them getting a less than 90 Day Visa Stamp in the future.

BUT - NOW that the new $100 US$ for each Month you're over your Visa Stamp fine is in place, even if you're just 1 day over, you MUST pay the $100 penalty AND, as of now based on what I've read, you MUST pay it at a BANK BEFORE you get to the border!!!

So don't mess up!!!
NOTE:  I personally calculate out and leave BY day 89 most of the time because on day I ALMOST was late leaving because the Panama border crossing at Sixiola was closed that day because of flooding (hence that was the GIFT in my life that helped me discover WONDERFUL, LOTS cheaper and VERY SAFE Nicaragua for Visa Runs!!!)

Hope this helps some of you have more EASE in your life!!

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