I (Vicki Skinner - aka "THE Sarong Goddess") created this blog in 2007 to share DETAILED Finds•Lists•Info•Events•Experiences to help bring more EASE to people living in, visiting or thinking of moving to Costa Rica since DETAILS are NOT easy to find!
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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

NUTS•NUECES - Where to find NUTS in Costa Rica - Walnuts, Almonds, Macadamia, Mixed Nuts, Pecans, Peanuts, Sliced Almonds, Organic

VERY FEW Nuts are actually grown in Costa Rica - hence they tend not to be cheap here.

A BIG WARNING when buying nuts - ALWAYS -
as numerous people (like myself) have experienced some bugs in them in the past (especially if they're imported, they are not the freshest)!!!!

Click here to find out where MY FAVORITE place is to get NUTS•NUECES in Costa Rica . . 

This is THE BEST place I've found to get all sorts of 

So what I gathered from my limited conversation with them (no one spoke English there) is that they they are the distributors to many microbioticas and mercados and they import nuts, seeds and grains from outside Costa Rica.  

I find their things MUCH FRESHER than most other places and MANY of their prices are LOTS better - though not all - but if it came down to freshness vs spending an extra 50¢, freshness would win out!!
 like everything else in Costa Rica, they do NOT always have everything!!!  

What all they POTENTIALLY have is:

Wheat Bran•Afrecho de Trigo  •  Sesame•Ajonjoli  •  Almonds•Almendras (normal y Sliced•Filet) •  Cashews•Anacardos  •  Blueberries•Arandanos  •  Hazelnuts•Avellanas  •  Brown Rice•Arroz Integral  •  Oatmeal•Avena Integral  •  Oats•Avena Molida  •  Almendras•Almonds  •  Oat Mosh•Avena Mosh  •  Azucar Crudo  •  Carne Soya Fina  •  Carne Soya Oscura  •  Carne Soya Gruesa  •  Barley Grains•Cebada en Grano  •  Barley Powder•Cebada en Polvo  •  Cherry's•Cerezas  •  Plums•Ciruelas  •  Prunes•Ciruelas Pasas  •  Chan  •  Shredded Coconut•Coco Rallado  •  Sweet Ground Flax?•Dulce Molido  •  FlaxSeed Fiber•Fibra de Lino  •  Soy Beans•Frijol de Soya  •  Candied Fruit•Fruta Confitada  •  Garbanzo  •  (Wheat Germ?)•Germen de Grigo  •  Sunflower Seeds•Girasol Semilla  •  GRANOLA  •  Garina Integral  •  Hibiscus Flower•Jamaica  •  Figs•Higos  •  Soy Milk•Leche de Soya  •  Lecithin-Granual•Lecitina-Granul  •  FlaxSeed•Linaza  •   Macadamia  •  Peantus•Mani  •  Maranon  •  Honey•Miel  •  MultiCereal  •  Brasil Nuts•Nuez de Brasil  •  Mixed Nuts•Nueces Mixtas (Hazelnuts•Avellanas, Almonds•Almendras, Pecans•Pecanas and Brazil Nuts•Nueces de Brasil)  •  Walnuts•Nuez de Nogal  •  Raisins•Pasas  •  Pistachos  •  Bee Pollen•Polen  •  Oat Bran•Salvado Avena  •  Semillas Selectas  •  Trigo en Grano  •  Yema de Trigo

I have a couple sample price sheets from when we there on the link below - but - especially since MANY these items are imported - all prices are subject to change!
(note - prices were from November 2013)


GRECIA - BUT, their location is quite tricky as there are NO signs from the road.  I can tell you it's on the old road (
Rt. 118 outside of Grecia) heading towards Alajuela - coming from Grecia Centro - PAST the World of Snakes which is about 1.5km from town (WOS is on your right). 

Keep going till you see the things in the pictures and turn down that obscure dirt road.

The white iron gate is on your LEFT if you are coming from Grecia central and the little dirt road is right BEFORE it. And less than a half a block down on the left is the nut shop
(this lot might have sold by now.  Let me know if you notice it please)

Actually - go to SarongGoddess.com/Other/NutreSol-GreciaCostaRica
and kind of follow the pictures to see where to go.

(tell them Vicki - the BIG gringa with the purple hair Connected you!!)


Nueces Industriales
 NuecesIndustriales.com  •  facebook.com/Nueces.Industriales  •  2-296-5222

I hear their prices are some of the lowest in the country and they're easy to deal with!!

They say they do processing of Nuts, Seeds and Dehydrated Fruits.
They even now have Black Sesame Seeds!!!

What all they POTENTIALLY have is:

Wheat Bran•Afrecho de Trigo  •  Sesame•Ajonjoli  •  Almonds•Almendras (normal y Sliced•Filet) •  Cashews•Anacardos  •  Blueberries•Arandanos  •  Hazelnuts•Avellanas  •  Brown Rice•Arroz Integral  •  Oatmeal•Avena Integral  •  Oats•Avena Molida  •  Almendras•Almonds  •  Oat Mosh•Avena Mosh  •  Azucar Crudo  •  Carne Soya Fina  •  Carne Soya Oscura  •  Carne Soya Gruesa  •  Barley Grains•Cebada en Grano  •  Barley Powder•Cebada en Polvo  •  Cherry's•Cerezas  •  Plums•Ciruelas  •  Prunes•Ciruelas Pasas  •  Chan  •  Shredded Coconut•Coco Rallado  •  Sweet Ground Flax?•Dulce Molido  •  FlaxSeed Fiber•Fibra de Lino  •  Soy Beans•Frijol de Soya  •  Candied Fruit•Fruta Confitada  •  Garbanzo  •  (Wheat Germ?)•Germen de Grigo  •  Sunflower Seeds•Girasol Semilla  •  GRANOLA  •  Garina Integral  •  Hibiscus Flower•Jamaica  •  Figs•Higos  •  Soy Milk•Leche de Soya  •  Lecithin-Granual•Lecitina-Granul  •  FlaxSeed•Linaza  •   Macadamia  •  Peantus•Mani  •  Maranon  •  Honey•Miel  •  MultiCereal  •  Brasil Nuts•Nuez de Brasil  •  Mixed Nuts•Nueces Mixtas  •  Walnuts•Nuez de Nogal  •  Raisins•Pasas  •  Pistachos  •  Bee Pollen•Polen  •  Oat Bran•Salvado Avena  •  Semillas Selectas  •  Trigo en Grano  •  Yema de Trigo

(THANX Jasona for this tip!!)


PriceSmart has some of the lower prices around for a pound of nuts BUT - MAKE SURE TO CHECK THE BAG as numerous people (like myself) have experienced some bugs in them in the past (they were not the freshest)!!!!
In the past I've seen (NOTE - these are OLD PRICES and EVERYTHING has gone up!!)
Walnuts•Nueces - 8,000-c (900 gram bag)
Pecans•Pecanas - 9,900-c
Almonds•Almendras 5,900-c (2 lb/902 gram bag) •  Sliced Almonds•Rodajas de Almendras 2,700-c (450 grams)
Mixed Nuts in Shells 
(Hazelnuts•Avellanas, Almonds•Almendras, Pecans•Pecanas and Brazil Nuts•Nueces de Brasil) - 3205-c   
Raisin's are cheap - about 2,800-c/$5.60ish
Craisins are under $5ish I think.


Contacts for MACADAMIA


ULTIMATELY - the BEST nuts for you are RAW NUTS - but they're not easy to find.  I WILL continue my search for NUTS GROWN IN COSTA RICA and post here!!  Nuts are overall VERY GOOD for you - BUT - pecans and macadamias have the most fat burning potential!!!  (THANX for sharin' this Sun!)



Alexandra said...

Actual prices are more like: 7900 col for a 900 gr bag of walnuts, 5800 col for almonds for 900 gr (sliced and whole is pretty much the same price)
- even peanuts are expensive. Raisins are only about 2800 col a bag, cranberries are about double I think. I buy a lot of walnuts since I bake and sell bread - fb: pura.vidaproducts or puravidaproducts.info Greetings from San Jose, Alexandra

Unknown said...

Well, first, thanks again for the lead on the NUTS!!! Great place ... although the guy who waited on me didn't get my references to the Purple-Haired Gringa. Oh well. For folks who are looking for this from your GPS, I would add that it's on (or off of) Rt. 118 outside of Grecia. The pictures that Vicki has are REALLY helpful, although we drove past the white iron gate because we missed the turn the first time. The white iron gate is on your LEFT if you are coming from Grecia central and the little dirt road is right BEFORE it. And less than a half a block down on the left is the nut shop. I will definitely be a regular there. Thanks Vicki!!!