Sat Yoga Satsang This Saturday!
Saturday - March 3 - 7pm
Following the satsang, some of our sangha musicians will join together in the back garden (weather permitting) to create some divine melodies. If you have an instrument, drum, voice, or song that you would like to share, please bring it along.
Schedule: This Saturday, March 3, at 7pm. Doors open at 6:30pm.
No Fee: Satsangs are FREE (but, of course, Love offerings are accepted with gratitude, and they enable us to continue offering these sacred gatherings)
Parking: We are asking all to park outside of the institute, but to please be mindful of our neighbor's lawns and property when choosing your parking spot. And please help our guard and his family with a good tip!
Parking: We are asking all to park outside of the institute, but to please be mindful of our neighbor's lawns and property when choosing your parking spot. And please help our guard and his family with a good tip!
Please Register As Soon As Possible by calling our volunteer staff at 2288-3294 or confirm by email. Please arrive on time so as not to interrupt the meditation experience for others.
We look forward to sharing the sacred space with you, and being with each other in Truth. Om Shanti.
Sat Yoga Seminar I - March 10 & 11, 2012
(This seminar is a prerequisite for participation in all other seminars and/or advanced classes)
This paradigm-shifting seminar will introduce you to all the fundamental concepts employed in Sat Yoga classes. It will enable you to participate fully in discussions and provide you with a larger and more encompassing identity and set of tools with which to navigate through life. The insights you will gain from this weekend seminar will crack open the ego shell and reveal the Pearl of Great Price at the center of your Being. It will shake you out of your comfortable (and/or miserable) egoic certainties and take you beyond the event horizon of mundane "normal" life. It will reveal that the sense of lack that plagues your life has all along been the gateway to eternal bliss-but now you will know how to make that bliss forever real and actualized in your everyday existence.
Not only will you receive the conceptual blueprint of the illusory egoic complex which has been ruling your mind, but you will be further aided by guided meditations that take you into the higher dimensions of Being, enabling you to liberate yourself in real-time from the delusions of Maya. You will learn the art of total mastery over the ego mind. You will learn to wield the sword of the spiritual samurai, the archetype of the flaming sword of Truth, and cut through the Gordian knot of the false self in one fell swoop. You will learn that you can silence the mind at will and ceaselessly abide in the deep silence of divine love and serenity that is our Supreme Reality.
Be a true pathfinder. You must have the courage and willingness to take the journey of Self-discovery all the way to its glorious denouement. Join us for this seminar if you dare-to be great.
Not only will you receive the conceptual blueprint of the illusory egoic complex which has been ruling your mind, but you will be further aided by guided meditations that take you into the higher dimensions of Being, enabling you to liberate yourself in real-time from the delusions of Maya. You will learn the art of total mastery over the ego mind. You will learn to wield the sword of the spiritual samurai, the archetype of the flaming sword of Truth, and cut through the Gordian knot of the false self in one fell swoop. You will learn that you can silence the mind at will and ceaselessly abide in the deep silence of divine love and serenity that is our Supreme Reality.
Be a true pathfinder. You must have the courage and willingness to take the journey of Self-discovery all the way to its glorious denouement. Join us for this seminar if you dare-to be great.
Where: Sat Yoga Institute (San Rafael of Escazú)
When: 10am-5pm Saturday & Sunday, March 10 & 11, 2012.
Lunch and other refreshments included both days.
Requested Donation: $200 (or 104.000 colones). The suggested donation is to help support the Ashram & Institute
Minimum Donation: $150 (or 78.000 colones)
Partial scholarships are available to those with financial limitations (but our number of scholarships are limited, so please inquire soon). Please talk to Radha if you need a reduced fee and can do karma yoga in exchange. Students who have already attended Seminar One but would like to take it again can participate for half-fee ($100). To secure your seat, we are asking for a 50% Non-refundable deposit.
Please register at least one week in advance. Thank you.
When: 10am-5pm Saturday & Sunday, March 10 & 11, 2012.
Lunch and other refreshments included both days.
Requested Donation: $200 (or 104.000 colones). The suggested donation is to help support the Ashram & Institute
Minimum Donation: $150 (or 78.000 colones)
Partial scholarships are available to those with financial limitations (but our number of scholarships are limited, so please inquire soon). Please talk to Radha if you need a reduced fee and can do karma yoga in exchange. Students who have already attended Seminar One but would like to take it again can participate for half-fee ($100). To secure your seat, we are asking for a 50% Non-refundable deposit.
Please register at least one week in advance. Thank you.