Hey dog lovers - Did you see "DOGS IN THE CITY"? It's a cool show about Dog Training.
It's a new Summer Series on Wednesdays on CBS at 8pm EDT - BUT, that would be at 6pm CR time (it's 2 hours earlier since it's based on East Coast time) - Channel 21 on Amnet.
Do you live outside of the U.S. and don't have access to U.S. tv stations - check out
I’m NOT an expert (an "expert" 2 ME knows 101%-NOT me). I believe in sharin info•helping where I can! And with over 2,200 entries, so some things might be out of date, so if you find old info PLEASE help each other by getting the updated info & sharing it with me to revise. At least you have some basic info to get you started.
Better yet - do you have extra time on your hands & looking for a volunteer project? Since this blog is a labor of love & RARELY does anyone share a donation (even though MANY have said how much it's helped them), I could REALLY use help updating info. Spanish speakers ESPECIALLY welcome since my VicLish can be somewhat limited at times!!
Has my blog helped in any way? Helped find something•brought more EASE? More exposure or business?
I welcome you to show YOUR appreciation for my efforts!
(see below other ways to show your appreciation)
The easiest way is with PAYPAL - Attn: LivingLifeInCostaRica@gmail.com
(you do NOT need to have a PayPal account to do this - just a credit or debit card)
• APPLE LAPTOP - Do you have a Laptop you're not using? Mine recently broke so I'm using a lender. Must be new enough to run current Skypes & have an SDCard slot.
• Amazon.com or GoDaddy.com Credit•Gift Certificate (attn: SarongGoddess@gmail.com)
• Something else to share?? A gift certificate or invite for your business? I'm open!! (at times I'll add other things here that I'm seeking)
• Amazon.com or GoDaddy.com Credit•Gift Certificate (attn: SarongGoddess@gmail.com)
• Something else to share?? A gift certificate or invite for your business? I'm open!! (at times I'll add other things here that I'm seeking)
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
HUSKY DOGS For Sale - in Costa Rica
DIOSA - She's a 3 years old, spayed, red/brown and white Husky Malamute and a wonderful companion and watchdog. 35,000 colones
TINKA - She's a sweet, 8 months old, long haired, black and white husky with a loving personality. 50,000 colones.
Plus soon to be weaned, black and white husky PUPS, too cute to believe.
TINKA - She's a sweet, 8 months old, long haired, black and white husky with a loving personality. 50,000 colones.
Plus soon to be weaned, black and white husky PUPS, too cute to believe.
Located in San Isidro de General
8-532-5096 / diosa@PuraVidaConnections.com
(make sure to tell them that Vicki Connected you!!)
LOVE the ease we have living in Costa Rica when it comes to paying
Utility Bills as you can pay most utility bills at MANY locations around
the country.
All BANKS in Costa Rica allow you to pay your bills ONLINE. I LOVE
how this works in Costa Rica - especially like with CitiBank
which has the EASIEST website in English!!! All you need is the account
number (which could be for someone else even!) - just put the type of
payment and number and they'll tell you how much is due and you can even
pay someone else's bill! (hey - this is a GREAT "Pay it Forward" move
to just do something nice for someone without them knowing about it!!)
(the ServiMas window in the back of Mas x Menos - Escazu)
ServiMasServiMas booths are located in Mas x Menos, WalMart, MaxiBodega's & Maxi Pal (don’t know if Maxi Pali is different than "just" Pali's but I know that Pali in Escazu does NOT have a ServiMas [because there's one at Mas x Menos]).
They take payments for the standard Utility Bills and LOTS MORE plus they're
LOCATIONS: HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 8am-8pm. Sun. 9am-5pm
ServiMas is one of my FAV FINDS in Costa
Rica for MANY reasons!! #1 - they’re the
BEST place to exchanging your U.S. $s into colones!!
#1 -
They have LONGER HOURS than banks (many
are open from 8am to 8pm!!) and you get a decent rate of exchange (with no
exchange service fee).
#2 -
They usually have MUCH shorter lines
(except on days where key Utility bills are do).
- You can pay your Utilities
Bills here and LOTS MORE!! Examples - Landline and cell/cellular phone bills
(ICE•Kolbi, Claro, MoviStar, FullMovile), Cable TV (Amnet, CableTica, Sky, DirectTV,
CableVision), Electricity (AYA).
They’re an official WESTERN UNION
You can also pay other businesses like: GroupoNacion
- la Nacion newspaper (like ads or your subscriptions), ADT alarm company. Credit
Card Bills (CitiBank, Banco LaFise, Banco Cathaj, MasiMas Facil Visa, Maxima).
You can also pay some services like all
the taxes that Banco Nacional has – Municipalidad taxes, your cars annual Marchamo
(be forewarned that closer to the date [December 31] you can have some LONG
I’m working on gathering a more complete
(Corporate Office – 2-210-8500 / http://ServiValores.com)
(these are just a few of the bills you can pay at ServiMas)
Most main GROCERY STORES/markets allow you to pay the main Utility Bills at the Cashier so no need to walk off separately.
FISCHEL Farmacia/Drug Stores (the largest pharmacy in Costa Rica) accepts your Utility Bills as do many pharmacies. Find a location at: http://FischelEnLinea.com
AT BANKS - Most banks take the basic Utility bills but NOTE - as of June 1, 2012 - Banco Nacional is no charging 300-colones/60¢-ish for EACH bill you pay if you pay it AT THE COUNTER (awaiting other banks jumping on that bandwagon as often happens! You can still pay them at the atm).
Go to their offices and pay there. This MAY be required if you've been cut off though MY experience has been to just go to pay it (for me - usually at a ServiMas) and pretty fast many things are turned back on (especially the phone/cell). Electricity may be up to 24 hours (you might want to NOT have everything turned on as it CAN POSSIBLY blow your system out with such a huge power surge I've been told by techs). Don't know if it's still true but water used to be shut off within 3 days of when the bill was due and can take a FEW days to reconnect!!! YIKES!!!
has some notes/hints about paying your bills.
shared this with me:If you pay your Utility Bills at SOME Cruz Roja•Red Cross around Costa Rica, they get some sort of BONUS so SERIOUSLY consider doing that. I'm awaiting details on which Cruz Roja's do that since when I just called the head office - after getting passed away a LOT, someone FINALLY said it is NOT all of them. Someone else said it was something in conjunction with ICE. I'm working on getting to the root of this & will update here!
Do you go to the Escazu Organic Farmers Market on Wednesday? The Cruz Roja is just across the street so you can pay right there and help them [which MAY help you or someone you know one day with needing/using their ambulance service!!]). To find the closest Cruz Roja to you go to http://CruzRoja.or.cr
Please "SHARE" this link with EVERYONE you know that could use this information (ESPECIALLY in Facebook!!!):
Did you find this information helpful??
We welcome you to consider making a
GIFT•DONATION to help keep it alive!!!
Go to the top right corner for how to do that!! THANX!!!
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Pay Utility Bills at Cashier Window at Banco Nacional - +300-c
Effective June 1, 2012 - if you pay a utility bill at the Cashiers Window at Banco Nacional you will be charged +300-colones (about 60¢-US$)!
There is NO fee if you pay electronically through your bank account. I LOVE how this works in Costa Rica - especially like with CitiBank which has the EASIEST website in English!!! All you need is the account number (which could be for someone else even!) - just put the type of payment and number and they'll tell you how much is due and you can even pay someone else's bill! (hey - this is a GREAT "Pay it Forward" move to just do something nice for someone without them knowing about it!!)
Read my latest entry to learn:
There is NO fee if you pay electronically through your bank account. I LOVE how this works in Costa Rica - especially like with CitiBank which has the EASIEST website in English!!! All you need is the account number (which could be for someone else even!) - just put the type of payment and number and they'll tell you how much is due and you can even pay someone else's bill! (hey - this is a GREAT "Pay it Forward" move to just do something nice for someone without them knowing about it!!)
New Mega-Mall being built in Alajuela
Honduran company plans mega-mall for Alajuela
Posted: Monday, May 28, 2012 - By http://TicoTimes.net
The City Mall, when completed in 2014, will be one of the biggest in the country, rivaling Mall Multiplaza Escazú.
In 2014, the city of Alajuela, northwest of San José, will
inaugurate one of the largest shopping malls in the country. The design
of the 185,000-square-meter City Mall project will rival the gigantic
Mall Multiplaza Escazú, southwest of the city.
The City Mall will include 280 stores and 2,400 parking spaces, according to El Financiero. Honduran company Lady Lee plans to start construction in October, once permits are issued. The structure is expected to be as large as the five-story Mall Multiplaza Escazú.
The business did not release the price of the investment, but based on the amount of land acquired, El Financiero estimated that already $13.7 million could be invested in the project.
The mall will include the department stores Aliss, Universal and Carrion and a 10-screen movie theater. Foreign brands from Europe, Israel and the United States are looking to open stores, including Gap, Kenneth Cole, Tommy Hilfiger and restaurant Chili's.
The mall also will include an arcade with a “ferris wheel, bumper cars and a nursery.”
El Financiero also noted that in time for the holiday season, two new malls will open, and Mall Multiplaza Escazú will be remodeled. The Lincoln Plaza in Moravia, northeast of San José, and Paseo Metrópoli in Cartago, east of San José, debut in November. The refurbished Mall Multiplaza Escazú includes U.S. brands new to the country, such as Gap, Banana Republic and Forever 21, and also U.S. eateries Chili's and Cosi.
The City Mall will include 280 stores and 2,400 parking spaces, according to El Financiero. Honduran company Lady Lee plans to start construction in October, once permits are issued. The structure is expected to be as large as the five-story Mall Multiplaza Escazú.
The business did not release the price of the investment, but based on the amount of land acquired, El Financiero estimated that already $13.7 million could be invested in the project.
The mall will include the department stores Aliss, Universal and Carrion and a 10-screen movie theater. Foreign brands from Europe, Israel and the United States are looking to open stores, including Gap, Kenneth Cole, Tommy Hilfiger and restaurant Chili's.
The mall also will include an arcade with a “ferris wheel, bumper cars and a nursery.”
El Financiero also noted that in time for the holiday season, two new malls will open, and Mall Multiplaza Escazú will be remodeled. The Lincoln Plaza in Moravia, northeast of San José, and Paseo Metrópoli in Cartago, east of San José, debut in November. The refurbished Mall Multiplaza Escazú includes U.S. brands new to the country, such as Gap, Banana Republic and Forever 21, and also U.S. eateries Chili's and Cosi.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Website Listing Scams & Frauds in Costa Rica
I JUST came across this interesting website of news in/around Costa Rica where people list IN DETAILS scams/frauds and WITH names at that.
It's VERY challenging in Costa Rica as there are LOTS of scammers/people committing blatant fraud here, but, it seems that the slander/libel laws in Costa Rica actually OFTEN end up PROTECTING the criminal (even those that are FULLY prosecuted with NO question) and PROSECUTE - even jail sometimes - the one that names names!! It's REALLY unfortunate for the people who keep getting scammed and has REALLY hurt the country as MANY foreigners are afraid to invest in Costa Rica.
I think this site is offering an IMPORTANT service (as long as they're LEGIT complaints as SOMETIMES what's really going on is a war between the parties [some sad/hurt puppies living here]) - BUT - just be careful about naming names!!!!
It's VERY challenging in Costa Rica as there are LOTS of scammers/people committing blatant fraud here, but, it seems that the slander/libel laws in Costa Rica actually OFTEN end up PROTECTING the criminal (even those that are FULLY prosecuted with NO question) and PROSECUTE - even jail sometimes - the one that names names!! It's REALLY unfortunate for the people who keep getting scammed and has REALLY hurt the country as MANY foreigners are afraid to invest in Costa Rica.
I think this site is offering an IMPORTANT service (as long as they're LEGIT complaints as SOMETIMES what's really going on is a war between the parties [some sad/hurt puppies living here]) - BUT - just be careful about naming names!!!!
Friday, May 25, 2012
PEDICURES & MANICURES & DAY SPA type services - Costa Rica
I'm creating this list of some of the people I've found that I (or others) have experienced a good job with for
around Costa Rica
(with an emphasis on Escazu since that's where I live the most)
(with an emphasis on Escazu since that's where I live the most)

She works from her home mornings till around noon (& then she also works at Panterd Market up in San Antonio de Escazu sometimes).
I had her working HARD for her $$$ with me as it had been AGES since I got a pedicure and I've been tough on these feet!! She did a GREAT JOB!!
If you go to her at her home it's just 6,000 (but I gave her 7,000-colones ($14) because she has to work harder and it took LOTS longer).
HOUSECALLS & PARTIES AVAILABLE - Kathiana can also come to your home or event (GREAT for when you just want it in the comfort of your own home [that's how I like it] - or for PARTIES - like organizing your friends for a Pampering Party, Bachelorette Party, Birthday Party, Wedding Preparation, Baby Shower+!!). Of course the price will be higher since you're paying for your convenience. You would pay her taxi both ways or come get her plus a bit more for the extra time it takes her prep time - to pack her stuff up to bring it to you, time to get there & back, etc. (typical).
(Remember - this is in her home & her sweet young son will probably be there so there can be some distraction in case you might have issues with that)
Pedicure = 6,000-c
Manicure = 4,000-c
Fake Nails = 13,000-c - Organica. Acrylic 13,000-c. Geletin - 7,000-c. Cold - 5,000-c.
Fantasias - 4,000-c HAIR:CUT = Men - prices start at 2,000-c (with shaver). Females - prices start at 3,000-c.
COLOR = prices start at 10,000-c - basic.
Blow Dry and Iron = prices start at 6,000-c
Eye Brow Shaping = prices start at 3,000-c
Make Up = prices start at 5,000-c+
Waxing = Hot - prices start at 6,000-c+. Foam = prices start at 4,000-c+
LANGUAGE: SPANISH ONLY - BUT - her husband Giovanni speaks English so he can translate for making the appointment & directions & telling her what you want (though he's not there often so it would have to be over the phone).
LOCATION: ESCAZU (in the mountains of San Antonio)She also sometimes works out of a salon near the plaza by the church - Sala de Belleza Marcella (I believe it's more there plus she of course would earn less).
KATHIANA - 8-840-6185
(Tell them that Vicki - the grande gringa with short red hair - Connected you!)
Do YOU have someone to add to this list that you found FABULOUS (ESPECIALLY English-speaking &/or that do NOT charge Gringo Prices)?
I'm happy to add them to the list.
Do YOU have someone to add to this list that you found FABULOUS (ESPECIALLY English-speaking &/or that do NOT charge Gringo Prices)?
I'm happy to add them to the list.
Inquire for pricing to be on this list that when you google - pedicures costa rica - OR - manicures costa rica - comes up towards the top of google searches.
Contact me (Vicki Skinner) for Details & Pricing:
Contact me (Vicki Skinner) for Details & Pricing:
PLEASE "SHARE" this information with EVERYONE you know that could use this delicious information (ESPECIALLY on your Facebook!!)
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Costa Rica's WARNER ROJAS Made it to the TOP of Mt. Everest!!
Canal 7 is reporting that Costa Rica's/Escazu's own WARNER ROJAS and his team has REACHED THE TOP OF MT. EVEREST!!
Warner and his partner lead AWESOME hiking tours in CR via http://PicoTours.com
CONGRATS ya'll!!
GoSwap - Trade YOUR Place for Something Else!!!!
Do you fantasize about moving out of your home and off to some distant land but you just can't sell your house because the value's gone so down? Have a timeshare or vacation rental property you just can't unload in a destination you're no longer interested in? You've sailed the 7 Seas and just want to stick to land for awhile but no one's buying yachts, boats or sailboats these days? You bought that dream land with the intention of moving there but things are keeping you close to home these days? Have an extra airplane to get rid of? Done that dream cross-country RV trip but can't afford the expensive gas these days and don't know what to do with it all???
GoSwap - http://GoSwap.org - is a site where people that own a house, business, vacation and timeshare property, yacht, sailboat, land, aircraft, cars or RV – can post to PERMANENT trade/swap it with others around the world!!!
MAKE THOSE DREAMS BECOME REALITY (or let the old ones go and hold on to the memories!!!)
Where to go BIRD WATCHING in Costa Rica
Costa Rica has 880 species of resident and
migratory birds, of which 56 are endemic to a region shared by Costa
Rica and Panama.
Some of the most sought after areas are:
(found in the little section in http://AMCostaRica.com where they translate a paragraph or two from one of the local Spanish papers. This one had originally appeared/been translated from an article that appeared in http://LaNacion.com
Some of the most sought after areas are:
Los Santos in
the Cerro de la Muerte
Palo Verde National Park in Guanacaste
Tortuguero on the Caribbean and
Corcovado in Osa
(found in the little section in http://AMCostaRica.com where they translate a paragraph or two from one of the local Spanish papers. This one had originally appeared/been translated from an article that appeared in http://LaNacion.com
Alliance Française Hosts Los Yoses Walking Tour - June 9
Los Yoses Walking Tour
promises a visit
to the 1950s and 1960s
the http://AMCostaRica.com staff
Los Yoses east of San José is best known as the location of the Centro Cultural Costarricense Norteamericano where thousands of Ticos have learned English. The area also is known as the present site of a supermarket and the building called Subaru, although that car dealer has moved operations elsewhere.
There is a former coffee plantation divided by Avenida Central. The majority of the area is within the Municipalidad de Montes de Oca.
But there is plenty of history here, and Alliance Française is organizing one of its walking tours with architect Andrés Fernández to prove the point. The title of this trek is “La Modernidad Josefina: El Barrio Los Yoses.”
The French cultural organization and Fernández have covered San José neoclassical, barrios, the surprisingly historic Barrio México and the churches of the downtown.
The excursion into Los Yoses is JUNE 9 (6/9 is VICKI'S BIRTHDAY!!!!), starting at 9 a.m. from the Instituto Cultural Mexicano, which is 250 meters south of Subaru.
This is by no means a colonial area. Until about 1947 the land was the Los Yoses coffee farm that was the property of Francisco Montealegre. The name comes from the yos tree (Sapium glandulosum), which grew in the area. According to Alliance, it was not until after the 1942 death of Montealegre that his heirs began to develop the area, first along what is now Avenida Central, the four-lane main drag.
Young architect Jorge Borbón Zeller and some of his other foreign educated contemporaries found the area perfect for developing their modern style with straight lines and large windows. They designed many fine homes, and the area was an upscale neighborhood. Some sections, such as Barrio Dent, still are.
Los Yoses stretches to the south to the Río Ocloro and to the east to the Circunvalación highway. A major structure is the Mall San Pedro and the famous Fuente de Hispanidad at the mall traffic circle. Alliance says that the barrio contains the biggest accumulation of international style architecture to be found in the Central Valley.
Photo via Alliance Française
Church of Nuestra
Señora de Fátima
via Alliance Française
Photo of supermarket
appears to be from the 1960s. The store still is in operation.Other architectural points of interest include the church of Nuestra Señora de Fátima and a multi-story structure for the Institute Costarricense de Electricidad.
Alliance is soliciting reservations for the guided tour. The walk ends back at the Mexican institute for lunch and a discussion.
interested can contact the organization
Alliance Française (afsj.net • 2-222-2283 / 2-257-1438) at its 3 offices:
Alliance Française (afsj.net • 2-222-2283 / 2-257-1438) at its 3 offices:
Amón (200 meters West of INS - 2-257-1944 / 2-257-1871)
La Sabana (200 meters South of Universal - 2-290-2705 / 2-290-7685) and
Heredia (100 meters East of Liceo Samuel Saenz - 2-262-7182 / 2-262-7180
SIGN UP for a FREE SUBSCRIPTION to the e-Newspaper - AM COSTA RICA which comes out Monday through Friday - http://AMCostaRica.com
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Seeking Recent Business Travelers to San Jose
Do you know any foreign business travelers who have visited San Jose a few times RECENTLY for business?
A friend with http://LatinTrade.com (the leading bilingual business publication and website in the Americas) is seeking 2-3 business travelers for a brief interview who do NOT live in San Jose, Costa Rica, but who visit the city regularly (or at least a couple times recently) for business. The interview is quick and could be done in English or Spanish.
He's seeking people to share their tips and opinions about visiting San Jose.
Here is an example of the type of questions they're seeking answers to from a previous article:
It's a volunteer (no pay) questionnaire that will just take you a few minutes and may help others have a more enjoyable time in San Jose, Costa Rica!
Contact me (Vicki) letting me know how they'd qualify ( LivingLifeInCostaRica@gmail.com ) and I'll Connect you!
Friday, May 18, 2012
Photography Class - Photographing Up Close - May 19
Where I'm going tomorrow - Saturday - 9am-noon!!!
It's not too late if you want to join in to this
Bilingual Photography Course (Español y English)
Bring ANY camera you have!
DESCRIPTION: This workshop is dedicated to bringing the object or person being photographed closer. Explore the differences when shooting a close up image and the photograph from a distance. Analyze the composition and the elements that we include in the picture. We will experience the different ways to get closer to objects or people who wish to photograph.
CONTENT: 1) Analysis of an image of near and far.
2) How to approach the object or person we want to photograph.
3) The psychological part of the physical approach.
4) Eliminating concerns.
5) Shooting close without a special lens.
WHEN: Saturday - May 19 - 9am to noon
COST•COSTA: $60/30,000-c (includes organic light snack)
LOCATION: Escazu Centro - Buena Tierra Restaurant/Studio - 2nd Floor - 100 Meters South of the Church of San Miguel (the main church)
PAYMENT: Cash or Credit Cards via PayPal or paid at Cafeteria Buena Tierra
OFFERED BY: Melanie L. Wells - http://MelWells.com - 8-753-8231
'Acercándose más a la imagen'
Sábado 19 de mayo 9am-12pm
(Curso Bilingüe)
Taller práctico de Fotografía
Venga a disfrutar de una mañana fotográfica!
¡Con CUALQUIER cámara que tenga!
Este taller está dedicado al acercamiento al objeto o persona siendo fotografiados. Exploraremos las diferencias al fotografiar una imagen de cerca y al fotografiarla de lejos. Analizaremos la composición y los elementos que queremos incluir en la fotografía. Experimentaremos las diferentes maneras de cómo acercarse más a los objetos o personas que deseamos fotografiar.
1) Análisis de una imagen de cerca y de lejos.
2) Cómo acercarnos al objeto o persona que deseamos fotografiar.
3) La parte psicológica del acercamiento físico.
4) Eliminando inquietudes.
5) Fotografiando de cerca sin usar un lente especial.
Es necesario reservar su espacio
Llame ahora!
solo $60.00 (incluye merienda orgánica liviana)
Restaurante/Studio Buena Tierra - 2ndo piso
100 Metros Sur de la Iglesia de San Miguel
Escazú Centro
-Trajeta de crédito en CAFETERIA BUENATIERRA
-Transferencia Bancaria en BAC San José
-PAYPAL por internet
Impartidos por:
Portrait of Melanie
Melanie L. Wells - Fotógrafa
Thursday, May 17, 2012
British Community Costa Rica's QUEEN's Diamond Jubilee Picnic 2012 (with link to 2015)
Details for the 2015's
British Community Costa Rica's are at:
British Community Costa Rica's are at:


invites you to their
WHEN: Sunday -
June 17th, 2012 - 10am-4pm
WHERE: Santa Ana - Zamora Estates (200 meters north of Bacchus
COST: 10,000-c. 4,000 children under 12 (includes your entrance and use of the grounds, full picnic-style buffet lunch [details coming], tea and cakes, entertainment plus children's activities. Drinks are NOT included). Tickets MUST be purchased IN ADVANCE.
This years event will be on a smaller scale (Zamora Estates can only hold 350 people vs the thousands that attended in the past at the British Ambassador's House) but it will incorporate many of the favourite elements of past Queen's Birthday Parties, including the British Shop (Marmite, Curry Pastes, Proper Teas, the products are on the boat now en-route!!), Pimms and English beer Bar and cider, plus music and children's activities and Raffles.
The Zamora Estates also has a wonderful swimming pool (with lifeguard. Bring your bathing suit and towel).
100% of the proceeds from this event go to support Costa Rican
schools in need
(last year they raised about $25,000)
(last year they raised about $25,000)
Interested in being a sponsor, Donating Raffle Prizes or for more information.
John Wakefield - jmwakey@racsa.co.cr
NOTE: This is NOT an officially organized event by the British Embassy as many like myself have always thought - I think mainly because in the past it's been HELD at the British Ambassador's residence. Evidentially it's been organized for awhile by a group of citizens calling themselves the "British Community"
This event is open to ALL!!!
This event is open to ALL!!!
A few pictures I've taken in the Past:
Various Video's from it:
(from http://TicoTimes.net)
Did you find this information helpful?? We welcome you to consider
making a
DONATION to help keep it alive!!! Go to the top right corner
for how to do that!! THANX!!!
Pet Products Fair • Feria de Productos para su Mascota - May 19-20
Weekend Fair for Pet Products
Fin de semana de FERIA DE PRODUCTOS para su MASCOTA!
This weekend enjoy the show of new and exclusive GKISS for your pet! New merchandise just arrived, beautiful and different designs of clothing, belts, retractable and variety of novelty items such as "coolbellies" and "heater" Come and see our products without compromise! It will be a welcome taste and serve!
Este fin de semana disfrute de la feria de productos nuevos y exclusivos de GKISS para su mascota! Mercadería nueva recién llegada, hermosos y diferentes diseños de ropa, correas, retractables y variedad de artículos novedosos como "enfría panzas" y "calentadores" Visítenos y observe nuestros productos sin compromiso! Será un gusto recibirle y atenderle!
HOSTED BY: GKiss (http://Facebook.com/GKiss.CostaRica / http://GKissCostaRica.com)
GKiss seems to be a cool company that carries some wild items for the pampered pooch like glow in the dark collars, rain coats, colored/blinged out leashes, doggies shoes and even leg warmers!, jewels, travel water bottles, mats to help keep your car clean+++++.
GKiss parece ser una empresa fresca que lleva a algunossalvajes artículos para el chucho cuidado en exceso, como collares que brillan en la oscuridad, impermeables, de color / blinged correas, zapatos fuera perritosy hasta calentadores de piernas!, joyas, botellas de agua de viaje, esteras para ayudar a mantener su coche limpio + + + + +)
DAY • DIA: Saturday / Sabado - May 19 - 9am-9pm. Sunday / Domingo - May 20 - 1-7pm (I've also seen 2-8pm???)
DIRECTIONS: San Jose - Barrio Escalante - Vanguard Coffee Staton - opposite the Teatro La Aduana.
DIRECCION: San Jose-Barrio Escalante - Vanguardia Coffee Station, frente al Teatro La Aduana! Estamos solucionando el problema directamente en la publicación del evento, disculpen el inconveniente!
Please tell them that Vicki Connected you and "SHARE" this link with EVERYONE you know that could use this information (ESPECIALLY in Facebook!!!):
Did you find this information helpful?? We welcome you to consider making a DONATION to help keep it alive!!! Go to the top right corner for how to do that!! THANX!!!
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
En 1 sesión aprenderás
• Paletas de Chocolate
• Bombones Rellenos
• Trufas
DIA: Saturday - MAY 19 - 1pm. Tuesday - MAY 22 - 6pm. Saturday - MAY 26 - 10am
COSTO: 20,000-c (incluye materiales y degustación)
LOCATION: San Pedro - Costado Este de la Rotonda de la Bandera. Frente al parqueo de Fridays
Did you find this information helpful?? We welcome you to consider making a DONATION to help keep it alive!!! Go to the top right corner for how to do that!! THANX!!!
Seeking REALLY GOOD Investigative Reporter with La Nacion??
Anyone have a contact for a REALLY GOOD Investigative Reporter with La
Nacion?? Someone not afraid to speak up to the catholic church/catholic way
of thinking (or avoiding thinking - & treating ALIVE people [NO it's
not abortion]) & willing to dig DEEP into researching a story (IF it comes down to that) - OH,
& speak good English.
Please share contacts as this is a REALLY IMPORTANT ISSUE/story that has the potential to help THOUSANDS of people & is needed NOW!!!!
Contact me (Vicki) at LivingLifeInCostaRica@gmail.com or 8-378-6679 and I'll connect you (though my cell isn't working real well where I'm pet/house sitting so call me on that # that's on the voicemail [I don't want to publish that # since I'm only going to be at it another few days]).
Please share contacts as this is a REALLY IMPORTANT ISSUE/story that has the potential to help THOUSANDS of people & is needed NOW!!!!
Contact me (Vicki) at LivingLifeInCostaRica@gmail.com or 8-378-6679 and I'll connect you (though my cell isn't working real well where I'm pet/house sitting so call me on that # that's on the voicemail [I don't want to publish that # since I'm only going to be at it another few days]).
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
4T PROSPERITY COURSE with Unity Costa Rica's - May 22, 2012 - in Escazu
For more info on Unity Costa Rica go to:
For more info on Unity Costa Rica go to:

with Unity Costa Rica's
with Unity Costa Rica's
4T por Prosperidad
Para obtener más información sobre la Unidad Costa Rica vaya a:
Para obtener más información sobre la Unidad Costa Rica vaya a:
Creciendo en Prosperidad
¿Qué es?
Es un curso que nos ayuda a fijar metas claras en nuestras vidas y procura remover los obstáculos mentales, emocionales y espirituales que nosotros mismos nos imponemos, para así alcanzar esas metas y gozar de una vida más prospera.
El programa utiliza conceptos y técnicas derivadas de programa de 12-Pasos, de la Programación Neurolingüística y de la teoría de la Inteligencia Emocional. Ofrece además una refrescante y renovada interpretación de citas bíblicas y aunque su base es fuertemente espiritual, no está asociado a ninguna religión.
Ver más Informacion: http://UnityCostaRica.org/creciendo-en-prosperidad
INDIAN POW WOW, Sweat Lodge & Ceremony at Ailanto - May 19 & 20
A Small Costa Rican INDIAN POW WOW at
Celebrate the 4 Elements with
Shamans Martha Lopez and Abuelo Carlos!
Shamans Martha Lopez and Abuelo Carlos!
Dress the part.
Dance around the Fire. Smoke a Peace Pipe.
Indian Prayer.
The Ceremonial Event is FREE!
(NOTE: Most of the ceremonies are prayers and singing in Indian language or Spanish • Español but it is translated into English as well)
(NOTE: Most of the ceremonies are prayers and singing in Indian language or Spanish • Español but it is translated into English as well)
Participate in an optional Temezcales/SWEAT LODGE*
(Saturday - 2pm - +$50/per person. Short one on Sunday - $20/per person).
WHEN: Saturday and Sunday - May 19-20, 2012
10am - Fire Lightingafter that enjoy the Swimming Pools, Hiking Trails and grounds on this pristine Mountain Reserve
Noon - Lunch
2pm - Temezcales/Sweat Lodge*
4-6pm Water Ceremony with Martha
7pm - Dinner
8-11pm-ish - Peace Pipe
7-8am - BreakfastOn your own to enjoy your own meditation, yoga, swimming, an optional massage (want a Mud Massage? You get to go to the pit to gather up the mud and do the mud baths!)
Noon - BBQ Lunch
afterwards - a short Temazcal•Sweat Lodge for those who wish to repeat it or just relax
4pm - Closing Ceremony where you Throw Away your Negative Thoughts in a Fire Dance (bring paper and pencil)
(all programs/times are subject to change)
IMPORTANTE, marquen sus calendarios 19-20 de mayo de 2012 Ceremonias de los indios a Ailanto, una pequeña COSTA RICA INDIAN POW WOW, ven y únete a nosotros para celebrar los 4 elementos, vestirse para la ocasión. Es un evento gratuito, vamos a bailar alrededor del fuego, el humo de la pipa de la paz, Temezcales, nadar en las aguas termales naturales. Las comodidades están disponibles en el sitio, así como las áreas de cocina, baños, duchas, etc También se puede acampar y disfrutar de nuestra Reserva de la montaña virgen. Yoga, Meditación, Oración de los Indios y la medicina ancestral, como se han visto en los canales 6, 7 y 9 de Costa Rica. Venga temprano y quedarse hasta tarde. Llame para hacer reservaciones y direcciones 83537386
• BUNGALOW ALL-INCLUSIVE - 1 night accommodations (Saturday) in a private
bungalow, Temazcales/Sweat Lodge Ceremony, Pow Wow Ceremony, 2 lunches, 1
breakfast, 1 dinner, fruit juices, grounds/warm springs access = $125/per person - double occupancy • BUNGALOW (NO food/drinks) - 1 night accommodations (Saturday) in a private bungalow, Temazcales/Sweat Lodge Ceremony, Pow Wow Ceremony, grounds/warm springs access = $85/per person - double occupancy
• TEEPES, HUTS, TEMAZCALES ALL-INCLUSIVE - 1 night accommodations (Saturday) in a private bungalow, Temazcales/Sweat Lodge Ceremony, Pow Wow Ceremony, 2 lunches, 1 breakfast, 1 dinner, fruit juices, grounds/warm springs access = $99/per person - double occupancy
• TEEPES, HUTS, TEMAZCALES (NO food/drinks) - 1 night accommodations (Saturday) in a private bungalow, Temazcales/Sweat Lodge Ceremony, Pow Wow Ceremony, grounds/warm springs access = $60/per person - double occupancy
• TEEPEES, HUTS, TEMAZCALES (these are replica Native American Teepees,
Aztec and Mayan Huts and Incan Chozas. They share common cooking areas,
bathrooms, showers)- $12/per person
• CAMPING (own tent) - $5/per person• BUNGALOWS (shared - sleeps up to 6 adults or up to 8 if mainly kids) - $25/per person
• BUNGALOW (private) - $70/2 persons (+ $15/additional, we have one that sleeps 8 and one that sleeps 4
Ailanto is a special property offering:
Meditation and Yoga Tree areas to enjoy your own practice.
Swim in one of 6 natural warm Thermal Springs Pools.
Massage - MUD or Regular = $35 for each ½ hour
Natural Medical Consultation - $50.
Ailanto was recently Featured on Costa Rica Channels 6, 7 and 9
Shamans Martha Lopez and Abuelo Carlos
Come early and stay late.
Fortuna de Bagaces, Guanacaste
FROM SAN JOSE on the new CALDERA HIGHWAY - 3 hours
FROM SAN JOSE on the PAN AMERICAN HIGHWAY - 3 hours - 45 minutes
FROM LIBERIA - 35 minutes North/East at the foothills of Maravalles Volcano
http://AilantoResort.com/blog / 8-353-7386 / hugo@AilantoResort.com
MAY MEDICAL TEST SPECIALS - Medico Feri Salud - May 21-25
8-710-9990-Dr. Graham / 2-222-5349 / 2-250-4313
Twitter - FeriSalud / FeriSalud@hotmail.com
Great health fair at the medical center with a variety of services and excellent prices - Open to public (including non-nationals)!!!:
Gran feria de salud en el centro médico con una variedad de servicios y excelentes precios - Abierto al público (incluso los no nacionales)
ANYONE WANT TO GO TOGETHER (especially from the Escazu area)
(and maybe do lunch or something to make it more interesting??)
(valid for appointments May 21-25)
• MEDICAL CONSULATION • Consulta Médica: 13,000 colones.
• EKG • Electrocardiogramas: 7,000 colones.
• PAP - LIQUID-BASE • Papanicolaou Monocapa (MUCH more accurate!!): 16,000 colones.
• PAP - GENERAL • Papanicolaou Convencional: 9,000 colones (includes lab work)
• DRIVERS LICENSE EVALUATION • Dictámenes para licencia de conducir: 10,000 colones.
Some sort of MUSCLE/FAT/METABOLIC SYSTEM TEST • Prueba de Bioimpedancia: 2,000 colones.
• HEARING TEST • Audiometrías: FREE to Seniors/GRATIS para el Adulto Mayor (con carnet y cédula).
• Measures LUNG FUNCTION • Espirometrías: 10,000 colones.
• Check your Vitals - Blood Pressure, Glucose, Height and Weight • Toma de signos vitales (toma de presión, glicemia, estatura, peso): FREE • GRATIS PARA TODAS LAS EDADES.
• NUTRITION CONSULTATION • Consulta de Nutrición: 13,000 colones.
• PSYCHOLOGY CONSULTATION • Consulta de Psicología: 15,000 colones.
(NOTE: The prices above are what you'd pay for the test. If you need/desire a Medical Consultation on top of it - you'd pay separately for that)
(NOTE: The prices above are what you'd pay for the test. If you need/desire a Medical Consultation on top of it - you'd pay separately for that)
LABS - 15% discount
These special prices are valid:
Monday - May 21 till Friday - May 25 - 8:30am-6pm
VALIDEZ: Lunes - 21 de mayo hasta el viernes - 25 de mayo - 8:30 am-18:00
ENGLISH SPEAKING DOCTOR: DR. KIMBERLY GRAHAM is a General Physician there that speaks Good English and seems to be a real sweetie!!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
SPECIALS on their Facebook Page
about ONCE every OTHER month
so sign up on their Facebook page to learn about more:
about ONCE every OTHER month
so sign up on their Facebook page to learn about more:
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
LOCATION: San Jose (Barrio Basconia) - Estamos ubicados en Plaza González Víquez, de las piscinas 125 meters este/East, contiguo a Librería Caribe. OR - Coming De la Clínica Carlos Durán - 200 m oeste/West.
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(see the top right corner where you can donate via PayPal, Banco Nacional and more!)
(Please tell Dr. Graham that Vicki Connected you!!!
and "SHARE" it with EVERYONE you know - ESPECIALLY on Facebook!!
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