I (Vicki Skinner - aka "THE Sarong Goddess") created this blog in 2007 to share DETAILED Finds•Lists•Info•Events•Experiences to help bring more EASE to people living in, visiting or thinking of moving to Costa Rica since DETAILS are NOT easy to find!
I’m NOT an expert (an "expert" 2 ME knows 101%-NOT me). I believe in sharin info•helping where I can! And with over 2,200 entries, so some things might be out of date, so if you find old info PLEASE help each other by getting the updated info & sharing it with me to revise. At least you have some basic info to get you started.
Better yet - do you have extra time on your hands & looking for a volunteer project? Since this blog is a labor of love & RARELY does anyone share a donation (even though MANY have said how much it's helped them), I could REALLY use help updating info. Spanish speakers ESPECIALLY welcome since my VicLish can be somewhat limited at times!!

Has my blog helped in any way? Helped find something•brought more EASE? More exposure or business?
I welcome you to show YOUR appreciation for my efforts!
(see below other ways to show your appreciation)
The easiest way is with PAYPAL - Attn: LivingLifeInCostaRica@gmail.com
(you do NOT need to have a PayPal account to do this - just a credit or debit card)
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• APPLE LAPTOP - Do you have a Laptop you're not using? Mine recently broke so I'm using a lender. Must be new enough to run current Skypes & have an SDCard slot.
• Amazon.com or GoDaddy.com Credit•Gift Certificate (attn: SarongGoddess@gmail.com)
• Something else to share?? A gift certificate or invite for your business? I'm open!! (at times I'll add other things here that I'm seeking)

Monday, August 20, 2012

Festival Nacional Yoga Para todos - Agosto 24-26, 2012

Festival Nacional Yoga Para todos
Biernes•Friday - Domingo•Sunday
Agosto•August 24-26, 2012

CUANDO • WHEN:  Biernes•Friday - August 24 - 6:30pm  •  Sabado • Saturday y/and Domingo • Sunday - Agusto•August 25-26, 2012  -  8am-6pm

DONDE • WHERE:  San Jose - in the old CENAC building/the Centro Cultural Nacional - Avenida 3 between Calle 15 y 17 (home also to MADC - Museo de Arte y Diseno Contemporaneo) - at the East end of Parque España and almost caddy corner to the tall INS building. 
DIRECTIONS:  Go North-bound on Calle 11 - under the overpass and immediately turn right onto Avenida 3 and an immediate Left onto whatever street that is that is in front of Cenac and the East end of Parque España.  Note to get to Calle 11 - there is a BUNCH of road construction going on around there so see my note for directions to Tin Jo (which is on Calle 11)
Coordinates•Coordenadas:  9°56'8"N   84°4'21"W

COSTO:  1 dia•day - 3,000-c.  2 dia•day - 4,000-c

Buscamos voluntarios BIEN COMPROMETIDOS que puedan colaborar con nosotros durante los DOS DIAS del festival, ofrecemos un año de membresía para este 2012, o para el siguiente 2013.
Sábado y domingo de 8:00 am, a 6:00 pm.
Favor responder a "AsoYoga Fest"  AsoYogaFestival@gmail.com
Necesitamos mucha ayuda para el festival!!!!!!!!!!!

We are looking for well committed volunteers who can collaborate with us during the two days of the festival, we offer a year of membership for this 2012, or 2013 following. Saturday and Sunday from 8: 00 am to 6: 00 pm. Please respond to "AsoYoga Fest" AsoYogaFestival@gmail.com
We need much help for the festival!

Para aquellos que quieran participar del festival con stand o prestando sus servicios.

24 de Agosto: Clases Gratuitas en Centros de Yoga
Hora recomendada: 6:30 pm
Favor enviar datos del centro o lugar donde se dará la clase, la hora y el profesor que la impartirá al correo infoyogamandir@gmail.com

25 y 26 de Agosto: Festival en el CENAC
Clases de Yoga y Meditación, actividades culturales y artísticas, concierto meditativo. Stands de comida, productos y servicios, etc.

Para impartir clases:
Enviar su propuesta de clase y población (principiantes o intermedio) con la que trabajaría a nangomurray@gmail.com. Solo para miembros de Asoyoga.

Presentaciones Artísticas:
Enviar propuestas a productora del Festival, sofiyoga@yahoo.com

Stands de Servicios y Productos:
Enviar su solicitud a Productora del Festival, sofiyoga@yahoo.com, para recibir toda la información al respecto. Les recordamos que los socios tienen un precio especial en cualquier modalidad de stands.

Voluntarios para Festival CENAC:
Como cada año estaremos necesitando al menos 60 voluntarios comprometidos para trabajar en turnos de medio día. Para esto hay una comisión dirigida por producción y Fernando Solano escribir al: fersosa88@gmail.com

El patrocinio es fundamental para lograr que el festival se lleve a cabo. Si desea ser patrocinador y tener un lugar protagónico durante el festival, o si conoce alguien quien desee ser parte escriba a sofiyoga@yahoo.com.

Lo nuevo:
Este año el Festival de Yoga para Todos crece para llegar a más personas! Durante el mes de agosto estaremos ofreciendo clases de yoga gratuitas en centros educativos públicos para hacer llegar esta bella práctica a todos los lugares del país con la ayuda de todos ustedes!.

Profesores dispuestos a ofrecer una clase voluntaria en su comunidad para lograr llevar el Yoga a los centros educativos públicos. Una comisión dirigida por la productora del Festival se estará haciendo cargo de esta parte del Festival. Para más información escribir a la productora del Festival.


For those who want to participate in the festival with stand or providing services.Programming:August 24: Free classes in Yoga CentersRecommended time: 6:30 pmPlease send or data center where the class will, time and the professor who taught the mail infoyogamandir@gmail.com25 and 26 August: Festival in CENACYoga and Meditation Classes, cultural and artistic activities, meditative concert. Stands of food, goods and services, etc..To teach:Send your proposal and population class (beginner or intermediate) with which to work nangomurray@gmail.com. Asoyoga members only.Artistic Presentations:Send proposals to producing the Festival, sofiyoga@yahoo.comStands Products and Services:Send your request to Producer of the Festival, sofiyoga@yahoo.com, to get all the details. We remind that the partners have a special price stands at any mode.CENAC Festival Volunteers:Like every year we need at least 60 volunteers committed to work half-day shifts. For this there is a commission headed by Fernando Solano production and write to: fersosa88@gmail.comSponsorships:The sponsorship is critical to ensure that the festival takes place. If you want to become a sponsor and have a leading role during the festival, or if you know someone who wants to be part sofiyoga@yahoo.com write.What's new:This year the Festival of Yoga for All grows to reach more people! During the month of August we will be offering free yoga classes in public schools to bring this beautiful practice all over the country with the help of all of you!.We need:Teachers willing to offer a class volunteer in your community to bring Yoga to achieving public schools. A commission headed by the producer of the Festival will be taking charge of this part of the Festival. For more information write to the producer of the Festival.


Productora de Festival:
Para stands, yoga en centros educativos públicos, patrocinios, Presentaciones artísticas
Sofía Pérez Sibaja
8-848-2347  •  SofiYoga@yahoo.com

Encargada Clases en
Nango Murray
8-394-4524  •  NangoMurray@gmail.com

Encargado de Voluntarios:
Fernando Solano
8-654-2744   •   fersosa88@gmail.com

Para Afiliaciones:
Secretaria de AsoYoga:
Patty Arroyo
8-838-4359  •  PattyArroyo@racsa.co.cr

Para clases gratuitas en los centros de yoga, el viernes 24, 6 30 pm,
Escribir a Yoga Mandir alI InfoYogaMandir@gmail.com

Festival Nacional Yoga para Todos!
Una oportunidad de crecer como comunidad y dar aportes para una Cultura de Paz

Se despide,

Sofía Pérez Sibaja
Productora Festival Nacional de Yoga C.R.
Tel 88-48-23-47



PLEASE "SHARE"this with EVERYONE you know that could use this venue!!!!

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