Little Theatre Group of Costa Rica performances at Feria International De Libro, San Jose, Costa Rica
August 2014
Dear Members and Friends,
Please make a note on your calendars of the upcoming LTG events this weekend
Aug 23rd and 24th 2014 at Feria International De Libro, being held at Antigua Aduana, San Jose.
Thr3e by Juan Carlos Rubio
Rachel, Angela, and Maggie have not seen each other in over 2 decades. Inseparable friends until then, the course of their lives took them to different places. But at this stage of the game they have a common anxiety, approaching their “special years” alone and unfulfilled ... During a long night they try to find a solution to the loneliness and latent frustration. They come up with an unlikely one, and all they need is a little help!....and someone to provide it!
Written by well known spanish actor,director, and playwright Juan Carlos Rubio,
directed by LTG veteran Noel Montagano, and featuring four talented actors Antoinette Van Belle, Chusi Hildago Castillo, Silvia Baltodano, and Federico Echeverria, this play will make you chuckle but might also make you reconsider what is really the secret of happiness.
Saturday Aug 23rd 11 am
Admission free
Saturday August 30th 12 noon
Admission Free
“Luncheon with Mark Twain”
A monologue presentation developed by, and performed by Steve Friedman
An adventurer and wily intellectual, Mark Twain, author of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn had many different careers in his life and wrote about them in prose which captured the American vernacular and tickled its funny bone. His personal life was largely unsuccessful and unhappy and many of his business ventures were poorly chosen and bankrupted him.It was his charm and integrity that allowed him to pay back all his debts with the proceeds of his highly successful lecture tours.
Sunday Aug 24th 11:30am
Admission Free

A monologue presentation performed by Annette Hallett in which Emily entertains her guests with anecdotes and poems based on her life
One of the most highly regarded American poets, Emily Dickinson, a famous recluse, dressed in white and secretly produced an enormous canon of poetry, which she hid from her family.
Her works were only fully discovered and published some years after her death Her personal life and its mysteries have sometimes overshadowed her achievements in poetry and her extraordinary innovations in poetic form. Some consider that Walt Whitman is her only equal in legend, and in degree of influence.
Sunday Aug 24th 11 am
Admission free
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