Try to AVOID LEATHER or SUEDE things if you live in Costa Rica!!!!!!!
This was my FAVORITE Leather backpack!!! It was THE STURDIEST thing I've EVER seen as I had it for over 9 years (got it from the leather store/maker at Mercado Central in San Jose). MANY a week I'd stuff that thing with 2-4 2 liter bottles of Agua de Pipa (Coconut Water - THE BEST REMEDY I've yet to find to bring my high blood pressure down).It was in a CLOSET IN a bag for about 6 months - during rainy season. Mind you on the other side of the closet was one of the houses water tanks which burst a few months back so there was a UNSEEN mold issue going on with this wall I think.
Mold is a VERY SERIOUS issue with living in the Tropics - in Costa Rica!! I speak from first hand SERIOUS EXPERIENCE as I SUDDENLY developed a HUGE ALLERGY to MOLD - to the point that I was "out of it" once for 6 week - 1/2 of the time I HAD to sleep sitting up because I couldn't breathe & even 4 nebulizers & 2 IV Steroid Drips STILL didn't make a difference!! Once I was staying the night in a friends basement Maid's Quarters - a room my friend hadn't been into in YEARS so she wasn't aware that there was mold growing on the WALLS!! & I LITERALLY was hallucinating that night!!!
This page is a work in progress as I'm going to start sharing HINTS on things you can to do get ride of Mold which ESPECIALLY comes during Costa Rica's Rainy Season and up to a few months after if not year around depending on where you live (higher damp areas DEFINITELY have the potential for mold year-round in Costa Rica!!)
This page is a work in progress as I'm going to start sharing HINTS on things you can to do get ride of Mold which ESPECIALLY comes during Costa Rica's Rainy Season and up to a few months after if not year around depending on where you live (higher damp areas DEFINITELY have the potential for mold year-round in Costa Rica!!)

PLEASE get me their information IMMEDIATELY in an email to:
Either share them "Comments" below or email them to me at:
Then rub Vaseline into the leather and let it sit in the sun.
(MAKE SURE to clean inside/ALL sides of it or it will just come back [or never have left])
Have you been diagnosed with bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, greepe, flu but it just will NOT go away?
Maybe you were MIS-Diagnosed and what you REALLY have is an
(WAYYYYYYYY common in Costa Rica)
Do you have congestion, hacking and/or even feeling a bit dizzy•off - especially feelings that does not go away?
welcome you to NOT jump and accept a doctors random UN-Tested diagnosis
and filling you with antibiotics, steroids or worse - saying it's
bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, greepe, flu - as there's an even better
chance (ESPECIALLY in Rainy Season and a few months after it even) that
what you REALLY have going on is an ALLERGY TO MOLD!!!!
Right now (Rainy Season in Costa Rica) mold is EVERYWHERE!!! In the wood of your house, in your closet, on your clothes and shoes, in your cupboards, on your walls - and outside - the trees, plants, ground!!!! EVERYWHERE!!!
I can't tell you how MANY people I know have gone through this and the doctor would just RANDOMLY prescribe ANOTHER DRUG (that often wreaks havoc on your body and does NOT FIX the TRUE problem!!) MISDiagnosing them!!!!!
I speak this from EXTREME EXPERIENCE and having gone through HELL where I had to sleep sitting up for 3 weeks because I couldn't breathe and I had doctors say it was all the things that I mentioned above - even went through 4 nebulizer and 2 iv steroid drips and STILL nothing worked.
See my article on ALLERGIES TO MOLD at: now (Rainy Season in Costa Rica) mold is EVERYWHERE!!! In the wood of your house, in your closet, on your clothes and shoes, in your cupboards, on your walls - and outside - the trees, plants, ground!!!! EVERYWHERE!!!
I can't tell you how MANY people I know have gone through this and the doctor would just RANDOMLY prescribe ANOTHER DRUG (that often wreaks havoc on your body and does NOT FIX the TRUE problem!!) MISDiagnosing them!!!!!
I speak this from EXTREME EXPERIENCE and having gone through HELL where I had to sleep sitting up for 3 weeks because I couldn't breathe and I had doctors say it was all the things that I mentioned above - even went through 4 nebulizer and 2 iv steroid drips and STILL nothing worked.
See my article on ALLERGIES TO MOLD at:
Concrobium Mold Control •
Help remove and control mold
(contact me for a contact on where to find this in Costa Rica:
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