I (Vicki Skinner - aka "THE Sarong Goddess") created this blog in 2007 to share DETAILED Finds•Lists•Info•Events•Experiences to help bring more EASE to people living in, visiting or thinking of moving to Costa Rica since DETAILS are NOT easy to find!
I’m NOT an expert (an "expert" 2 ME knows 101%-NOT me). I believe in sharin info•helping where I can! And with over 2,200 entries, so some things might be out of date, so if you find old info PLEASE help each other by getting the updated info & sharing it with me to revise. At least you have some basic info to get you started.
Better yet - do you have extra time on your hands & looking for a volunteer project? Since this blog is a labor of love & RARELY does anyone share a donation (even though MANY have said how much it's helped them), I could REALLY use help updating info. Spanish speakers ESPECIALLY welcome since my VicLish can be somewhat limited at times!!

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Sunday, November 25, 2012

COMMON-LAW "Marriage" • “Union Libre” in Costa Rica

In Costa Rica you (currently JUST a man and a woman) are considered Common-Law (“Union Libre”) after living together JUST 3 years - hence - entitled to all the same rights as a married couple.  To prove it, you just need a couple witnesses and a judge.  

If you want Alimony, you must file it within 2 years of separation.

Not together less than 3 years?  You’re not entitled to any $$ legally. (I’m not sure how Implied Promise type things - like the man promised to take care of her forever, or she quit her job for him or something.  Anyone know?).

Had kids together?  That’s a separate Paternity/child support case (Law 8101 Ley de Paternidad Responsable).



ARTICLE 242. - The union of public fact, notorious, unique and stable for more than three years between a man and a woman who have legal capacity to marry, take all patrimonial effects of marriage legally formalized at the end of any cause.
(As added by Law No. 7532 of August 8, 1995).
(As amended by Law No.7538 its number of 22 August 1995, it passed 229 to 242).

ARTICLE 243. - For the purposes indicated in the preceding article, any of the partners or their heirs may ask the Court to recognize the union. The action will be processed via the abbreviated process, regulated by the Code of Civil Procedure, and expire in two years from the breakdown of cohabitation or your death.
(As added by Law No. 7532 of August 8, 1995).
(As amended by Law No.7538 its number of 22 August 1995, it passed 230 to 243).

ARTICLE 244. - The legal recognition of the union in fact rolled back their property consequences of the date on which this union started.
(As added by Law No. 7532 of August 8, 1995).
(As amended by Law No.7538 its number of 22 August 1995, it passed 231 to 244).

ARTICLE 245. - After the union recognized, the cohabitants may be requested alimony.
When finished coexistence unjustified by a unilateral act of one of the cohabitants, may request the other to himself, a maintenance charge of the first, if not sufficient means to subsist themselves.
(As added by Law No. 7532 of August 8, 1995).
(As amended by Law No.7538 its number of 22 August 1995, it passed 232 to 245).



ARTÍCULO 242.- La unión de hecho pública, notoria, única y estable, por más de tres años, entre un hombre y una mujer que posean aptitud legal para contraer matrimonio, surtirá todos los efectos patrimoniales propios del matrimonio formalizado legalmente, al finalizar por cualquier causa.
(Así adicionado por Ley No. 7532 del 8 de agosto de 1995).
(Así modificada su numeración por Ley No.7538 del 22 de agosto de 1995, que lo traspasó de 229 al 242).

ARTÍCULO 243.- Para los efectos indicados en el artículo anterior, cualquiera de los convivientes o sus herederos podrá solicitar al Tribunal el reconocimiento de la unión de hecho. La acción se tramitará por la vía del proceso abreviado, regulada en el Código Procesal Civil, y caducará en dos años a partir de la ruptura de la convivencia o de la muerte del causante.

(Así adicionado por Ley No. 7532 del 8 de agosto de 1995).
(Así modificada su numeración por Ley No.7538 del 22 de agosto de 1995, que lo traspasó de 230 al 243).

ARTÍCULO 244.- El reconocimiento judicial de la unión de hecho retrotraerá sus efectos patrimoniales a la fecha en que se inició esa unión.

(Así adicionado por Ley No. 7532 del 8 de agosto de 1995).
(Así modificada su numeración por Ley No.7538 del 22 de agosto de 1995, que lo traspasó de 231 al 244).

Después de reconocida la unión, los convivientes podrán solicitarse pensión alimenticia.
Cuando la convivencia termine por un acto unilateral injustificado de uno de los convivientes, el otro podrá pedir para sí, una pensión alimenticia a cargo del primero, siempre que carezca de medios propios para subsistir.
(Así adicionado por Ley No. 7532 del 8 de agosto de 1995).
(Así modificada su numeración por Ley No.7538 del 22 de agosto de 1995, que lo traspasó de 232 al 245).

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