I (Vicki Skinner - aka "THE Sarong Goddess") created this blog in 2007 to share DETAILED Finds•Lists•Info•Events•Experiences to help bring more EASE to people living in, visiting or thinking of moving to Costa Rica since DETAILS are NOT easy to find!
I’m NOT an expert (an "expert" 2 ME knows 101%-NOT me). I believe in sharin info•helping where I can! And with over 2,200 entries, so some things might be out of date, so if you find old info PLEASE help each other by getting the updated info & sharing it with me to revise. At least you have some basic info to get you started.
Better yet - do you have extra time on your hands & looking for a volunteer project? Since this blog is a labor of love & RARELY does anyone share a donation (even though MANY have said how much it's helped them), I could REALLY use help updating info. Spanish speakers ESPECIALLY welcome since my VicLish can be somewhat limited at times!!

Has my blog helped in any way? Helped find something•brought more EASE? More exposure or business?
I welcome you to show YOUR appreciation for my efforts!
(see below other ways to show your appreciation)
The easiest way is with PAYPAL - Attn: LivingLifeInCostaRica@gmail.com
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• APPLE LAPTOP - Do you have a Laptop you're not using? Mine recently broke so I'm using a lender. Must be new enough to run current Skypes & have an SDCard slot.
• Amazon.com or GoDaddy.com Credit•Gift Certificate (attn: SarongGoddess@gmail.com)
• Something else to share?? A gift certificate or invite for your business? I'm open!! (at times I'll add other things here that I'm seeking)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Dachshund Club of Costa Rica's Navidad•Christmas Reunion Party

El Dachshund Costa Rica Club te invita a la
The Dachshund Costa Rica Club

invites you to their

Reunión Club Dachshund Costa Rica Navidad
Dachshund Club Meeting Christmas Costa Rica

CUANDO•WHEN:  Domingo•Sunday - Deciembre•December 16 - 9am-1pm


**Territorio de zaguates: alimento de todo tipo, medicamentos como desparasitantes, vitaminas, antibioticos tomados o inyectables como amoxy inject o clavobay, champoo medicado o corriente. Doxyciclina para la erliquia. Cremas cicatrizantes, spray como cotivet, clorhexidina, en general cualquier medicamento sirve ya que ellos tienen casi 300 perros, como uds se pueden imaginar se ocupa mucho tratamiento de todo tipo.
**Adopciones Chonito: Esta vez colaboraremos con dinero en efectivo, el mismo sera utilizado para las terapias de Ruffito y ayudar a otros perritos salchicha que ellos han rescatado y ubicado. Tambien se recibe para ellos alimento Nutrisource Senior que es el que come Ruffo.
**S.O.S Animales: Recibiran lo que uds tengan gusto de darles

Sabemos que en nuestro pais hay muchas organizaciones que hacen su mejor esfuerzo por ayudar a los animales menos afortunados en situación de calle, es por esto que decidimos elegir a tres de ellas y no solo a una, el grupo es muy grande y estoy segura que entre todos podemos hacer un gran cambio no para la gente que forma parte de estas organizaciones sino para los perros que rescatan. El unico requisito que pedimos para asistir a la reunion es colaborar con lo que ud pueda (ya sea una o las tres agrupaciones). Todos debemos ayudar con alguna donación, es lo unico que les pedimos. La idea es que esos perritos tambien tengan una feliz navidad!
En la reunión habra representantes de cada organización a quienes se les entregaran las donaciones, ojala sea mucho lo que se recaude tanto en especie como en efectivo, para esa fecha ya la mayoria tendremos el aguinaldo en la mano, recuerden que manos que dan nunca estarán vacías

TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH on Translate.Google.com

Territory ** zaguates: food of all kinds, such as deworming medications, vitamins, or injectable antibiotics taken as amoxy inject or clavobay, champoo medicated or current. Doxycycline for erliquia. Healing creams, spray as cotivet, chlorhexidine, in general, any medication used since they have almost 300 dogs, as you guys can imagine it takes a lot of treatment of all types.
Adoptions ** Chonito: This time we will work with cash, it will be used for therapy and help others Ruffito sausage dogs they have rescued and placed. We also get food for them is the Senior Nutrisource eating Ruffo.
Animals SOS **: receive what they like to give units

We know that in our country there are many organizations that do their best to help animals less fortunate on the streets, which is why we decided to choose three of them and not just one, the group is very large and I'm sure Together we can make a big change for people who are not part of these organizations but for dogs they rescue. The only requirement we ask to attend the meeting is to work with what you can (either one or all three groups). We all need help with a donation, that's all we ask. The idea is that these dogs also have a Merry Christmas!
The meeting will include representatives from each organization who have surrendered their donations, hopefully much that is collected in kind and cash, and by that time most have the bonus in hand, remember that hands that will never be empty

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